Diablo IV Announcement Discussion

I never said D4 WAS an mmo, I said I didn’t want it to be and/or feels like, for reasons listed. It’s still in development. I do not know what comes from the “world boss” as far as items or special things.

They said you can solo or group, but there is world events and world boss. This in itself is a feature associated with mmo’s, period. This is what majority of people know these terms from, world boss and world events.

We can agree to disagree, I don’t like to argue about opinions.

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Well your original post that started this chain has a lot of grammatical errors so I just interpreted it the best I could. But it’s true that end game gear comes from end game encounters and only keyed dungeons are end game feature. Dungeons are also something that makes you think of MMOs.

I wasn’t trying to argue an opinion but that people with social anxiety won’t be affected as there is no requirement to party for anything.

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They do not have D4 plan in 2018…
They have no choice to open d4 project in 2019 due to the phone game :slight_smile:

2021 100% not possible, from experience… 3 years at least… god bless you !

Yes, grammar is not and never has been my strong point. Thank god for programs during my college Endeavor to correct me.

Overall I am excited about the Diablo 4 announcement and the designs we currently know. Here is my more detailed feedback/preference (did not find a better place to do so).

Overall my Diablo gameplay philosophy is to have personalized and customized build, in other words, it should more often encourage/allow me to play differently from others than trying to use popular builds for performance.

  1. Customized character creation: Very Good. Not sure how much we can customize them though (Like can we change body size/body shape? I would like to see those as that would make characters even of the same class very different for different players.).
  2. Item quality system: Good. Just a small comment about the mystic items. If they are superior to legendary and sets, shouldn’t they combine certain aspect from these two? The feature of legendary should be easy. For feature of sets, to be not too constraining diversity, on mystics, they could something like “when you have at least/at most/exactly X other mystic/legendary/set items equipped, …”.
  3. Runes and runewords: Very Good. The modularized conditions and effects are a very effective way to increase diversity. There could also be room for the combination of 3 or more runes (like logic ands/ors for conditions, and random/sequence for effects etc.?).
  4. Item affix diversity: Good?. Have a question mark here because the respond to Q&A in the Blizzcon System&Feature talk is somewhat unclear to me. It is only clear that the values associated to effects would be randomized, which is good, however, in my opinion, only attributes to a small part of the diversity, because it is too obvious what numbers would be best (almost always going for bigger/smaller number) and it often does not have game mechanism change with different numbers. While the answer doesn’t cover it, I would prefer to see more randomization on combination of affix types (non-numerical) or even type of components for affixes. Such as the legendary has one affix that can roll +1 rank to certain skill in a range of possibilities, or even something like the randomized two parts respectively (conditions and effects) of the design on runes.
  5. Dungeon key system: Good. Not very sure how much variety it would provide to end game, but at least, it is definitely way much better than the current greater rift system in D3.
  6. Skills and Talents: Maybe Good. The impact of these is unclear to me until more detail is known. Normally these systems would only constrain the possibilities, which possibly reduce the diversity. However, they could be interesting if the constraints are reasonable, and there is many interesting way to interact with them (like item affix etc.).
  7. PvP emphasis: Questionable. I am not a big fan of PvP, and especially I am not sure if Diablo series is a good place for PvP (for games like Starcraft it makes much sense though). In particular, if the item balancing decision or game progress/reward setting regarding for PvP compromised much of PvE experience than this would be a very questionable part.

Hey Blizz,

I wanted to say thanks for creating a space for us to leave feedback/share our excitement for Diablo 4.

I wanted to chime in with my own feedback.


  • I love the art direction you’ve taken. It’s excellent. Well done!
  • The weight of the attacks is evident. Especially with Druid and Barbarian, also with the Sorceresses Meteor ability.
  • The re-introduction of skill trees is very nice. As are skill ranks.
  • Monsters look excellent, especially considering that only a few were shown in the demo.
  • Character Customization
  • Mythic Items seem like they are definitely going in the right direction of being the most sought after, super rare to find items and that’s good.
  • Love the key system for dungeons!
  • Love the way you’re reworking monster affixes to affect monster abilities instead of just giving them generic add-on’s.
  • Also, I perused the concept art for class gear. WOW! They all look exceptional! Really love what your artists have come up with. Looking forward to seeing more.


  • Loadouts. In my opinion this is very bad game design. How can I feel like I’m playing a sorceress with a wide array of spells if I have to pick and choose the abilities I use. I’m assuming there isn’t going to be a way to swap between different skills from the same tier mid-combat. My sorceress knows how to use 30 abilities but can only use the ones I make her remember in town? This one isn’t a huge deal breaker for me but…it’s not the greatest game design in my opinion.

  • “Endgame”. This term is HORRIBLE. This term should not exist in the way it exists now. “Endgame” translates to “The game doesn’t actually start until you’re max level.” Look at Diablo 3, nothing you do before max level has any purpose at all. Leveling is simply a gate that stops you from playing the game. You find a legendary item at lvl 23? Pointless. Looking at D2, endgame started the moment you started the game. Your build was started through your skill choices, each piece of gear you found you’d compare to your current gear. For example, early on you find a piece of blue gear with +2 Dexterity and it’s obviously an upgrade to your white item. You equip it. Then, within the next hour or so you find a new pair of boots with 5% Fire Resist and Half Freeze Duration and you ask yourself if you want to keep the dexterity or you want the fire resist and half freeze duration. Most importantly, there was gear you could find at lower levels that would be amazing even at higher levels. You could find a unique item at lvl 30-40 and it could be one of those awesome ones that last you until you’re in your lvl 80’s and going for that final endgame stuff (Some of the best items for certain builds could be found at lower levels (E.G. Guillaume’s Face you OP AF helmet). You’d replace gear over the course of your character but every decision culminated in your power and character growth. Now, technically there was an endgame in Diablo 2 (Here’s looking at you mlvl 85 areas lol) but the game didn’t start once you could farm that stuff, that’s just what every choice you made until that point culminated in. This is getting long so I hope I’ve articulated what the inherent problem with “endgame” is.

  • Itemisation. This is important and kind of ties into what I was saying with endgame. The stats on items need to be more than just stat sticks. There needs to be flavour, special things that affect gameplay in more ways. I don’t want to not pay attention to a piece of gear beyond just seeing a little green arrow that says “Yup, this item is an upgrade. Equip it for X% boost in power.” I want to decide what’s best for my character and my build. And there should be stats beyond just “Yes! 12 more intellect! Score!” There should be stats that make me debate if I want to trade off some damage for them or trade off something else for them.

  • Current rune system. I understand what you’re going for here and that’s an interesting take on runes. However, the system kind of feels like a side thing that doesn’t really do anything of consequence. They aren’t really runewords. It’s just gems that aren’t just stat buffs. Now, I’m not saying that the system doesn’t have a LOT of potential, it absolutely does but, the current version seems a bit lackluster. It didn’t really make me feel like “Oh, I’m definitely going to be hunting down runes when I get my hands on Diablo 4!” It felt more like, “Oh, well, if I find some runes I’ll just throw them in my gear for that extra effect because they’re there.”

Anyways, if anyone actually reads my massive wall of text let me know what you agree with and disagree with.

And again, thanks to the Devs for taking our feedback and doing everything they can to make the best Diablo game possible!


Hello Blizzard,

Firstly, I don’t know how to thank you enough to try to make a come back to the roots of the Diablo series. This license I love so much since 1999 and which I felt instantly in love with when I was young, when I’ve been lucky enough to discover Diablo 1 and then Diablo 2/Lord of Destruction.

I’ve never been able to enjoy Diablo 3, the game was way too far from Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 on too much aspects…
I think the biggest misfortune about Diablo 3 development has been to be done during the golden era of World of Warcraft (and with a brand new dev team, because no more BlizzNorth), and then that’s why D3 gave me the feeling to play some kind of a WoW game with a 3D isometric aspect.
The game mixed too many elements of World of Warcraft, such as the colors of the different objects according to their rarity, the auction house, the overall design of the game, etc.

Diablo and Warcraft are two complete different series and should remain different. I think their core players love both games for what they are, and not for what they mix. I mean, when it comes to the identity of the games.

So yes, I’m glad to hear you’re going to rely on what was good in both D1 and D2 to make this Diablo IV.
But then here comes my slight disappointment about what I saw in your Diablo IV gameplay trailer :
Why did you choose to make an interface / inventory / skill location on the screen, so close to what they are in D3 ? I’m aware this is a very early shape of the game, but still…
It wouldn’t be better to make something completely different ? To not even be slightly close to D3 ? I mean D3 was such a disappointment for such a large number of Diablo fans, if you claim a return to the roots, then the overall interface should follow the same direction… Or at least something which won’t look like a “D3 reskin” or a “D3 2.0” at all.

I don’t think the idea of having extremely rare items untradable fits well for a Diablo game. Or I guess you should define which ones and how much they’re going to matter in the overall customization aspect in the long run.
Trading was a huge part of the Diablo 2 experience, either with friends or unknown players. The economy itself was made through the trades and made the game alive, but even more, it kept the game alive during all those years (and until today).

The crafting aspect was also incredibly deep in D2, with tons of prefix/suffix (the affixes) and such a large of variance in the stats. It added an endless replayability due to having to farm the reagents for the differents recipes.
And the differents recipes were linked to differents stats attributes which were the reasons why the customization in Diablo 2 was that deep.

Thus, having the opportunity to craft items (which were the rare quality ones, mostly, in D2) that could spawn as strong as the best uniques ones, or maybe even stronger, made the game entertaining endlessly.
But yes, the percentage to get the right bonuses were incredibly low, it was even mad to see how hard the probability to get some perfect stats was hard (almost impossible, lol), but the idea of being able to reach them kept the motivation to try over and over and over and over again.
So the whole idea is to not necessarily have the exact same thing in Diablo IV, but it might be a very good starting point to build up a new crafting profession. Like an improvement of what the Horadrim cube was allowing players to do. In a deep and wise way.

I had a mixed feelings when you said no offline aspect. I can, somehow, understand why the online mod should be “mandatory”, but being able to enjoy the whole content of the game in case my internet is broke for any reasons, or because I’m traveling with a laptop, or just in order to play without any kind of lags is such a great thing.
In Diablo 2 the offline characters were saved in the user computer. The online ones (aka the realms characters) were saved in the battlenet servers. The whole system was great, why it wouldn’t be possible to do the same with Diablo IV ?

About the whole design of the game, as it is currently shown, I’m incredibly happy. I think the Gothic / Dark heroic fantasy style was what made Diablo 1 and 2 looking so great. It fits perfectly with the whole atmosphere of Diablo.
And as someone said in this thread, the more fear is suggested, the more frightening it is. Not being able to fully recognize something, or someone, or an area due to the darkness around is what scares you to the guts.
And then to complete this, it requires a masterclass Soundtrack. Everything has been said about D2 Soundtrack already, it’s a masterpiece on its own. I hope our ears will also be blessed with Diablo IV.

The characters select screen menu is also a very good starting point. Some sort of a first look of what could ever be a Diablo 2 remastered game. I like it a lot, and thank you for that.
The characters also have a more authentical look. The sorceress seems to be no longer an asian type (which was weird to see, in D3, to be honest) and thus also back to her roots.
The current animations of the character (sorceress) seem sober/simple and efficient. Exactly what I hoped. Exactly what I think about a Diablo character, overall.
So having a well animated character, with a well made animation and beautiful/sober effect spells is a dream. And the sorceress seems to take the right direction on this matter.
Let’s hope every characters will be designed in the same philosophy.

The randomness of the map was also a great thing and added tons of replayability. I don’t know how is it going to be in Diablo IV, but it’s definitly something to consider, whatever the form it’s going to take.

Those are my first words about Diablo IV. I’ll follow the project for sure.

I’ll pray everyday to see a great brand new Diablo which will really be a worthy successor of Diablo 1 and Diablo 2.

My best wishes.


I probably miss it at some point, but will be possible to choose the gender of a class? or gender will be class locked ?

No gender locks confirmed.

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According to the streams, you could choose gender for some Classes. Blizzard is still working on Character customization, so I believe all Classes will eventually have male and female Characters.


Thanks friend, much appreciated.

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Personally, this part about the D4 scares me.

D3 was boring because of its simplicity and monotony. In order to properly pump the charter in D2, you had to try. Why make the game easier? D3 cool simple, you run and press the button and wow …

Mentioned this on another forum but this may be a better place for it. Maybe someone happens to know.

I have one burning question that I want answered before I get excited at all. There’s mention that the game will be completely online. But will it still offer the 2 player couch gameplay? In other words, on console, can my husband and I still play together or are they going to follow the crappy path of so many other games and go to network only multiplayer (meaning you have to have two systems).
It saddens me that so many great rpg and hack and slash have gone this directions. Really makes me miss Dark Alliance and Neverwinter on console.

I think only being able to wear 1 mythic item seems underwhelming.
Right now we can have a full set of primal items to wear.
I would hate having to decide which one to use unless they are just THAT powerful.
I hope they will change this.

First I would like to say that I am really stoked for Diablo 4 and cant wait to play it. I do want to give a little feedback from what was announced in panels and interviews.

Trading: Mythic items, ancient legendaries, and legendaries that drop from specific sources should remain untradeable. Everything else should be tradeable (crafting materials, currency, regular legendaries and lower gear). All dungeons should have at least 2 pieces of loot that is exclusive to that area that cant be traded. This way it gives players to go to that area.

Stash: A shared stash space is nice but I would rather have a lot of stash space for 1 character. Instead of a shared stash, give us an upgradeable personal stash and a mailbox to send items and mail to either our other characters or others. As far as upgrading the stash space, D3 was good but I think a tab or two should be exclusive upgrade items that drop off world bosses (travelers backpack or storage chest). You pick it up and your stash is increased.

Increasing difficulty level: You stated that dungeons can be scaled similar to WoW’s mythic dungeons with keys and affixes but you didn’t state anything about changing world difficulty. WoW has scaling tech that could help with this. Say player 1 wants to play on torment 1 and player 2 wants to play on normal. Player 1 damage does percentage based damage relative to the difficulty they chose. Also monster abilities do increased damage from their abilities to the player. Instead of changing the world to suit the player, have the player change to suit the difficulty. Increased difficulty yields better rewards as usual.

Legendaries: I think making sets less prominent is a good thing. They should be good but shouldn’t lock you into that as the only way to play the class.

Power Creep: I think buffing and nerfing items so they don’t get crazy out of control is a good thing.

Transmog: I don’t particularly care for this but if its going to happen, D3 system with the mystic was ok.

Kanai’s Cube/Horadric Cube: Yes please. Rerolling stats and changing one crafting material to another is my only request. I did like the extra legendary powers from D3 but unless I play D4, I cant tell if that would be necessary or not.

Other that that, I think that is all the feedback I can give without actually testing out D4 myself. So far I think its a good start.

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What makes it impossible to have single player online? I know at least a handful of games that are online, but do have a single player option (basically locked instance) means nobody can join in your game. Although it still doesn’t answer the issue of multiplayer on a single console.

My feedback and suggestions on Diablo 4.

Hey Diablo 4 devs,

I know you guys are working hard on the game right now. If you do read this, here are some of my feedback based on what I saw.

  1. Make the artwork darker, as we walk and explore areas make it like Diablo 2 where the spotlight dimly shines on only your character and the surroundings slowly illuminate around you.
  2. Allow casual players to have something to look forward to instead of GR for competitive players. I love the idea of D2 having hell difficulty and uber tristram with unique drops.
  3. More cut scenes to allow players to feel attached to the world and story. Cut scenes before boss fights or even small characters; FromSoftware does a good job of this
  4. Make lots of different monsters based on the environment
  5. Introduce new classes such as Samurai, Ninja, Scholar, Roman/Dynasty Soldier or even a converted demon monk/asura
  6. Make legendaries based on unique monsters or bosses, and when equipped, a special animation of your character when equipped to really feel the impact of the item, or introduce a glowing aura.


I thought that too. I don’t think it’s the same character, but it is definitely the same voice actor.

All I’ve heard so far is:

  • D4 will be available for PC, Xbox One and PS4.
  • There will be controller support for D4 on PC.
  • D4 on PC will be online-only.

I don’t know how that translates to consoles. I don’t own one and know nothing about them. (Sorry).

Mythic items all have four Legendary Powers. Not just one.

So, if D4 ends up with 13 item Slots, like D3, would you rather have:

  • 13 Primal items with 13 Legendary Powers.
  • Or 12 Ancient items with 12 Legendary Powers + 1 Mythic item with 4 Legendary Powers for a total of 16 Legendary Powers?

I prefer 16 Legendary Powers myself. (Of course, that’s if D4 ends up giving us 13 item Slots).