DIABLO IV - Сonstructive feedback on gameplay

Hi folks and dev team,

One-eyed, one-legged hardcore veteran here, the top-notch player among my mom.

Thoughts on D4 gameplay and areas of improvement:

  1. The speed of the bosses’ movement and combat pace are too slow. You do not feel the tension. It is very easy to dodge them for range characters.
    Inspiration: That feeling when you know you can’t run away from D2 Duriel.
  1. What if people (or even group) start to abuse some skills blocking the narrow passages (e.g. bridges), entrances to merchants or vertical routes for others in the open world.
  1. When a character goes down or up a vertical wall does he become invulnerable? If yes, then vertical walls can be abused in conjunction with certain skills like teleport/leaps to avoid any damage during PvP fights or to recharge the skills.
  1. Non-designed places to gain tons of experience or loot having high-rank dungeon key with certain modifiers (e.g. double summon) and monsters (like Fallen Shaman) who summon other creatures infinitely.
  1. Some sorceress lighting skills are too bright and grab all attention, e.g. Conduit skill implementation/color is too cartoony for the gothic, dark atmosphere.
  1. When a monster drops loot on the ground the loot is individual, if you drop loot on the ground other people in the party can see it.
  • What if you have a full inventory and try to pick up “bind on pick up” item would it be bound to you immediately or became visible for others?

  • If it becomes visible for others and you disconnect, can they pick it up?

  1. Sorceress’s Skills tab besides active skills contains passive skill and passive only effects. What about a separate passive tab or move them to talents?
  1. It feels like the sizes of items in inventory are too small. In general, the inventory interface could be improved.
  1. Potions need to be reworked (e.g. healing potion). Instant restore feature should be a unique property of Legendary/Mystic potions.
    Inspiration: Mystic, medieval elixirs/flasks of different shapes and look depending on the zone.
  1. The lack of identification of items. That aha moment, curiosity-patience-reward cycle.

Just thoughts on new character archetype, what about Demon\Creature class?

Resource system: call of evil & tranquility
Weapons: Different attributes of hell, mystic, ritual, symbolic stuff

Background history:

The first generation of nephalems were called the Ancients. It is believed that they set out exploring, seeking answers, attempting to understand the world in which they lived. Tyrael would later believe that some early nephalem were born more demon than angel…

If angels can betray their own kind and humanity why Demon can’t give up on serving the prime evils.

What do you think guys? Please share your thoughts.


I haven’t played it so, nothing.

if only there was a more realistic way to drawing polished lightening.

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First the good
The town interactions were good. Wasn’t much to see but talking to everyone gave a few hints to future problems. Please keep that up, and always hint to something horrible lurking just out of our reach.

Skill flow was solid on druid. Sorc could use something like that. Maybe revive the synergy idea as something that affects the next skill used like fire ball reduces cost or cooldown on next fire spell, or chain lightning causes your next spell against an affected target to mirror 10% of the damage to all others hit by it. I don’t expect it to flow exactly as smooth as druid. That seems like their thing, achieving balance in nature. Sorc is big devastating hits with careful planning. Just something to incentivize using odd or less powerful skills.

The bad
Itemization. This is very early, I know, but that makes it a perfect time to fix this. First, your model of power is backwards and a bit bloated. Magic items only have have one affix already, so they don’t need to be weak. At Max tc, they should have the second highest potential for the stats they can roll, behind the hook for a legendary. With a well balanced array of stats, it would take a specialized build to want the god roll blue, but it keeps it in the game as more than just trash parts. The best part of a legendary isn’t that it’s the best source of the stat you want, it’s that it covers other things you need while sacrificing only a little.

Itemization. I’m sure you want streamlined stats, but this isn’t just solving math problems with better and better variables. This is a game where you want us to think about more than the button clicks. Imagination is important. Having % attack speed, min/max damage, % damage to enemy type, bleeding, crushing, deadly and elemental spice Sparks that idea of seared demon bone, unholy flesh being purified, and terrified demons holding gushing wounds. Please don’t take that away.
Since I’m here I’d like to toss converts x%physical damage to an element, after dealing x damage, next hit deals a burst of damage to the mix


Definitely they must add that or work on it. I like so much this suggestion!

I want to add about dmgs,stats of monters…dependance of size of circle light…
Must be 3 x scaled.difficult.
And dependance from talents,runes,spec.of player spec,size of cirle of light…must be 3 x scaled difficult and dmg’s of demons.
And from time by time darkes start be small circle area.
Even be cool if demons and heroes has advantage effect dependance from daytime and climates!.
That means we should loocking for such specific spec player.
And they should add specialist followers with large size circle of light…and rare followers,not only 3 different types like in D3!

Core idea is dark and light

Secound suggestion:

They should work on rare dungeons with so rare drop key.

That.means not everyone can enter.
Only key keeper player can open it or we be forced to.search this player!.:wink:

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I guess, there won’t be difficulties anymore. Devs said that there will be an open world without loading screens and for the endgame, dungeons + dungeon keys with difficulty rank and random modifiers/properties/amplifications. Infinite progression.

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I didn’t like lightning either. It just too “blue” (i think it should be more white) and too roundish, no sharpness in it. Looks like a thing with a tentacles.

constructive would be adding a story back drop other than that I noticed mythic items replacing the higher tiers

Legendary Affixes from the Diablo 4 demo:

  • Hit Effect: Your attacks have up to x% chance to spawn a hydra that will aid you in combat
  • Lightning strikes a nearby enemy dealing x damage whenever you shapeshift
  • +x to your equipped skills
  • Fireball launches 3 projectiles that deal x% of normal damage
  • Lightning Traps periodically appear around you dealing x damage after 2 seconds to nearby enemies
  • Upheaval ignites the ground burning enemies for an additional x damage of 3 seconds
  • Weapon mastery skills have an additional charge.
  • Cut to the Bone talent activates against enemies that are hit by your shouts instead of stuns
  • Critical strike chance increased by x% against bleeding enemies.
  • Your shouts generate x Fury per second while active.
  • Cast Nova at your Teleport location
  • Teleport moves you to a random location and costs x mana instead of having a cooldown.
  • Teleport grants a barrier that absorbs x% of your maximum life for 15 seconds.
  • Teleport forms a rift in your path that increases your critical strike chance by x% for 5 seconds.

What legendary affixes you would love to see?

What about:

  • Every time the gold drops from the monster it becomes an item.

  • The smell of goblin effect or hunting on the goblin. The goblins are highlighted on a map in a big radius.

With one notable exception, all those legendary affixes seems fine.
+All skills is a miss-step though. That would just be good for everyone. Aka. boring.

But in d2 +x to all skills was one of the most exciting stats to find on uniques…

It is a meaningless stat though. Just like Attack in D4. it just buffs, literally, everything. There is no choice, no specialization.

It should always be something like +fireball, +all fire skills, +all debuff skills etc.

Guys who played beta, have you noticed that there is no item identification anymore in D4? Strange really as it is one of the root features of Diablo gameplay, that aha moment…

Just thoughts on new character archetype, what about Demon\Creature class?

Resource system: call of evil & tranquility
Weapons: Different attributes of hell, mystic, ritual, symbolic stuff

Background history:

The first generation of nephalems were called the Ancients. It is believed that they set out exploring, seeking answers, attempting to understand the world in which they lived. Tyrael would later believe that some early nephalem were born more demon than angel…

If angels can betray their own kind and humanity why Demon can’t give up on serving the prime evils.