Noone’s stopping ya.
Ya’ll like to keep saying “oooh D2 has more players, D2 is so much better and still plays fantastic in 2019”.
So if it’s so good…go play it. Simple as that. Unless it’s NOT as good as you’re desperate to convince everyone. It is, after all, an excruciatingly dated product with systems and ideas that just don’t fly in 2019.
Well that’s your problem, not ours. Noone cares what you played 20 years ago. What matters is what works today. D4 has to pave its own path independently from the previous games. New systems, new ideas.
Moral of the story: D4 is D4, not a D2 remake.
Except no one asks for D4 being 1:1 with D2. And yes, D4 should take more inspirations from D2, rather than D3. Saying “go play D2” is just dumb bro.
when d4 comes out and is more mechanically like d2, you can stay and play d3
so what you crying for?
Funny enough modern ARPGs use a lot of mechanics based on D2, so saying new systems and ideas is not an argument against D2.
As stated from many of D2 players, we are not saying that D4 has to be like D2.
Focus on taking the good ideas out of D2 and build on making newer elements based on D2 and a few good concepts of D3.
Thats what the majority of the community is asking.
Well this is a D2 fanboy forum, even thou it says D3… LMFAO
No. Let me tell you right now thats the last thing you want. And I will explain why.
Blizzard excels when they copy. That is their greatest strength and has been for the longest time - copy an existing idea, work on it and give it that Blizzard spit and polish.
This approach to game design is a large part of what made them succesful, particularly commercially. They played Everquest, and made WoW. They played TF2, and made Overwatch. They played MTG, and made Hearthstone.
So when I see you banging on about how Blizzard should strike out on their own and attempt to innovate, I’m led to believe that you don’t understand what Blizzard’s core design philosophy has been over the past decade, nor do you understand why its worked for them.
But don’t just take my word for it. Look at how they’re shaping Diablo 4. The atmosphere of D1, the loot of D2, the combat of D3. Assuming they’re not just giving us lip service, it looks like Blizzard understands what they need to do with Diablo 4. And it is NOT trying to reinvent the wheel. They dont have to look for for inspiration. All the answers they need is right there, in their back catalogue.
Thats a copy n paste of a previous reply to you, but seeing as you’re just saying the same thing over and over, I don’t have to change any of the above.
This post is so stupid. A D2 replica would be the D2 remastered. Not D4. No one ever demanded a diablo 2 replica to be named as Diablo 4.
You have to understand that the people are afraid of another Diablo fail. And there are several reasons for this distrust:
- The handling of Diablo 3 from the release to the current state of the game.
- Blizzcon 2018, where they announced a diablo mobile game to a hardcore diablo fanbase (people who spend hundreds of dollars to get to this convention)
- Blizzcon 2019, where the devs gave the impression, that they will chase the same gamedesign philosophy as in D3.
There are probably many more reasons, but yea…
Have not seen much of that in a while and if any one takes the time to log in they realize fairly quickly that most of the Players are Bots of every kind From spam to Chaos to enchant to Baal …There are very few live players any more and the Bnet player counter does not distinguish between bots and live players .Also the Bnet numbers are not for D2 alone that is the total players for all the games the old Bnet is supporting ATM .So those numbers are deceiving .
Yawn another D3-troll post by IAMIronMan.
To everyone else, you need to make notepad list of the D3 trolls and you’ll see its the same few people making the same small-brain posts that sound like a middle schooler made.
Which is a strong testament to how good Diablo 2 is and how bad Diablo 3 is.
Like yourself? Another D2 fanboy post. Like the OP said if you like it so much why be here on the D3 forums?
Whatever! This is a D3 forum so what of it. If you think D2 is soooooooo good then go play by yourself then…
I am just getting the popcorn ready for these replies
No, my post history does not reflect trolling at all. Unlike IronMan who hides his post history so you don’t see that he is a troll, I do not hide mine.
Regardless, are you now admitting that IronMan makes troll posts then? His posts do not warrant a proper response because I see his posts and they’re all the same childish non-sense.
he’s not the sharpest tool. he just repeats the same crap over and over. everything goes over his head. it’s r/whoosh ad nauseam
My post doesn’t identify a group or person of any type. So, I cannot decipher what “like yourself” refers to. I suspect that being a Diablo 3 fanboy is clouding your judgment.
These are no longer simply the Diablo 3 forums. They are now, by Blizzard’s decision, the Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 forums. And discussing Diablo 2 for the sake of talking about how Diablo 4 should be is relevant to the Diablo 4 forum, which is currently this forum.
If Blizzard create dedicated Diablo 4 forums, which I think they should do as soon as possible, I won’t be posting here anymore.
Like the OP said if you like it so much why be here on the D3 forums?
Why be here on the D3 forums? Because there aren’t D4 forums to post on about D4 and also because I don’t want another D3. Do only D3 fanboys get to post about D4 on the D3 forums? If so I have bought D3 and played it to 1000 paragon myself so just because I like D2 more does that mean I can’t have an opinion about the direction of D4 like you can?
No judgement clouded here D2 is dead and will remain dead, but considering the responses here it is obvious that the only posters here are D2 fanboys.
News flash read the URL at the top of your screen… /en/d3 NOT D4
Let me ask you, what do you like about D3 with its affixes and other systems? Do you think there are any problems with it? Do you think there is anything about D2 that they should add in or what should be kept out from D2?
What do you not like about D2?
Bottom line is I want to ask a D3 fanboy like yourself. What you like and don’t like about the two games.
Rose colored glasses my friend…
For it’s day D2 was top of the line nothing like it and it generated a huge fan base . For today’s gamer it is vastly dated or every one and their brother would still be playing it . I do fire it up on occasion but can only actually play for so long .I never ever used mods,Hacks, Bots or the like so I actually played it .Most of the "Players " of it today do nothing more than log in and fire up their bots so they can boast about having this item or those runes .Some log in to PvP but again that part of the game is so hacked and modded at this point it is not funny it basically comes down to who had the faster ISP.
D3 is not a great game by any stretch of the imigination but it is still fun at least for me .it is also dated at this point and is a totally different game than D2. I enjoy both D2 and D3 but instead of wanting a D2 remake in the form of D4 I want D4 in its own incarnation . Basically it comes down to the Dev team if they can learn from past successes and failures D4 will shine but wanting one to be the other is just silly and doomed to failure . If they try to cannibalize bits and pieces and do not get it to peoples expectations then they will say Well you tried to copy this or that and failed so the game is a failure .lets wait as see what the team can come up with before being judge jury and executioner of the game and its future .