Diablo IV Announcement Discussion

Hi guys,

Here is my feedback about game design:

  1. The speed of bosses movement and combat pace are too slow. You do not feel the tension. It is very easy to dodge them for range characters.
    Inspiration: That feeling when you know you can’t run away from D2 Duriel.
  1. What if people (or even group) start to abuse some skills blocking the narrow passages (e.g. bridges), entrances to merchants or vertical routes for others in the open world.
  1. When a character goes down or up a vertical wall does he become invulnerable? If yes, then vertical walls can be abused in conjunction with certain skills like teleport/leaps to avoid any damage during PvP fights or recharge the skills.
  1. Non-designed places to gain tons of experience or loot, e.g. dungeon keys with certain modifiers (e.g. double summon) and dungeon monsters (like Fallen Shaman) who summon other creatures infinitely.
  1. Some sorceress lighting skills are too bright and grab all attention, e.g. Conduit skill implementation/color is too cartoony for the gothic, dark atmosphere.
  1. When a monster drops loot on the ground the loot is individual, if you drop loot on the ground other people in the party can see it.
  • What if you have a full inventory and try to pick up “bind on pick up” item would it be bound to you immediately or became visible for others?

  • If it becomes visible for others and you disconnect, can they pick it up?

  1. Sorceress’s Skills tab besides active skills contains the passive skill and passive only effects. What about a separate passive tab or move them to talents?
  1. It feels like the sizes of items in inventory are too small. In general, the inventory interface could be improved.
  1. Potions need to be reworked (e.g. healing potion). Instant restore feature should be unique property of Legendary/Mystic potions.
    Inspiration: Mystic, medieval elixirs/flasks of different shapes and look depending on the zone.

I hope it does reach the community managers and dev team.
Thank you

Continue discussion: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/diablo-iv-onstructive-feedback-on-gameplay/5778?u=forthegranny-2108