Diablo 4 release date or Early Access?

You were the one saying no one refunded, not me.

A game in Early Access is expected to have bugs.

Where exactly did I say anything of the sort?

Doesn’t matter man. I hope you have a nice day.

When you want to discuss the situation instead to argue mindlessly, I’ll be here.

So once again you start a line of argument that you drop instantly because you can’t back it up.

No it would not. That is the entire point here.
We would have seen those rollbacks anyway.

And as for the bug testing aspect, Blizzard already had betas. Which are much more efficient for stress testing than early access, due to them being free.

Of course it would…


Have you ever met humans?

With all of the issues they are having with D2R they really need to invest in good servers before D4 is launched.

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How can you guarantee that?

Producing any game is a pure gamble

Is that because they are going backwards to D2

I would of thought that give early release people play it, say I’m not going to buy that rubbish, if it is rubbish, and not buy it anyway

If people buy the game and then don’t play it Blizzard don’t care they already have your money
and if they go subscription they will lose players anyway because I used to play warcraft and then they bought in WoW with subscription and haven’t touched it since

What won’t help D4 is if it’s just a D2R ressurected and not a new game

You should accept that there are teething problems on any release and if you have to be so childish that you quit the game and get a refund well thats your perogative
But seeing as D3 crashed for a day or 2 on launch not everyone had a dummy spit and quit over 1 day and was the best selling game of all time for the time even with the 1 day outage

Yeah like the load on the servers from the handful of players that bothered to do the early access would even compare to the load from the number of people that would buy the actual game before playing

Early access is about the game, which has nothing to do with the server problems from not being able to handle the load
One is about the game the other is about the sheer number of people trying to access the server which won’t be picked up until you actually put that strain on the server and the number of people that do early access doesn’t compare to the number of people that will log on on release
unless of course you think the only people that are going to buy the game are only those that did the early release

Only bit I saw was where he disputed you knew how many did refund not that there wasn’t any

and PoE has been going for how many years now and they still haven’t fixed the bugs
and the last I heard they were at least working on PoE 2 if not released ad they couldn’t even get the first out of early release

CP 2077 was 316 millions, billion is greater than millions and this game surely don’t have even 200 mil at this point.

It’s not only that. D2R has serious bugs their team is not aware of, because they were forced to release prematurely. Bugs multiply the load on your servers, but these would be minimum if Early Access was there.

The truth is Early Access has far more benefits than downsides and for a company that has lost its touch with reality Early Access is great since it gives you a reality check aka what’s happening now with D2R. I warned multiple times on these forums the game is not ready for release and no one listened. D2R launch served for a lot of refunds and you won’t deny that if you aren’t delusional like other people in this thread.

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No surprise there, considering that most folks on these forums hardly cared about D2R.

Reading comprehension, work on it.

People who refunded the D2R were stuck on art style and TCP/IP support being dropped though. Didn’t hear about people being vocal about refunding it after hours of playtime even if it’s for rocky initial first day patch.
I don’t think you can trick them into releasing an early access game when their stock direction is very fragile with the recent news unrevealed. Keep trying though, that’d be quite a show if they decide to go for early access by taking a risk. That’d be something to witness.

Risk of what exactly, doing a better game?

D2R had an alpha and a beta which is early access or are you going to claim that those early access isn’t early access even though those that participated in those was playing the game before release
Serious bugs team not aware of well if those in the Beta were to actually report the bugs maybe they could of fixed those bugs but if noone tells them until after release what can they do
Forced to release early, Yeah right, Why were they forced to release early were you holding a gun to there head and saying release now or I pull the trigger

Well considering you couldn’t be bothered posting the problems on reddit like Blizzard asked or in the D2R forums and decided that the best place to post problems is the D3 forums which has nothing to do with D2, who’s fault is it noone listened Post in the right place where they will see it and maybe something could be done
And besides even with the Early Access the vast majority of people just checkout the game and get an early heads up and don’t post about bugs and leave that to someone that can be bothered

Your mates wanted and got refunds and some how according to you thats a lot is it, it’s not like you have a number for the number of refunds just that your mates refunded
Does that mean only your mates only apparantly the only ones that bought the game so everyone got refunds
and you think we are delusional
I won’t deny there were refunds because apparantly your mates all refunded as for lots how many is lots? As I wouldn’t constitute all your friends refunding as lots when compared to the number of copies sold

Early Access does not guarantee a better game
Wolcen was early access and that was worse on release

Heres a beauty I found by accident
Early access, also known as early funding, alpha access, alpha founding, or paid alpha,
And yet you insist that D2R had no early access and D2R had an alpha and a beta

You come out and say

Your problem now is D2R DID have early access even if you don’t want to believe it, do you also think the earth is flat

Come back when you accept that there was an Early access because there was an alpha and a beta which was being played before release
Otherwise if playing the game before release isn’t early access than what is

Again early access was there and again difficulties logging onto a server because of the load put on the server is a server issue and has nothing to do with the actual game
Did all those playing offline have issues with what was happening with slow servers NO

They weren’t long enough and didn’t involve all of the game.

By Early Access I mean the whole game being playable online for a period of 1-2 years constantly. That didn’t happen in D2R with the Alpha/Beta and you all saw the results some of us warned about.

Early Access is a lot better than Alpha/Beta since it tests the whole game with a lot more player base for a longer time. It’s funny how you defend Alpha/Beta and don’t want EA while EA is better than these.

because folks want new stuff not an ol game with stoneage systems

They are one and the same thing
and what makes you thing early access means more people
everyone that preordered D2R could play the Beta
But then you think your mates constitutes lots when in reality they constitute a handful
and as for not involving the whole game


In this milestone, the game is completely developed with all assets.

Sorry don’t believe it wasn’t a complete game but then you also think your mates constitutes lots and can’t even put issues in a game to the right place so that the developers can see and address them, Mister I put problems with D2R in the D3 forums

And even with 5 billion people playing early access for 100 years you still have to get them to post the problems for the developer to address them and then even if they do post problems they have to post them where the developers ask you to post them and not wherever you want to

And if you do not put the information where the developers ask you to put it so that they can actually see it they won’t do anything about it because you put it in the wrong place

Kind of like writing a letter to some one and putting the wrong address so they never recieved it in the first place then whinging because they didn’t reply


a 5600/3060 (or maybe a 3070 with the money saved on cpu) would be a wery good choice.
but i dont see the game coming next year so i would hold out a little longer.

i will buy a new computer soon aswell but im waiting until the 4000 series and maybe for DDR5 ram arrives.

prices are really crazy now aswell

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