Diablo IV - An Argument for Limited Respecs and Choices with Gravity - Feedback

Still with the insults. Got nothing else. And still it is a choice. You really need better material.

No a selection you can pick one or more elements. A choice is an option, a decision to be made where one or more elements may be chosen, but some must be rejected. A choice involves a forced rejection of available options.

Selection is without consequence. There is no decision to be made that canā€™t be remedied with another selection.

If everyone were to choose their partner with your definition there would be a lot less people getting married.

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Why not?
ā€œDont like it, dont use itā€ is a bad argument. Not how games work.

There should be an unlimited amount of respecs available. Just with a cost/cooldown.


Wrong. That is an opinion. A choice is simply having to make a decision between 2 or more options. Nothing more. You are imposing meaningfulness onto it.

Again I said we could debate whether D3 choices were impactful or meaningful. But you cannot argue there was no choice.

No selection has no meaning, there is no restriction implied. You can pick any, all, or none.

Choice has meaning as restriction is implied. You can not pick all.

Not by definition. You cannot simply change the definition of a word to fit your argument.

If you want, Iā€™ll help you out. Argue that choices in Diablo should matter and the meaningless choices in D3 made it a lesser game.

Again you can only pick six. Technically in D2 you could gain every skill and use them all. So by your logic D2 is bad.

That is a false statement due to the instant availability of all skills. You can use 6, but you can pick any of them you want, anytime.

Again altering facts to fit your narrative. You cannot change them in GRs and most are useless without proper gear. So flipping on the fly as you eed just didnā€™t happen. But you still had to pick six and only six.


D3 does indeed have some respec limitations. As it should have. Same goes for D4. Just need more restrictions.

As long as they are reasonable Iā€™m fine. Well Iā€™ll be fine with whatever, I just prefer ease. As of now we have no idea what the cost will be.

Man this complaining about respeccing when you literally have the choice and free will to not respecc and roll multiple characters. You have options to turn off healthbars, raise difficulty and play how you want.

This conflated sense of superiority because ā€œmuh old daysā€ is blinding you from seeing that d3 and d4 offer options in which you dont have to use.


Still a bad argument imo. Making up your own rules and limitations should not be needed in a well designed game.
It is like saying that the bad itemization of D3 can be fixed if you choose not to use set and legendary items. Nothing is fixed, you just closed your eyes.

I like PoEā€™s orbs of regret.

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I feel like theres a lot of good points here and I am also against respecs for similar reasons. However I dont think ā€œREALISMā€ is really what were after here. After all why would a hero be pigeonholed into spamming one skill forever for efficency and not be able to change it if it were ineffective? Thats not realism. What were looking at here is character depth and penaltys for poor choices.

Penaltys for poor choices are a good thing in all games but the catch is it it makes people think ā€œwell why is x in the game if itā€™s worse than y?ā€ People hate commiting time to things to have to scrap them and start all over. Personally as a pretty strict harcore player in arpgs starting over is just part of the game and you start to enjoy rerolling and trying again after a while because you develop mastery of early sections of the game but unfortunately players like us are not the majority and blizz isnt going to cater solely to us.

Free respecing is bad for this type of game because it not only nullifies individual character identity but it more or less FORCES all charaters who want to master the game to play a specific way through all phases of character development. If stat and skill development are locked in then people canā€™t say ā€œthis area is full of mobs that have low hp and hit like a truck so im gonna spec for aoe and mobilityā€ and then ā€œIā€™m gonna switch back to my single target dps tank and spank build now for this boss.ā€ While you could argue that this is part of the mastery of the game I was talking about before, it removes a lot of depth. It removes the necessity of partying, it negatively impacts the necessity of proper micromanagement in combat to make it through obstacles and it makes it so every elitist player is going to do the exact same things everywhere they go throughout the game to optimize sucess rates.

If your build is set in stone then you are building a personal character. A thing to be proud of if it succeeds or shamefully scrap if its a failure. It forces players to play hybrids to solo or party up if they want to heavily specialize in one thing. It creates subclass archetypes like tank barbs, hammer pally, frost mage, shapeshifting druid. So yeah, overall I agree that respecing has a major negative impact on the game.


I enjoyed your post. This feels somewhat reminiscent of the WoW formula, where you spend lots of time with a character and form a bond with them. The current state of Diablo isnā€™t really like that, most people seem to do seasons then throw their character away.

I prefer that there are tough restrictions on respecing. Like maybe a time-wizard boss has a 3% chance to drop a time travel orb for respecing.

That would be kinda harsh xD

You have the best suggestion, I think, and it was totally overlooked by everyone. If the game can be designed to allow these 3 playable modes, without hurting the overall quality of the game play, then Blizzard should do it. i.e. D3 is designed for respeccing on the fly, it would be silly to gate the respecs in D3. If D4 could viably bring these suggested 3 modes, it should. Nothing wrong with making as many people happy as possible without destroying the gameplay.

Its difficult to split the players into too many parties i think

I understand what the OP is saying, and what many say that are against his statement too. Quite simply, people like the respec option because it makes the game easy and saves them time from creating a new character.

He does bring up some valid points though. My question is this, when do we begin to differentiate an Action VS an Action RPG game? Permanent choices are certainly good in the reason that we can appreciate the hero that we create. When I build a Druidā€¦It is my Druid, I worked hard to make him into a specific werewolf Druid. You worked hard for it, and deserve to reap the rewards.

The other reason for appreciating permanent skills choices is replayability. Whatā€™s the point of making more than one Druid if you can switch skills on the fly? Many didnā€™t like D3 for this reason, and a huge fan base abandoned the game for how simple it was.

Then we have the benefits of respeccing. Save time, easy transitions, when there is a new patch I can just switch to the more buffed skills.

I see the benefits of both honestly, and like many players have stated, this is not 2001 any longer. Game design has changed for a more simple crowd which is the truth. People like casual gaming more and more these days.

Hereā€™s why I lean more torward the OP with this discussion. Look at D3, quite honestly, if weā€™re being real here, it didnā€™t maintain a strong fan base and lost it faster than any other game. It sold so many units due to the legacy of D1 and D2, but the amount of players that ditched it showed that Diablo 3 isnā€™t a Diablo game. You donā€™t need me to say it, just look at what the execs and the president have said about D3. They know better than any of us because the numbers they saw donā€™t lie. Only 7k people have read this post, which tells me that there isnā€™t a strong fan base anymore. A change needs to happen for Diablo in general.

If the Diablo 4 devs want a respec option, thatā€™s ok. However, there should be other forms of permanent decisions when it comes to creating a hero. This will cause more immersion and replayability that will actually keep a fan base playing.

I think, its easy to find the middle.
Make it cost so much, itā€™s easy to fix or change your character but it gets uncomfortable to play multiple builds parallel