Diablo IV - An Argument for Limited Respecs and Choices with Gravity - Feedback

That was shared stash. It still seems like an excuse, but at least shared stash has to be loaded on each character, so the server effect by increasing the size might actually be real.
Just have a larger character stash and a shared stash.

That type of quest could work well for the ADA Powers.
All the more reason to have a Roleplay server, trying to play based on quest content and story-considerations will in many cases put you at a disadvantage to the norm of character for efficacy builds.

But at a price not just like D3 hot swapping, we have that already no need to go back to it.

You confuse the gaming community of yesterday with the gaming community of today, and your mostly wrong here.

D3 is absolutely an action RPG here. Being able to “respec” your character doesn’t remove the RPG elements of the game.

You make a few valid points, but your still mostly wrong.

1 half of the gaming community of today is probably not so visible because they are mainly playing old games

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Says who? I don’t recall the gaming gods decending from gaming heaven to proclaim hard rules for each genre.

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I venture it’s less considering mobile gaming. However there is a less viable sector of gamers. They are the content ones that never come to forums to say anything. Typical ratio is 10:1. For every 10 vocal angry/upset customers that voice their opinions there is only 1 happy/content customer willing to be vocal. Typically.

Man, I’ve been playing since the original release of Diablo. No respec would suck, period. – Firstly, You’re not creating anything. The Game Developers are. They ultimately choose what will and wont be in the game. So your awkward attempt at belittling that persons comment was completely unjustified. As if what you suggested applies to everyone. Sorry, but it’s merely your opinion and literally has zero affect on the outcome of the game. While they do take our suggestions into account while it’s being developed. They are in no way, shape, or form obligated to take anything from the community. So your 5,000,000 word post is just “tl:dr”.

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Nothing is stopping you from NOT using the respec. Just saying.


Respecting items didn’t ruin the game it took away a type of gamer who would drive you nuts in d2 trading. “Paly torch 4 trade”. “Stats” “19/19” “crap sorry not perfect”.

Many many other things ruined D3
Story for one, stupid easy level cap the. Increased to stupid easy level cap of 70, terrible items, skills on rails able to switch them around instead of leveling them up,

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Unfortunately that is all they have. The game must be their way or somehow those that do not agree are uneducated, children, fools, and other insults. Pretty sure devs seeking insight ignore these types.

i wonder if you were among the ppl who complained about ancient legendaries :v

Your post is boring and you seem like a crybaby. No one is forcing you to respec.

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This has the be the whiniest, the most self-entitled post I’ve ever read. Don’t like the way respec plays in a game? Huzzah, nobody is FORCING you to respec. If you can’t stop yourself from respeccing in the game, then maybe you should admit you really just like to complain.


Who me? Nope. Just complained to my wife how I never get any.

i thought so :wink:
seems that the devs are listening to us crybabies pretty closely :wink:

Not how game design works.
If you can freely respec the game is designed around that.

It is as silly as telling people to not use set items in D3 if they think the set item design ruined the game.


I’m posting my opinions. You don’t agree

The amount of “Choice” between builds in D3 was nothing compared to the giant skill trees you had in D2, how you used synergy and skill collection and then had an itemisation system that worked well with all of that.

The skill system and item system of D3 gets s**t on, is completely one dimensional and boring compared to all that and D2 was way more in depth and fun. If you want another just like D3, I won’t be playing. Its all good.

Don’t know what’s sadder: you trying to belittle Beefhammer or your pathetic attempt to shove your own smelly opinion down everyone’s throat…

Btw, the brain-numbing rot that sets in when you realize you accidentally chose the wrong option during levelling and now you have to re-level a brand new toon is a far worse feeling than your so-called RPG ruin.

Oh wait, this is another stupid “D2 did it better than D3” - and btw D2 has free respecs lol. But in any event, here’s another reminder


The post was about some of the systems that were introduced in D3 and game design choices that ruined what a lot of D2 veterans like about D2. If you’re gonna bomb in and start trolling about a small detail like “what an ARPG” is f*ck off and don’t take part in the conversation. All for people who disagree but start dumb pointless arguments stay on point.

How so? Mythics and artifacts are still on the table.