Diablo 4 - What's The Point

It’s implemented in a bad way which they also realized and admitted in their most recent test plays

Wait, no, I care a lot
Together with many other people who didn’t like the initial state of the game after announcement and the fact that they started changing things after the first few days, needing people to tell then what they are doing wrong was very alarming to me.

Just because you don’t care, doesn’t mean it’s not a problem

Would ask for your reference on this.

Most people would have logically wanted an improved sequel to D2 not a go off in another direction re-spin. It’s like trying to fix something that’s not broke or if they wanted to try a different idea they should have called it something else. That’s why people can’t wrap their heads around it! But Actard was greedy for more corporate profits and wanted to sell more copies off D2’s reputation.

Even a child could understanding this, you’re either being obtuse or are just bored of playing Diablow3 and are getting in some weekend fun wielding the Trollhammer!

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Because it would not make money.

D3 is screwed and can’t be fixed.


Well apparently Blizzard thought something was not right with the direction Brevik was taking D3 so they canned it. Brought on a new team with a different direction. Nothing wrong with shaking things up. The problem lied with how a contingent of fans reacted, and still do to this day.

I understand just fine. It’s those that expected D2 with a new skin don’t.

its a problem when people say that they dont like something?

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Because D3’s hype train has been docked & dismantled for scrap long ago, owed in no small part to the game being geared from the get-go to hurry you along to max level and help you win with smart loot, possibly under some presumption that those D2 players engaged in endless Baal runs must be the true connoisseurs, and everyone else doing blind builds, speed-runs and PvP are plebeian noobs that should L2P and get on board with what Diablo is really about (because their characters were comparatively weak, after all)? There was also some notion that “group-think” has obsoleted problem-solving in computer games, and it was decided to reduce the amount of problem-solving in D3 as a fail-safe, rather than attempt to balance it all and failing that, risk having loads of “newb traps”. Also there were ideas that some disagreed with outright on the conceptual level, such as that D2’s items had too many affixes and the challenge of deciphering their worth was considered a flaw (but two items could have roughly equal value despite being different).

“Hindsight is 20/20” (but I said this since the open beta) but my assessment is no less harsh than how D2 was criticized, down to the most esoteric minutiae that wasn’t extrapolated until years of R&D by thousands of players on GameFAQs. But instead of use that info to make dexterity useful etc. they junk it all as if it’s out of their hands as frickin designers.

Despite these gripes, it was all well-and-good (e-riots notwithstanding), 'til they doubled-back and nuked the venerable “Inferno mode” post-release, eventually replacing it with “Torment 150” or whatever malarkey that doesn’t sound half as impressive, before which my incentive to conquer D3 had diminished.


You know damned well I’m not saying that. You’ve seen examples of what we’ve all seen for 8 years. I have no issues with anyone who disagrees, it’s those that feel the need to toss insults at those that don’t share the same opinions or acts as if those people are lesser lifeforms. So please stop feigning ignorance.

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It wasn’t like that from the get go. That started in RoS.

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Right. Well, my point stands that D3’s initial hours were way easy. That one question at the Blizzcon Q&A asking about difficulty options for new characters, was Blizzard’s cue to up the challenge compared to D2, particularly for Hardcore players. Instead, they cite D2’s immediate starting area (the perfect place to acclimate yourself to combat, stamina mechanic and things) in defense of D3’s trivial opening act. Yes, the area that precedes the Den of Evil. Not Duriel, or even Andariel, either of which are probably more challenging than all of D3 Normal difficulty. Weak!


To begin, some of you let us know that the fantasy of Ancestral/Demonic/Angelic Power just isn’t cool enough in the current version of the pitch. Duly noted! Another problem we identified was the ratio of effort to rewards. For example, in order to gain specific, minor bonuses, players would most likely have to carry around several extra pieces of gear, each with different amounts of Ancestral/Demonic/Angelic Power on them. You would then need to constantly calculate each of the power levels of those items and compare with their overall power. It felt like an excessive amount of bookkeeping for the player.

True the difficulty curve was easier but the zerg to level cap wasn’t a thing until later.

It effectively was, arguably, with the linear skill system (literally one-dimensional) straight out of WoW (and it still baffles me that “skill vendors” were ever lauded in WoW vanilla/classic). It did everything to make me look forward to “the destination” rather than enjoy “the journey”, to where I have options.


The very anti D2 stance is strong, like usual from you.
Admitting your so anti-D2 and people who agree with many of D2’s choices, would be a great start.

All you do is shoot down / counterpoint anything saying how blizzard now is doing something wrong or D2 did something right relative to D3/4, but for some reason you just wont own your undeniable stance.

For example i have about the opposite stance of you for what i think a good diablo game is, im insanely pro d2 / old blizzard, and if you aren’t thats totally fine, but i own my stance, yet you refuse to agree on what your stance has been saying, and always does, it’s anti d2 and people who like d2 / think d2 is better.

Stupid thread is stupid.


Well 1 there’s nothing wrong, whatsoever, w voicing opinion on an opinion forum.
Like, telling someone “go away” nobody has the right to tell someone that like, in a general sense. That’s not right. If you are saying “move one” as in dont even talk about this game, well, the game’s not done, there’s probably a good chunk of time to try and make a difference.

That 1 in whatever chance is worth it, plus, it feels good to connect w like minded folk, so no offense not you, but people who actually understand the points i make, maybe who put in more diablo 2 thinking time, not necessarily playing time, to understand it what matters whats best and why.

2 it isn’t their job is debatable, bc a CM by nature’s job is to info collect, so, i mean, they you know have jobs only dedicated to info, so i’d assume, the a word, communicating back would be part of a CM job description, not just silent gather.

3 if for some strange reason communicating back is not part of the job, but just a goal, its highly like, business smart, to do that, and makes games turn out, you know a ton better. So there’s nothing wrong with pointing out lack of communication if way better quality of it would only lead to positive things.

4 I’m not mad at you, beef.

This is the quality burn I come here for.

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When d3 launched I didn’t find 1 leg in at least the first 6 months.


It’s true, not everyone was happy with the changes fro. D1 to D2 as well. But again, when you have massive games like Blizzard, you have so many differing opinions that anything will upset someone.

Never assumed you were.