Diablo IV Announcement Discussion

Noone is good in Sanctuary: not the demons, not the angels, not the humans, not the nephilims.

Not even Tyrael???

Tyrael is a dictator that uses the rhetoric of “justice” to justify his rule!

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Thank you for a wonderful BlizzCon 2019! I am touched that you have taken into account so much of our feedback throughout the years.
You said you wanted more so here is my personal wish/suggestion list:

  • Maxing out all of a character’s skills/talents should not be possible. Makes choices while levelling up meaningless in the long run. Enable us to acquire 80-85% of all possible skill/talent points and leave us to decide how to distribute them
  • Allow skill/talent points respecing. It may be gated behind a quest and have an increasing price but should be readily available anyway.
  • Health shrines will probably be part of the final game. If not, then do include them. Let there be different shrine models depending on the world area where they are found (e.g. stone fountain when in a monastery courtyard, a small pond of fresh water amidst an oasis when in the desert etc.)
  • Not all classes should have access to pets or at least not every type of pet (e.g. Sorceress can have familiar, Knight can have squire but not vice versa)
  • Never really liked the idea of NPC followers in Diablo III. If you must, integrate passive bonuses into equipment/auras/runewords but scrap the followers. I feel those will turn especially redundant with the advent of open world and players meeting each other more often on the battlefield.
  • As much as I’d like to dodge-walk my way to immortality, it may be prudent to add some type of finite resource to the dodge mechanic. I dare not say s*****a, but dodging ad infinitum is just stupid. Restrict only dodging though, leave running alone!
  • The holy warrior archetype must be one of the original five that come with the base game. Not necessarily called a Paladin (may be Akkhanite, Lilithian/Lilithid, Zakarumite etc.), I am confident this class will provide for exceptional narrative with plot twists and moral dilemmas, which will be especially strong in the context of Diablo IV’s story.
  • Create class origin stories. Class A starts in Hawezar, class B starts in Kurast and so forth. Nothing too ambitious, just 10-15 introductory minutes with unique dialogue and area(s). Still, another way of making a class feel distinctly different from the rest.
    You did a great job with WoW starting zones, Diablo III’s follower quests added a nice flavour too. The base is there, built on top of it.
  • Add an option to adjust level of transparency for the minimap in the top right corner
  • Do not scrap good ol’ map overlay that usually shows when we press Tab
  • Make the juxtaposing arrows in the skills/talents menus look more runic, more Celtic, like the rest of the interface.
  • Add an option to adjust overall UI scaling
  • Add a “Looking For Group” menu with filters for dungeons and open-world events
  • Keep the current stained glass design for elements in the skill bar. Colour coding is impeccable and adding new skills with expansions should be a tad bit faster, at least art-wise. Also, the icons are Gothic AF.
  • I just don’t feel the clustering of UI elements in the lower left corner. Maybe it’s a matter of time and getting used to, maybe not. Maybe the equal spread of elements along the bottom edge of the screen from previous games in the series is the best solution and there is no need for experimentation in this particular area. (PC player, don’t know if this solves a mobile problem)
  • Let us show/hide and expand/collapse elements of the interface - quest tracker, chat window, skill bar etc.
Game engine:
  • Certain areas are too desaturated. Let metallic surfaces’ sheen show a little bit more. Right now, some metal objects look like they are made of clay. Same goes for larger leather and wooden entities. Too earthy. Finding the balance between this state and “too cartoony” will be hard, but not impossible. Tweak until most of the community is pleased (can it ever be pleased?)
  • Noticed that some of the more powerful Druid and Barbarian AoE skills produce animations and sound effect that are veritable explosions. Those may be toned down a bit for the sake of realism. Certain ground attacks produced circular rather than the expected (based on perspective) elliptical effects.
  • Allow us to create map markers. With big open worlds and the freedom to choose our own paths, comes the necessity for navigation and multitask organization. Not sure if this belongs here or under UI, but I put it here because this category ended up scrawny
  • Drop the Attack stat on amulets by default. To me, those feel like something that is used for non-physical warding, spiritual protection, luck if you will. You can leave Attack only for a few select uniques where it is thematically appropriate.
    For example - to the aforementioned holy warrior, an amulet is no more than a symbol of faith and conviction which boosts the potency of a defensive aura at best.
    A skilled assassin however, may perceive said amulet as a shuriken when in dire straits or a garrotte when on the prowl.
    I think you will agree this is in perfect unison with your vision for specialized item slots and legendary powers.
  • On the topic of the Arsenal system, here are a couple of ideas in addition to what Barbarians have now:
    ○ A slot for quivers that is available only to archers. The latter may also have special gloves and/or glove properties considering they have to pull the bow string a lot
    ○ Spellbook slot for Sorceress. Depending on the type of spellbook equipped, a different school of magic may be amplified
    ○ Unique slot for the holy warrior where they can store a relic of sorts. This may be tied to their story as well (safeguard and deliver?)
  • Mythic items should drop with stat combinations useful to the class that gets them unlike Primal items in Diablo 3 which extremely rarely do.
  • A given class should NEVER get a Mythic item drop for another class (e.g. Druid staff drops for Sorceress)
  • All classes can wear whatever type of armour they want, provided they meet some basic requirements (e.g. you have to invest into Strength/Constitution/Might in order to wear heavy plate mail; similarly, you cannot make use of a nunchaku unless you have X points into Dexterity/Agility).
  • Implement longer rune words consisting of up to six runes, as long as game engine and power balance allow it of course.
  • Gem and rune socketing should not be possible for all item types. In other words, socketing a ring, a filigree tiara or the hilt of a two-handed sword sounds perfectly fine to me, but slapping a rune on a plain leather glove or a flaxen cap seems somewhat forced.
Release date:

Any date after Q3 2021 will be too far away. It is reasonable considering how much there is to do, but people simply won’t be able to hold on for so long
Consider the following scenarios instead:

  • Playable limited-time alpha and beta releases with the earliest one opening in Q4 2020
  • Playable AND purchasable early access version of the game in Q4 2020 or Q1 2021

These may include just the first act of the game and the three classes from BlizzCon 2019 but nonetheless showcase more mechanics, skills, items so we can further test and provide even more feedback while it is not too late for big changes.
Let’s not repeat the same mistakes with itemization and power creep from Diablo III. Why not nail it from the very beginning instead of making desperate patches with Loot 2.0, 2.5, 3.3 and so on?
I know you have a philosophy of releasing either complete polished products or nothing but I still urge you to take notice of some recent development and publishing practices.
Games growing alongside their communities, programmers and artists discussing features with players at every stage of the process have become incredibly successful.
The fear of divulging secrets and spoiling surprises must not hinder you from experimenting and staying close to the people who have respected the fruits of your labour for as much as 23 years.

Aside from those, the majority of your ideas and plans for the future is spot on. As long as you stick to the promises given during this year’s BlizzCon, I’m sure Diablo IV will set a new standard for perfection in its genre when it comes out.


My considerations are :

1 - Inventory felt weird, chest piece that have the same size of an ring. Plz bring the inventory tetris. Also charms are very cool itens, i heard you dont want us to choose between power(inventory full of charms like in D2 and you have to portal everytime when you drop a cool item) and convenience of lots of space in inventory, maybe if you put a inventory stash just for charms and that kind of stuff.

2 - The attributes on itens are shallow, just attack and defense… We need fire res, cold res, all res, and other stuff. (D2 itens attributes system are awesome) (love that u brought crushing blow back)

3 - The potion system is also shallow, just a pot that u have a 30 second cooldown, im not a big fan of the D3 mana system.

4 - We need an application for the normal itens, the runeword system on D2 was awesome!!! just copy and paste. These new runewords in the demo are ok, for yellow and blue itens, but normal itens need an extra attention, otherwise were not going to use them.

Sorry for bad english, we dont have these kind of post in the Brazilian foruns…


Demons are inherently evil. Lilith used Inarius to create an army of Nephalem to win The Eternal Conflict between Heaven and Hell.

The Writings of Lilith Part 4

Inarius and I stole the Worldstone, and now we have a group of renegades to follow us. I have created a new world where we can live in peace. A place of infinite possibilities. Inarius believes that escape is enough. In time, I will show him that even victory is possible. But first, I will give him children.

Multiplayer VS Singleplayer and the Value of suggestions:

There’s a lot of comments about “I dont have a singleplayer experience anymore” “Blizzard is forgetting us the singleplayers” or “I hate the new multiplayer gameplay they have, this doesnt feel like Diablo anymore” and more comments with this vibe

  • So, in you opinion Blizzard should sacrifice the multiplayer gameplay for others that want this feature since long because you want to have a Singleplayer experience!?!?

Here’s the thing, Blizzard have 4 options in this game related to Multiplayer VS Singleplayer gameplay (3 actually, the 4th is my suggestion), they can either have a game with:

  1. Full multiplayer experience

ok, so sacrifice the players that want solo gameplay completely, It’s wont possible, Blizzard already said they are listening to their Blizz Players so, they dont want to abandon the solo players

  1. Full singlaplayer experience

Same reason as before but the other way around

  1. Multiplayer/Singleplayer experience mixed in
  • That is one of the best options, they are giving the game a multiplayer experience but still they dont forget Singleplayers since a player can do what they want, on dungeons for example, being solo or with a party.
  • This also includes the fact that the amount of players seen in the overworld is limited exept for Towns and World boss zones
  1. Toggeable Option

Add a toggeable option on character creation where they disable multiplayer content for that specific character
This is my suggestion:

  • Like the hardcore mode, you can toggle if you dont want to have multiplayer content on your character, this feature would be permanent for each character.
  • Nerf World bosses on single player characters so they are still Hard and take time to take down but can still be soloed by players when singleplayer mode is active.

this way there will be no sacrificies directed to Single/multiplayer and this choice will be left for each player to play what style they want to play

  • Another thing i saw alot is something like “since I do singleplay there is content i cannot access because world bosses cannot be done alone” you got one thing wrong!!! World bosses are indeed a multiplayer event but there is no content blocked behind it, the only thing you get its better chance on getting higher lvl/quality items.

  • This is not something I should be saying but I would suggest people that comment on this forum to actually play attention to content that has been released so far related to D4, search for interviews on youtube/twitch done by players to D4 developers like Quin69 and Rhykker, they have done interviews to them while streaming theirgameplay experience on the beta at Blizzcon, other famous players have large amount of info on the new content offered at Blizzcon 2019 even just the “Diablo4: unveiled” panel is available to everyone so watch it, even if you have to watch it 2 times to fully understand what they have so far.

This is very important because D4 Dev team is listening to our complains and suggestions since we are very early on dev to try and implement the new systems in a better way so everyone has a greater experience playing D4 and have a game delivered to us that has what we want in a Diablo game

My considerations are :

  1. Inventory felt weird, chest piece that have the same size of an ring. Plz bring the inventory tetris. Also charms are very cool itens, i heard you dont want us to choose between power(inventory full of charms like in D2 and you have to portal everytime when you drop a cool item) and convenience of lots of space in inventory, maybe if you put a inventory stash just for charms and that kind of stuff.
  2. The attributes on itens are shallow, just attack and defense… We need fire res, cold res, all res, and other stuff. (D2 itens attributes system are awesome) (love that u brought crushing blow back)

Regarding the 1st option of charms i do agree with you, not so much about tetris, thats is actually contradicting what you said about inventory space

there are resistances ingame as secondary bonuses, i’ve seen it on the gameplay videos of players at blizcon

Diablo III runs great on PS4 and Xbox, goes on Nintendo Switch as well. There is known to be control from the gamepad. Diablo IV will also be ported to Sony and Microsoft consoles. Will the PC version have gamepad support?

Here’s the thing, 1st, do your homework before saying things you dont know, there are resistances and attack speed etc on items for D4,

In the new game, D4, the promotion is diversification, what do you want? end game runewords like enigma? so, everyone will be doing the exact same thing, endgame meta will be the same runeword for everyone, so, where is the diversification you want? its gonna end with you playing with the same itemization every time you reach endgame… plus rune conditions/effects means diferent ways to make your character stronger, also means more runewords and combinations

diferent resources means class differentiation, drawing a line between what is a barb and what is a sorcerer for example

as offline, i dont think its possible, big companies now a days dont want their game to be pirated, having to be online to play the game means less pirating, second, and the only thing i agree with you is if you want to have afull single player experience you should be allowed to do so, and thats why i suggested a couple posts after yours to add a per character permanent option to disallow multiplayer content

and last if you want a D2 remastered/remake, as far as we ahve been hearing there are multiple teams working on multiple diablo projects, maybe you can dream of a remastered version of D2. another thing, if you want something you need to respect the people that you are asking from, its not because you are being disrespectful that you will get something, on the contrary you will probably not get what you want, so dont be an ******* to people and respect them because one way or another “almost” everyone deserves it, and YOU are not included in this case

I heard there will be control support from people that streamed Blizzcon beta test

what was shown on the beta is not the final, they said while preseting D4 at the unveiled panel that the 2 slot runewords arent final and so far only the 2 word runes were implemented but there were 2+ runewords planned as well

It’s not an MMO. You can solo the whole game.

Respect is earned not given freely and the whole Blizzard company lost that respect not too long ago so they will have to earn it again.

Pirating still happens. I know many people right now that are using pirated copies of d3. They are all logging under the same user name even though they are in different countries.

There will not be diversification at all. With limiting the stats that matter you make things far more cookie cutter. So the end game will see the same thing d3 saw. All the leader boards will be filled with cookie cutter bots. And there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Off line is very much possible. But I think we all know why its mandatory.

I love the direction and being a console player im hoping for one major thing, the duping please tell me the dupes cannot happen on consoles it was so dominate and so easy on consoles and made me pretty much quit lol i would love a safeguard from this might be stupid for posting cause im sure its well known by now hence d3 but thanks for all your hard work i am most definatly getting d4 hands down no matter what hopfully its no later than 2021 as the wait will kill me every moment from now till then haha

Except certain things like a world boss…world boss, that’s not MMO?


You can show up by yourself. You don’t have to party. You don’t have to talk. There is 0 social interaction if you don’t want it. Social interaction was the point you were making. And no, adding world bosses doesn’t make it an MMO lol. Its just and arpg with an open world.

MMO’s are all about group play and clans. All end game components aren’t soloable.

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I haven’t gotten a chance to pour over screenshots and such from Blizzcon. Are we still looking at Arial as the font for items? If not, hooray.

If so, changing the font to something more gothic/impactful is such a small, small thing that adds to the theme and flair of the game.

Sooo, them saying the world boss has to be defeated by a group of players, not solo? The game is still forcing people to play amongst other players is my point. Just like the new Bethesda fallout. This is where most new big names games are turning. Gather tons of other posts stating and comparing this to mmoarpg for a reason.


No, your point was that people with social anxiety will have to group with people and that is obviously not required. If that’s not the case then stop using it as a crutch to be against something. Just be against it because you don’t like it.

The only thing that isn’t 100% soloable is world bosses. However you said the game is forcing you to group up for all end game content and for access for the best gear. World bosses aren’t even an end game feature so I don’t know where you got that. They said they are exploring other end game things but the ONLY end game feature they have right now is keyed dungeons which is a 100% soloable thing.

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