Diablo 4 - What's The Point

This theme is a pretty prevalent theme when considering what’s happening in America today. Silencing people because you don’t like what they say, i.e. Google, Twitter, news networks, many parts of Reddit. It’s getting wild out there. Blizzard has done a mostly good job of allowing us to voice our opinions so kudos to them.

I was watching a friend play Zelda Breath of the Wild with its open world and plethora of drops and crafting. Funny, it’s almost like Diablo 3 wanted to be but in the open world of D4. The art in Breath of the Wild is really good as well (I’d forgotten). No skill points to worry about and you can play without stopping to distribute points like a Skyrim type game.

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I didn’t say anything that was anti-D2. All I did was point out that unless they do exactly what you want, you will say they didn’t listen. I would say the same thing about anyone who displayed the same attitude.

You didn’t even bother to deny it.

Bullbleep. Your biggest argument against anyone else is that they AREN’T insanely pro D2 / old Blizzard.

The problem is, though, that you think you already know what’s best and everyone else is wrong. You also insinuate that everyone who disagrees is stupid - that they can’t or don’t understand you rather than understanding and thinking something else.

I believe there’s multiple ways they can make D4 successful, whereas by all accounts you think there’s only a single 20 year old way.

Meh. Of all the Zelda games, I think BoTW might be my least favorite… not because it’s a bad game (it isn’t), but because it’s really starting to move away from some of what I think defines Zelda and adding things that don’t really need to be there. It’s starting to move toward other games in the genre and becoming less Zelda, if that makes any sense.

Fortunately BotWs shift if good. Zelda has been the same boring old formulaic game since ALttP. BotW is amazing in a lot of ways. The departure from traditional dungeons was different it sure if I feel the Divine Beasts were a good replacement. But the whole adventure, exploration, and sandbox nature of everything is what make it a game of a generation(or two).

None of that really bothered me - exploration has always been a big part of Zelda. What I find myself disliking more are a lot of the minor things. Cooking, worrying about weapon durability, worrying about night/day (more so than before), etc.

Yeah, it would’ve been nice that with all the mining you could do on there, that there’d be a blacksmith you could use to repair the weapons.

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Diablo I expansion pack > Hell Fire
Diablo II expansion pack > Lord Of Destruction
Diablo III expansion pack > Reaper Of Souls
Diablo IV expansion pack > Will definitely only have one expansion pack.

Different times and different circumstances. Games were quicker to make back in the day. Plus Hellfire wasn’t even made by Blizzard nor did Blizzard approve of it. Davidson, their owner, gave Sierra permission. So D1 didn’t really have one.

With D3, there was going to be a second If development didn’t get canned before the release of RoS.

D4 is a game more like a GAAS, where they have multiple planned. With a cosmetics store, revenues shouldn’t be an issue and it should be allowed to continue as long as money is coming in.

That is not what they said. They said “expansions.”

Joe : So, of course, it is very early days here, but what I can confirm is that we will sell a base game, and expansions; and I can also confirm that we will not sell power.

I also think it’s very likely they development of this current iteration was pitched with a specific story direction spanning at minimum 2 expansions with others to follow if the game is a success.

I say this because they mentioned a few times that Diablo ain’t in it. Brought up killing hin in the base game, only to have weaker demons be the finale of D2. I suspect we will have the lesser evils and possibly Inarius in the Vanilla D4. The prime evils and Diablo in the first expansion with the destruction of the burning hell’s, then we take on the high heavens, and finally bring peace and balance to Sanctuary in the second expansion.

I could be wrong or some of the order may be off. But I believe we are working towards a path to destroy all the current known threats to Sanctuary with Lilith being a big bad being a red herring.

They also said this.

But it’s important to remember that Lilith is here, and now there’s a power vacuum. She is the ascendant power. She’s the tornado at our doorstep right now. There’s a hurricane off in the distance that we should probably be aware of, but Lilith is here, and she is in charge.

  1. Lilith first.
  2. Others to follow.

Let’s find out later, I don’t mind If they include more than 1 expansion to a game :smile: But as in previour Diablo games > Only one expansion pack each game. So It was only my thought.

That’s what they said for D3 too…

Do you have a quote on that ?
I wouldn’t mind that too much, as long as the game is about Diablo : you don’t necessary need to kill him in the end for that.

Elizabeth : Yeah. Okay, cool. Next question is “No diablo game is complete without the Lords of Hell. Can we expect to see the unholy triumvirate?”

Harrison : The unholy triumvirate? That’s awesome. Rad. Yeah, just like Sean and Jesse said earlier, like that Soulstone is shattered. Those sort of essences have been scattered to the cosmic winds. You have seen Duriel. So that’s one of them, and we know from history… History has shown that when the essences are scattered, even when they’re defeated, they do find their way back. But it’s important to remember that Lilith is here, and now there’s a power vacuum. She is the ascendant power. She’s the tornado at our doorstep right now. There’s a hurricane off in the distance that we should probably be aware of, but Lilith is here, and she is in charge.

  • I read this as Diablo and his brothers will appear in expansions.
    “There’s a hurricane off in the distance that we should probably be aware of”

It was in the D4 panel. Don’t have an exact quote but that was the jist.

I’m pretty sure I would have heard if Blizzard had said Diablo would not be in Diablo 4. ^^ I guess this is more like speculation, which is what Avalon’s quote points to.
Fun speculation though. :slight_smile:

it’s built on their RTS engine anyway

I know it’s all the rage these days but I really hope Blizzard is planning on putting everything into making Diablo 4 the best possible game at launch and not do what many other GaaS have done and release something mediocre with a plan to maybe make it good in another 2-3 years.

After games like Destiny, Anthem, etc. I get wary every time I hear “games as a service” because historically that has almost always translated into “not going to be good at launch”.


At least it’s better than that other garbage called Diablo: Immoral. AND it’s gonna be on PC!!!

Hell with focusing on d3 bots have taken that game over lol
Make d4 in fix the cheating / botting issues… !!

I mentioned GAAS because of the MTX. There is no indication D4 will be a typical GAAS game with the issues you expressed.