Diablo IV - An Argument for Limited Respecs and Choices with Gravity - Feedback

Many games nowadays have indeed short rewarding cycles like d3, the reason is because like d3, most of these games failed to make an immersive experience that keep the player playing. To fill the void, they created a short term rewarding cycle to keep the player entertained.

The result are too frequent dopamine kicks that:

  • allow instant respec
  • items that eventually automatically come up
  • make the player lose interest since his intentions don’t impact the game
  • artificially keep the player playing on a short rewarding cycle
  • rewards the player for coming back to the game, breaking the consistency of the world. The game itself should be the reason to coming back to it.
  • Short dopamine kicks make every new kick unsatisfying unless the dose is increased, hence destroying the consistency of the world.
  • Joe Shely stated “One of our most important jobs is that when you get a new legendary or a new piece of gear, or you level up, that you always feel stronger”
    I think it’s a terrible statement. Loot generation should not adapt to the player. What makes a player satisfied is his/her capacity to judge any situation, and to take a decision. It’s the feeling that decision making improves the situation of his character, and not lines of code.
  • This is why they needed regular basis reward treasure goblins, which are too high fantasy and don’t belong to a world like Diablo.

The solution to keep the player playing is an immersive experience

  • The world has to look believable in order to make it immersive.
  • Music, quests animations, pace of the quests, quests rewards, diversity of the events, contrast in moods. But also size of items in the inventory, weapons types…
  • If the the world believable, the walkthrough is much more vivid experience, and there is no need for frequent dopamine kicks that ruin the game mechanics.

yea well, the problem is always. if you put too much…freedom in a game. it becomes somewhat unauthentic. even if you dont use it. what if they just implement a godmode button in the game where you cant die. most ppl with a common sense will just not use it ofc. but at a point where you are stuck in the game, you might use it. self disciplin is not ppls strength. and thats why there are rules in games. + the fact that it would give players who just dont give a fart about character identity, will always have an advantage over other players. because they just flip flop their characters around.

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D2 has respec. I guess that D2 is ruined too.

Also, just as other said, how about let us have fun with the respec while you can CHOSE not to use it in D4.

Also, no respec issue can be easily avoided completely since this is 2020 where the internet is a thing. This will just encourage the player to wait and does research to build the character carefully instead of dive into it mindless and then failed.


It did come 9 years after the games release and it is more of a seasonal reset as you move up in difficulty. Funny thing is the mods people love have tons of respecs and people on those forums are grateful for them.

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Just because you artificially restrict yourself to those 6 abilities for a specific duration does not mean that the selection of those abilities is anything but, a selection. Because any of those selections can be anything at any time they are definitely not choices. A meaningless choice is no choice at all regardless if you are able to delude yourself into believing it.

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Wrong. I still have to make a choice. I still have to decide which six to use in a given build or situation. Just because you continue to believe that because it is meaningless it somehow invalidates it as a choice/decision doesn’t make it so.


Just because you define them a as build or define a situation you think demands them doesn’t change the fact that they are freely selected. Free selection is NOT choice.

Agree to disagree then.

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no, because your answer in this situation is: “yes”
“i take it all”

But you can’t. You can only take six.

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six, that you can switch out in any possible situation, out of combat. lol.
you have to somewhat interpretate this word meaning into a game.
skilltree = decision
skillbar = usage

why are you and me and a lot of people still playing d3?

No you don’t. You still make a choice on 6 abilities then you make a choice to change up the runes for different effects. Then you can choose to change skills out depending on new gear you get. Regardless that it can be done freely, it is still a choice. It matters not that it may be shallow or meaningless. You still make choices.

I claim a choice, then you two claim its meaningless. It’s still a choice.

Then you two claim will it’s not a choice because you can freely change it at any time. It’s still a choice.

Then the definition is challenged, but hold true to what I’ve said all along.

I agree that D1/2 and other games choices carry more weight and thought is usually required before making them. But in both cases it is a choice. Again, different doesnt mean it is wrong or bad.


whats why i said, you have to interpretate it in a certain way when you make a game.

You don’t interpret a definition. A choice is a choice. You cannot get around that.

It now becomes is it meaningful or not, it is complex or simple, or does it hard or easy?

Thise are the debates to have not isnit a choice or not.


well yea, thats just completely irrelevant in this discussion.
because all we try to figure out is, which way is the best way to make an arpg.
and its easier if you got some core terms to use.
so its easier to state that D3=selection and D2=decision

Agreed. Your D3 character have like 19+ skills with 5 runes for each, and you can only use 6. It is certainly a choice that you need to make no matter what.

And…for those who didn’t play Diablo 3, I think I ought to let you know that you can’t change skill and passive in the Greater Skill, adjust paragon stats, and switching gear. Once you committed your choice, you need to stick with it until you completed the GR run.

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I don’t play d3 and I lost interest very quickly.

Stopped reading right there, “realism” in D4. Like a man turning into a bear, huh? Feels very realistic.

We need full free respec to

  • try out the content we bought and see what suits us
  • adjust our builds to the legendary drops we get
  • adjust our builds to different situations (speed farming / pushing)

If you don’t like free respec, well, just don’t respec then. Problem solved.


this is not D3, this is D4