Diablo 4 open trading = longevity

No, it’s not. Trading is a tool that fools you into thinking you have more control over things when the reality is you’re still just as subject to luck and RNG.

Besides, if trading wasn’t in the game there’s no saying that other, better systems can’t be present to help alleviate RNG.

If you will refuse sound logic and simple concepts, it is pointless to prolong this conversation.

Just today acquired items via trading instead of RNG (in PoE). God knows how long I would need to keep playing to get it, nevermind 90% or above rolls.
How has that fooled me? If anything, that has made me less of a fool.

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If you want to get rid of RNG it can be done without trading.
I mean, in theory you could have an NPC vendor in the game that sold all items. Not that there should be such a thing.
But the point is, the amount of RNG is a design decision, with or without trading.

Both Kadela and the cube in D3 are mechanisms to reduce the RNG.

Yup, crafting too.

It is all design, depends on how much an item or whatever else is necessary and one could make do without it and for how long. If the system gates RNG too high (such as PoE does), it becomes an exercise of frustration. Obviously every person has a different point when they start feeling frustrated. Design has to be extremely careful around that and there is no way to please everyone.

PoE is structured around trading. It has an absolutely absurd amount of items.

You’re using how one game does things to say that it should always be done that way. That’s nonsense.

I expect and want plenty of options to choose from, specially in a game designed for long-term multiplayer. If they can’t keep up or don’t design towards that goal, I’m certainly not the target audience, just a player nobody needs to worry over.

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Which is why I don’t want trading - because it’s not a choice. As you pointed out in PoE, if you didn’t use it then you’re essentially screwed.

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Which clearly shows that the personal drop rate of useful items is awful, precisely because they expect you to be able to trade for stuff you didn’t get yourself.


Not screwed, but underperforming for no reason other than being locked at RNG gambling with no plan.

Yup, the best degree of RNG plus tools (gambling/craft/trade/whatever else) that I’ve met so far. Hope D4 can keep me up in a similar but hopefully even better fashion. If they can do that without trade (wich I find to be a reasoning born of naivety) I’ll be positively surprised.

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So… what if you didn’t have trading, but actually had a plan?

Naivety is lack of experience. Those of us who don’t want trading have had PLENTY of experience with it.

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Open trading = pay to win

Nuff said.

Depends, if the best possible plan resumes to play add infintum and hope RNG does the rest, eerrr not very sound.

Being the forum of D3 that is the supposed reasoning and rule of thumb, even then there is a lot of resistance. On PoE forums there is daily debate with people wanting automated trade and AH without knowing how/why that would banalize trading. I was once among those but now get that automation is terrible for their model.

Being all about design, I just can’t fathom a system that gives you everything while still making it difficult, because of opposites and RNG being the bi*** it is supposed to be. If they can do that, avoiding oversimplification, point for them.

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So has D3. It’s called “brawling”.

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You do realize that’s what it is with trading, don’t you? In order to trade anything you first have to hope RNG gives you something worthwhile.

I’d have an endgame quest system with sections of overlapping legendary items. Which quests you did would determine which section your rewards came from. The quests would be varied - boss kill quests, item collections, kill alls, kill mob types, objective-based, faction-based, etc. This reward structure would be one way to target items you were after without guaranteeing them.

I would also have specific mob types and bosses with similar tables, so that if you chose you could farm bosses or mob types for the items you were after. These tabled drops would be favored, but there would still exist a chance for other drops. This would be in addition to these mob types and bosses dropping certain crafting mats, and in addition to modes like Rifts where you encountered all mob types and special bosses.

Or, in other words, I’d make it so players could plan exactly how to get what they were after and have several avenues to pursue their choices instead of forcing them to endlessly pray that farming eventually resulted in an item for you to trade to someone else.

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I know but Blizzard seems “promoting” PVP as big deal in D4. They even said that they made D4 with PVP in mind…so yeah.

The real question is how many people will play D4 pvp at that time. :smiley:

Yes, we need non restricted trading or this will be another D3. Im with you man, and many others!


You know, I still have problem with people using that logic/argument (it’s a conclusion derived from illogical mindset).

Let me ask you this. So you would’nt have problem D4 being exactly like D3 (system, set items, paragon, gr, etc.) but having open trade, right? I’m positive that you will have a major issue with that, same for every people that don’t like D3. So why are you guys arguing ‘restricted trading’ is the issue here?

Whatever reason you guys didn’t like D3, it’s not because of restricted trading. So stop saying illogical argument of ‘if we don’t have open trading, it will be like D3!’.

Since No Trading is the best part of D3, keep the No Trading from D3 and replace/improve nearly everything else.

As I’ve said a while back; there will be plenty of people playing Diablo 4 pvp, so long as Blizzard actually put more effort into it than they did with Diablo 3 brawl.

Regarding trading; I personally don’t really care if they do or don’t put open trading in Diablo 4; as long as they don’t alter the drops to the point where you need to trade just to progress; as it was with Diablo 3 when the AH was around.

Combat viscerally and movement fluidity were the best part. No trading was up there though.