Diablo 4 release date or Early Access?

Far not the only thing.

Yes, it is, because that’s the only thing that cost money. Not getting income that you were never guaranteed to in the first place is not a loss, it’s not a gain. Two entirely different things.

D4 and D2R won’t be entirely different if D4 is buggy like D2R. They better make an Early Access and not lose player base on release.

We have to judge Blizzard for what they are now, not for what they were back in 2000 - they aren’t that innovation driving company from years ago that produced masterpieces. All they care now is making more profit and this brings them mistake after mistake. They aren’t capable of realizing or learning from their mistakes. We have to demand an Early Access for D4 or the same story with D2R will repeat.

We really don’t. Early access is an idiotic practice.

If D2R had an Early Access right now it wouldn’t lose the players that refunded. Do you know how many were unsatisfied with the bad online launch and made a refund? An Early Access would have prevented this.

Do you?

Yes, I personally know players that made a refund due to bad launch. And I also read at different forums angry customer opinions.

You can say no one refunded, but that won’t help D4 to avoid all this mess.

That’s not the answer to the question. You asked “how many refunded”. If “a few of your friends” is actually the answer to that question, the issue is a non issue.

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Yes, I told you, you can say 0 people refunded D2R due to bad launch and that won’t help D4. Once you accept a bad online launch loses you player base will be the time when we can do progress on the topic.

You really love to move the goalposts when your argument falls flat huh?


My argument at this topic from the very beginning is that we need Early Access to avoid D2R mess. Look at my OP in the other thread:

No, the argument I initiated with you over was your claim of “billions in losses”, which you dropped when I countered with facts, then you argued over how many have refunded which you also dropped when asked specifics.

This topic is about Early Access. Let’s keep the discussion on the topic. No one from us know the exact numbers, but losing players isn’t good, especially when it could have been prevented.

This below wouldn’t have happened with Early Access:

D2R online launch is one big mess that could have been prevented.

See, now you move the goalposts once again, saying it’s “off topic” although you yourself was the one that initiated the topics.

Yes, let’s keep on topic. Diablo 4 needs an Early Access.

It really doesn’t. Smaller devs might need the extra cashflow to fund the development, Blizzard does however not.

It’s not about funding the development, it’s about proper testing they don’t do. Blizzard showed absolute incompetence with D2R launch. Such launch for D4 would result in player base loss and that won’t happen with EA.

During EA a lot of bugs are reported, a lot of hacks are taken care of. The game will be way more stable on release with having gone through EA.

Early access sole point of existence is cashing in before the product is ready for sale.

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You mean what they did with D2R - they cashed before the game is ready, because it’s obvious to anyone at this point that it’s not ready for online play.

If D2R however was labeled Early Access atm, no one would have been angry at them for having the game in such state.

Oh, you’re omnipotent now as well?

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