Diablo IV - An Argument for Limited Respecs and Choices with Gravity - Feedback

Warhammer Chaosbane and Warhammer 40K Inquisitor are ARPGs.

Give this guy an award. Great speech. Well said, well written. I completely agree. Hard decisions, consequences, losses, being unsure… makes for a far more immersive experience. And when you do finally create a very very good, well rounded, strong char… it’s far more exciting and satisfying because you put in the work! I hope they implement what you’ve said. Beautifully done.

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Because that is how it was done in the past. Anything different is bad we are led to believe.

And a frustrating at times game where if you hate what your character became you only recourse is to do it all over again for no reason.

LOL work.

We already have an example of how bad it is: D3

Blah blah blah, D3 is bad. It’s not. It’s different, many enjoy it. Get over it.

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I dont and i wont accept an other insult to the player base like this, again.

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I find POE to be a good middle ground where I can respec, with a cost. It’s not always worth it, but you totally can make adjustments or you can roll a new character and transfer gear over. I wish the “no respect option” could be a SSF type of league option, where you choose “YOLO”, making all decisions final. Give different achievements for that playstyle, maybe some fluffy cosmetics, and leave it up to personal choice.

Having no respec DESTROYS the fun. If you want a true RPG experience, play a true RPG game and not an ARPG.

The limited respec would already be enough and the perfect middle ground for both parties. Noone would play yolo, I guess. Unless after the 10th character where its no achievement at all.

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Like others have mentioned, no respecc at all would be a bit too extreme.

Total free respecc would be braindead however. So repsecc with a cost would be a suitable middle ground. PoE does it well imo.

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StarShip, I feel you 100% Brother. Unfortunately Blizzard North got Consumed by Blizzard South back in the day, Activision got involved and what we know to be a TRUE ARPG was left behind. Most people here are not Blind but Ignorant to what D2 meant to so many people and why. Diablo 3 was released with many elements of D2 and yes some things were made better, but was never on the same level as D2.

You are absolutely correct when you said D3 isnt an ARPG but a hack and slash Arcarde Dungeon Crawler (ADC) with many loot/reward elements oh and I forgot to mention a lazy storyline. Have a great day everyone.

Once again a beautiful thing ruined by greed to be transformed to and for the “masses” the “greater good”.

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Good to know a highly intelligent conversation has been diluted with the child like responses you continue to create. Diablo 2 players have waited for 2 decades for a game for them a true sequel. If you truly love d3 as much as you say you do, you and the “many” can keep playing it while the rest of us enjoy diablo 4 going back to its roots. Choices and consequences.


Looks like we got all three in D4. Talent point cannot be respecced once one is chosen or more points allocated into them. The passive talent tree can be respecced at a cost. And your build can be freely changed as long as you have different talents to swap out.

Do you mean skill points when referring to “talent points”? I think you can get all of them maxed out eventually though no? Iirc you will be able to find “tomes” and stuff that earn you extra points.

Oh stop it with the decisive talk. True this and real that. Those are the child like responses here. Your opinions are no more valid than mine. Players who insist the game has to be one way and that others who don’t agree are wrong, need to go away.

I’ve stated multiple times that it is OK to like one game over the other. It is OK to prefer systems of one game to another.

What’s not OK is the constant attack D3 players get from others here because they liked it and others did not. Keepnthat crap out of here. The same goes for the rabid D3 lovers that hate on D2 lovers.

Now, you want to have a debate as to why you prefer one system or game over another lay out why and leave the attacks and insults out of it. All it does is weaken your position.

Oh and please show me the consequences in D4 as of now. You will enable to max out every skill available to use if you play long enough turning it into D3 with a passive, respeccable talent tree.

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Skills, talents, abilities. What ever they are called. One is passive that we will put points into the tree. Those can be respecced at a cost.

What ever we pick to use in combat those points cannot be respecced. However we can swap those out when we feel if we spent points into multiples.

And what they hear is: ‘So you want more rpg elements? Ahhh, base building will cover that! You want a darker atmosphere? Ok, is Sean Bean busy? We need to kill someone. You want your actions to impact the world? Ignore that, we already have destructable objects.’

And to be contrary to my own point, they’d be right. There are things people want that won’t make them happy. A friend mentioned to me once that, really, what he was trying to find in a game was that sense of adventure and wonder we had both found in the same game as kids. Truth is, the way we broke the game down (and games since) to basic mechanics that came to define the game(s) in our minds is precisely why its so hard to find a game to fill that hole.

A good game is a good game, period. You can shove a bunch of bits and pieces together, it doesn’t mean you’re building a rocket ship. You can put all the lights and tin foil on it that you want, it’s not taking you to the moon. I’d much rather be surprised and amazed at the ingenuity of someone capable of something beyond the card board boxes and Christmas lights I’ve already half constructed in my head.

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I very much agree with Starship688. I personally think that it helps with the immersion, and people that are worried about not being at the absolute best in the game while playing a day a week or so seems a little off imo. Because the ppl who should be at the top of leaderboards, and doing insanely well in the game should be the ppl who have just put in more hours into the game, and have the skill. I don’t mean that ppl who only play casually shouldn’t be able to do that, it should just take longer and there should be a bit of a gap. I mean in D3 atm a couple friends and I play a bit each season, maybe 2 days a week, but because of how easy it is to spec and respec and farm everything with the one character, we can easily get on the leaderboards just playing casually. That shouldn’t be the case. Other ppl play a lot more, but it is so derpy easy that there isn’t much of a gap really between casual players and the creme of the crop until maybe a bit later in the season (mostly because of crazy high paragons). We as casual players shouldn’t be left in the dust, however, there should be a bit more of a gap between casuals and pros, and a nice scale between the 2, so there is something for us to strive for. It’s hard to get excited about the game when you can get pretty close to the same lvl endgame progression as a pro player, and then you realize that there is a little bit better that you can be, however, you have to play an crazy amount in order to close a relatively small gap. And that climb should be just as fun towards the bottom of that scale as towards the top.

However, I can also see Lace’s point of view, in that it can feel more restricting for casuals if we think any move will undo what time we were able to actually put into the game. And could end up spending more time online researching the perfect paths instead of actually playing the game and experimenting on their own.

I think that they should have another game type like “realistic” or something along those lines. So ppl can play the harder version if they want, with no or limited respec, no monster health bars, etc. Ppl do whichever they choose, and if ppl want to be on the harder mode but still want to experiment, they could have a normal character that they can do w/e they want with and experiment with and then work on the realistic mode. Or ppl can do only normal or only realistic just like ppl currently do with normal and hardcore.

I think that there are plenty of ppl that really want it both ways and if they exclude one of the groups then a lot of ppl would be pissed. So make the realism a separate game mode and bam, we will have some serious fun either way.

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Me and all my mates have been saying more or less exactly this since about 1 week after D3 came out. It’s so damn obvious how does blizzard still not get that we want an RPG not whatever D3 is/was

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