I made this post on the D4 reddit as a reply to someone who was advocating a respec system in D4. I would like to preface this by saying that I believe D4 is making many of the same mistakes D3 did, and these mistakes mostly come at the cost of trading CONVENIENCE (what they think players want) for REALISM (what got us all hooked on D2).
Many of the SEEMINGLY arbitrary design choices from D2 actually had the effect of create an immensely fulfilling, detailed, and life like experience. The way things are now D3/D4 come nowhere near to touching it. I would argue that the main downfall of D3 is not the cartoony graphics, but the fact that all of the ROLE PLAYING elements which were painstakingly added into D2 being removed, and the result being that D3 is not an ARPG, it is simply a dungeon fighting game.
Also, remember, many times the most valuable and fulfilling moments in life are hard won, the road is paved with mistakes, and through it all we made it. This is what gives you a feeling of accomplishment, if we all got everything first try, we would be bored stiff… See D3.
I have a lot more to say but without further adue this was my response to WHY respeccing is bad and why it takes away from the role playing experience and enjoyment for everyone:
I can see your point of view. Many of those problems came from D2 being an old game and yeah there was a CERTAIN way to play it and you did baal runs got rushed etc. which in this day and age is maybe a bit outdated way of playing a game and can be boring at times.
HOWEVER, I will provide a counter argument. In a role playing game, your choices should matter. And they should be permanent. This is what creates the bond between you, the player, and the character role and archetype which you are playing.
If I can make mistakes at level 70, and completely *** up my character (not completely *** up… but he’s not “perfect” from a skills/talents point of view) thats a good thing. Now I can still use this character for farming, messing around on, and I learned a lesson.
Now when I go and make another character I’m more careful, and when I DO MAKE that perfectly specialised character, with everything in the right place, it feels ***ing good. It feels like a ***ing accomplishment because it takes careful work, time, effort, and mistakes. Not every level 70 barbarian is EXACTLY THE ***ING SAME AS ME because they can respec at any time and THEIR CHOICES DONT MATTER.
That’s something D2 did right. And thats what made it a proper ROLE PLAYING GAME. D3 is not a role playing game, you do not make permanent choices and build your character into a permanent role, D3 is an action smash em up dungeon crawler, theres nothing role playing about it.
IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT. Besides the repetitive grind, and out-dated graphics, there isn’t much D2 didn’t get right. There’s a good reason for everything in that game, it adds to the depth of the experience and the challenge. Sometimes the worst moments in a game (see: ***ing up my level 95 sorc permanently with ***ty stat allocation) lead to much more fulfilling experiences when YOU GET IT RIGHT. When you allow everyone to get it right, at all times, you remove the bond that is built with your character, you remove the feeling of accomplishment, and you remove the role playing aspects of individuality because every one is the same, nobody can ever mess up, and its just a sea of exactly the same 5 classes.
Happy to go further into this. But there are many things in D3/4 that have been added or removed for convenience (see: the difference in items and the amount of inventory space they take up, health bars above enemies heads and damage numbers) that completely kill the games ROLE PLAYING EXPERIENCE. These things were pain stakingly added or kept out of D2 not to annoy people, not to be a downer, but because they added to the overall experience of becoming immersed in the world of the game. Having to decide what to pick up, having a 2-hander take up more space than a mace, and having a tiny portal scroll take up less space than a book, while annoying, IS EXACTLY LIKE IT IS IN REAL LIFE. When you’re thinking like your character would have to think as if you were there, in person, in plain life just as you are right now, you are becoming your character, you are becoming immersed.
THIS IS WHAT MAKES IT MORE ROLE PLAYING. The role playing aspects make you MORE immersed because its more REALISTIC and LIFELIKE. In real life, a 2H is bigger than a book. Yes it is. Is it annoying when I want to carry around a bunch of stuff? Yes, but its realistic. And just because it isn’t convenient, doesn’t mean it should be removed, it actually breaks the immersion of the game down. Choosing what to and what not to pick up is another CHOICE you would have make if you were there in real life. As I’ve said role playing is about having to make the same SIGNIFICANT AND PERMANENT CHOICES WHICH EFFECT YOUR CHARACTER as you would if you were your character yourself.
Having to stop every now and then to ID *** or go back to town and stash is what breaks up the monotony of just smashing monsters and picking up drops. It required you to take a break for a second, switch tasks, and make decisions. It isn’t fun by itself, but it makes the game more fun and it makes you appreciate *** a little more. It takes a little bit more work, and its a little bit more life-like. You’re making the same decisions your character would have to make if you were your character - ROLE PLAYING - REALISM. There it is. I’m sick of this “we do it for the loot” mantra. Its gross. I’d play D2 WITHOUT THE LOOT. The amazing itemization and choices we had in D2 was icing on the cake to a life like experience that made me feel as if I was truly a barbarian, or a druid, making my way through the den of evil MYSELF.
You do not become immersed in a bunch of light flashing mobs with health bars floating right above their heads and numbers flying around, no matter how convenient this is to “hurr durr maximise DPS” diablo’s health bars literally looked like pumping blood. The immersion was there because it was as realistic as if you were taken and put straight into a hellscape yourself. There were no bull**** extras.
My brother ***ed up his level 75 druid he bought when he was 11. Put all his points into energy. Cried for an hour. Then used that druid to farm and build up another character that was better. If a ***ing 11 year old can figure it out and deal with it, SO CAN YOU. The idea that you can never make a mistake, never *** up, never screw your character means that you take away the amazing feeling of when you do it right. Because its easy to do right, everyone can do it perfectly. And whats the big deal anyways? Oh wah wah you’re not perfectly specced to 100% maximised potential…
Again, just because something is convenient doesn’t mean a game should have it. Think about the experience you’re trying to create. This is barely an RPG as is… Wouldn’t even call it one with the current lack of choice and probable respeccing. I also only have 2 days a week to play games. And I’m still arguing for this. I’m as casual as it gets."