A couple of DClone ideas I’ve had:
1. They could make a weekly thing. 1 week you have to find lenymos to sell to spawn DClone. Another week you have to find ribcrackers to sell to spawn DClone. Set number would have to be sold for DClone to spawn. The only way for anyone to have DClone spawn in their game is if you had found one, and sold it during that week of whatever item is up for selling to spawn DClone. Also, items would be flagged for selling if you traded for the item that is up for selling to spawn DClone. You have to find the item yourself, and not be traded for.
2. Since it is global servers if it still works the same way, and people can see SoJ’s sold to merchants I believe they could make a value of 1-100 sold to spawn him. Every hour everyone gets a chance to guess a number between 1-100. If you guess right you can make a game, and he spawns in that game. If DClone doesn’t spawn within that hour it carries over to the next hour. If you had already guessed a number on the previous hour you can’t guess another number on the carry over hour, and can only guess one number after each DClone spawn.
3. What about if we think backwards. Instead of selling SoJ’s to spawn DClone, what if he is spawned by the number of SoJ’s that drop somehow? Maybe like every 100 SoJ’s dropped(found) globally he spawns on that 100th drop. It resets, and the next 100th drop will spawn DClone. This will make Anni extremely rare because it all depends on who gets the 100th drop of a SoJ found. Although SoJ’s are extremely rare to find as it is so this would definitely make Anni’s rare. Or, another idea on this is strictly whoever finds a SoJ(it has to drop from a monster, not be duped if people do end up duping items, and whether solo self found, or in a group) then DClone automatically spawns on the next Super Unique in that game. That way people will get rewarded for finding a SoJ to spawn DClone. Only thing is it would have to be a Hell game since DClone can’t spawn in NM, or Norm. Unless they remove this restriction. Would have to get a high enough character in that NM, or Norm game to kill him.
4. Another idea could be during a daily timeframe Blizzard could set different time parameters for the finding of a SoJ, and if you find one during that timeframe you can use that SoJ to either keep, or sell to spawn DClone in your game. Example: D2: R launches Thursday, September 23rd. Let’s say they announce Friday, September 24th 1:00P.M. PST to 9:00P.M. PST to find SoJ for DClone. If you play during those hours, and find a SoJ you can have a chance at spawning DClone if you choose to sell that SoJ to spawn DClone. Next day Saturday, September 25th they could use same timeframes, or switch it up, and allow shorter, or longer periods to find a SoJ to use for DClone. This seems like a pretty good idea because people may switch from Baal runs, etc. and group/solo MF to try to find that SoJ during the timeframe set forth.
5. Game gold could involve spawning DClone. Either from gambling a low chance item to spawn him, or at least have a part in spawning him. This would make game gold more valuable!