Diablo 4 will be a 'dark and gritty modern diablo 2' apparently

it’s going to be a long week, tic toc tic toc tic toc
is it friday yet?

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Having hosts actually gave the prime evils a bolster in strength, at least according to some of the npcs in Diablo 2. Deckard Cain himself noted early on that having the wanderer as a host made Diablo more powerful than ever before, now whether this statement took Diablo’s strength during the Eternal Conflict in consideration, we don’t know.

Diablo’s bout with Tyrael was done with Diablo only having a fragment of his strength, honestly it’s more odd that Tyrael wasn’t able to kill Diablo during the struggle. As such, I can only assume that Tyrael himself didn’t have his full strength either, albeit for different reasons than the prime evils. That said, once the prime evils reunited, Diablo and Mephisto seemed to have been able to gain their full might again (at least the cutscene showing Diablo’s transformation suggested so); Baal on the other hand seemed to have needed his soulstone in order to do the same.

Anyway, the main point is that the Diablo 2 characters possessed might far surpassing normal man, that said, they were nowhere near the strength of Diablo 3’s Nephalem.

My interpretation of that, was that once Diablo had full control of his new host, he was stronger than he was with his previous host who, admittedly, was a simple child.

I can only offer speculation, but I believe Tyrael’s goal was to imprison the three evils on Sanctuary. Killing Diablo wouldn’t have achieved anything in the end on that front. It seems more likely his goal would have been to subdue Diablo, and then imprison him the same way Tal’Rasha was used to imprison Bael.

While I can agree the Diablo 2 heroes attained power beyond what normal humans could hope to achieve, it was still power acquired within the scope of what a human could do. They weren’t nephalim. It’s probably also worth noting the old cliche trope that the events of Diablo and Diablo II were all part of Diablo’s master plan all along, so it’s possible the three evils were holding back on purpose, or Diablo interfered.

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Sure, Blizzard is an absolute dumpster fire currently, but honestly did anyone actually believe they’d change Diablo to a shooter? Really…?

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Look, after Diablo Immortal, it just feels like they have no respect at all for the sanctity of their IPs.


I kinda like it. There were many callbacks to diablo 1 in 3. To have 4 please fans of two echoes well to me. Sets up for an ultra pentagonal D5 someday which could maybe finally abandon isometric for VR.

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That’s a misleading stat. D2 fans all bought the game and told everyone else they know to do the same. Diablo 3 failed its fanbase and almost killed the franchise.


Having D4 Dark and Gritty is a nice change from the animated environment which is D3

We know you are a low-attention span type of gamer that loves how D3 is made for casuals. You announce it in every thread. Lets hope D4 resembles D2 more than D3.


So pretty much zero build variation where everyone uses the same few sets? No thanks.


You can have D4 to be the best of both D2 and D3; it doesn’t need to be one or the other.

There are no better build on D2. There are “better build to UBER”, better build to chaos, better build to MF, etc.

Common Paladin builds. All hell viable

Auradin: using auras to kill.
Avenger: uses Vengeance as his main attack to add elemental damage.
Charger: attacks well and can beat casters in one hit (most of the time).
Cleric: focuses on healing skills
FoHer (Fist of the Heavens): using Conviction aura and “FoH” to kill his enemies.
Hammerdin: Teleports into the thick of the enemy and wipes out packs using the radial damage of Blessed Hammer (very good for magic finding).
Mage: a FoHer/Hammerdin hybrid.
Pindlesdin: Pindleskin farmer.
Ranger: uses ranged weapons.
Smiter: less adept at crowd control, but uses Crushing Blow to melt act bosses, uniques, and even the Ubers.
Zealot: fast attack and capable of striking multiple enemies at once (or one enemy multiple times).

Keep in mind that two paladins with the same gear are completely different characters on D2. On D3, everyone is just a clone.


Wasn’t it you that talked about not gimping yourself? Saying that you would still play on the trading game-mode for D4 because you wouldn’t want to be at a disadvantage? Why would I want to run sub-par builds that can’t reach the same heights as other builds because the devs ruined builds by making sets that buff certain skills by 10000%?


It’s the same principle lmao. Why would someone want to gimp themselves to where they can’t handle T16 or higher grifts? Yay for sets that buff certain skills instead of a +skill design or type of damage.


What’s not fun is hitting a limit on how high of a grift you can do because the devs literally neglected to add a set for a skill or supporting legs. Bad design is bad. If you really played D2, you’d see how D3 is so much simpler and everyone uses the same 3-4 builds per class. And if people just play for fun then why all the whining about the leaderboards being filled with bots?


I think you just showed you’re logically bankrupt.
Diablo 3 is a hollow experience and has done nothing but let down fans, you know and I know it.

We all bought into diablo 3 with the RMAH thinking this would provide periodic content updates via the revenue generated via RMAH tax coming into the game, but instead all it did was steal a lot of money from the community. If I’m not mistaken it was also used to launder money and goverments got involved.

Those of us that wanted to see diablo 3 become something amazing and able to compete with PoE (a free to play game) never happened despite being a product of a multi billion dollar company. Why is it a hand full of guys can design and maintain a diablo 2 clone better than the company that originated the genre?

There’s no reason we can’t have A LOT of viable builds in d3 it’s only due to laziness and lack of vision that makes only a few builds/playstyles viable. The developers created this system and knew the outcomes of their decisions. You can’t seriously pretend that Diablo 3 isn’t the most shallow of ARPG experiences ever made. Everything is a loot pinata and nothing feels special.

To try and argue that Diablo 3 has depth is a foolish endeavor and you know it. Are you shilling for blizzard or is this something else entirely? It seems as though you work for the company but hey maybe I’m wrong but I’ve seen you do damage control on the forums for awhile and I wonder what motivations could you have to be a PR person spouting lies over and over.


I’m really happy a large number of d2 players are on this forum speaking the truth about how great D2 is compared to D3. Hopefully the D4 devs are listening and they make the D2 community the game they should have got with D3.


That’s a fair interpretation honestly, after all Cain knew little of Diablo’s strength during the Eternal Conflict (save for what was passed down through texts).

I actually haven’t thought about that, and honestly you might be right regarding that.

Maybe, however keep in mind that even if the prime evils weren’t as strong as they were during the time they warred against Heaven, the Diablo 2 heroes did best Duriel and Andariel, two of the Lesser Evils; and while their strength may not equal to the prime evils; it is still something that far surpassed the scope of man. At least that’s my opinion.

The only feature from D3 I want in D4 is the feel of combat. Thats it. Everything else is done better in either D2 or Path of Exile.

And, generally, the arpg community tends to agree here. D2 and PoE is the gold standard, the bar to reach. If Blizzard is to take inspiration from any games, those are the ones.

Diablo 3.5 is not going to cut it. Blizzard will need to do waaaay better than that. I want to see a viable competitor for Path of Exile, because Grinding Gear are waiting for D4 just like all of us, and they’re ready for a fight. Path of Exile will come out swinging. I want this fight. As an arpg fan and a consumer, I want both games to go to war over me. You want my money? You better give me a freaking good game with depth, itemization, builds, classes. I’m a PoE and D2 fan, but I have no loyalty. NONE. I don’t owe these corporations a thing. I will drop your game as soon as something better comes along in an instant.

I dont think we’re going to get dark and gritty. Looking at Blizzards other games, cartoony is their favored art direction. So I’m pretty sure it will be more Disney stuff. I’m not happy about that, but if the gameplay is up to snuff i’ll take it. I guess we’ll see later this week - or not.


I would prefer dark and gritty -
But high noon in some outdoor location well lit - yeah that’s ok
Dungeons, crypts, spooky ruins and any underground areas, has to be dark and gloomy.
Let my followers/mercs hold the torch, give me shadows flickering off of the walls and dancing around my feet. Light radius is ok, but torches are better at setting the ambience of creepy/evil. I like immersion.