Diablo 4 open trading = longevity

Honestly just about anything that involves a decent amount of time commitment is going to give players a reason to bot, which includes the core gear grind even if there is no trading, no paragon, and no BoA.

It’s why I think it’s absurd that some people use botting as this bogeyman that we must sacrifice game features in order to fight.

The real solution to botting is Blizzard putting in the effort to actually fight it.

If that doesn’t happen then Diablo 4 will be infested with botting in any scenario short of them ripping out 95% of the gameplay.

I would rather play a game without general chat being filled with “@@@$$$$$D4 GULD GO TO w w w . get golds from us and get hacked . yeah right %1usd for first item!” 24/7, which is what D2 is now. Open a game, get a random bot spammer enter, spam it’s messages three or four times, then leave, just to have another follow in about five minutes. No thank you.


Well there is a problem with that. In order to fight the botting problem, they must know beyond a reasonable doubt that you are botting. To do that, they need concrete evidence. They used to run Warden to collect that evidence, but stopped doing so outside of prize tournament gameplay (Overwatch).

The big problem with Warden and other active scanning anti-cheat monitoring software is “Invasion of privacy” concerns since it’s collecting data from your system. Warden is classified as “spyware” and is banned from being used in many locations. Of course the botters LOVE that this is the case.

So Blizzard has two choices:
1: They could run Warden and not allow sales of their Warden enabled games to the locations that ban the use of anti-cheat software and lose a substantial amount of sales.
2: Sell the games to everywhere and anyone waving money at them, not run any anti-cheat software and make a ton more money…

When it comes to keeping your shareholders happy and the board members pockets lined, the choice is pretty obvious.

Considering the amount of data newer Windows versions collect, not to mention peoples phones, is there really a legal issue here?
I mean, there should be a legal issue, but it seems like that battle is quite lost.

There are special versions of Windows mainly for countries that don’t allow data collection.

and yet many other companies don’t seem to have the same struggles that Blizzard apparently does.

Though if Blizzard really truly can’t run anti-cheat then the game is more or less screwed anyway.

What’s next, are they going to cut out the gear grind when botting becomes wide spread in Diablo 4 just like it was in D3 and D2?

Like I said, most of a Diablo game involves features that make people want to bot. How much of the game are they going to remove just to fight it?

This, right here. When they are pretty much outright banning the game key for botting, they need to be 1000% sure it is what it appears to be. Otherwise they are just looking for a lawsuit. When going up against a billion dollar industry(which botting and in extension RMT is), I think they are doing decently. Better than some.

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Well… the problem tends to be that when trading exists everything else is designed around it. Which means it takes you significantly longer to find your own stuff.

I don’t know, maybe you don’t care about that. I, however, have a problem with my enjoyment being stifled because someone else wants to be able to brag about how much virtual wealth they have.

It had. There would be even MORE bots if in addition to the benefit they’re getting now there was also options to trade on top of that. Because right now the only thing they’re getting is E-Peen points on the ladder. But if there was trade, they would find ways to get real money out of it, and that’s a WHOLE different story.


To be fair if they are going to do seasons like in Poe, open trading might be needed if they do not want to have a ridiculous high droprate of everything like it is in D3.

No, it won’t.

Look, “no trade” doesn’t need to lead to “ridiculously high drop rates.” D3’s drop rate was fine long before it got so stupid. This is even borne out by Ancient and Primal gear. The only reason those item tiers were added is because drop rates got stupidly high and they needed a way to essentially reset it and make you hunt most of your items a second and third time.

Ridiculously high drop rates has much more to do with scaling difficulty than it does no trading. They attached rewards to difficulty, so when they kept making it possible to do higher GRs and added more Torments the number of drops kept going up. That has zilch to do with no trading.

The overall drop rate was fine after they kept the 100% anniversary buff for year 1. After that the only adjustment they needed to make was on the stupidly rare items. Then things would have been good. Instead we kept getting power creep as a form of content and well, here we are.

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Exactly. You don’t need high drop rates for no trade. D3 did just fine in the longevity area with no trade. No trade era lasted longer than the trade era.

Let’s hope they don’t. Mentioned before I’d rather seasons be like WoW content patches. Give us a new small story to play through, some new gear to find and craft, nee affixes onngear and monsters, possibly a new dungeon/world boss, or a general theme. Let a reset mode be an optional mode for seasons. The reset just gets old and boring no matter what the theme may be.

I kinda wish they would not do seasons like PoE and D3. They are so short. No wonder everything has to be super fast then (whether through drops or trading).
Imo, seasons should probably last about 6 months instead. Give people time to slowly get gear and improve their characters.

And then, with the longer cycles, it gives time to add more meaningful content as well (PoE does that pretty well, but sometimes their seasons are quite hit or miss, fewer seasons could help with the quality).

Yeah, agreed, new story content, dungeons etc. would be great instead of seasons being about resets only with a new “gimmick” each time.
And give the new content to non-season too. Maybe with a delay, like a month, if you really want to encourage the season restarts (which I guess does make sense as a community event)


There doesn’t need to be a delay, story can be done, new items would could start at level cap or once the entire campaign is unlocked. But yeah, no to a seasonal reset should be made loud and clear to the dev team.

Sure, but if Blizzard want to encourage people to restart in a new season. Which they probably want to.

That’s what I say have it be it’s own separate mode. They can have a cool new cosmetic reward for completing a seasonal reset, similar to WoWs Allied Race Heritage gear.

Agree to topic title.

Although wasn’t there another discussion on this why a new one? :thinking:

Just to repeat the point, for me personally, don’t appreciate being stuck into RNG. Not a design I enjoy or see logic into. Maybe ppl inclined towards gambling think/feel different because I’m certainly not a gambler.

If it gets to the point I’m playing just for better gear but can’t hoard gold/materials/items for trading, instead I get locked into RNG, would likely quit or bot. Gambling? :face_vomiting: No tnks.

No-trade is an artifical barrier to extend the game longevity that generates boredom and repetition. If done because of botters or RMT, devs/staff should deal with the issue directly via better policies and bans, not through detracting my enjoyment of the game.


Wha? Having open trade doesn’t make you any less reliant on RNG. It arguably makes you MORE reliant on RNG because not only are the drop rates lower overall, but you have good chance to find items completely useless to your character(s).

Lol. Trade is the barrier. It stops you from finding the items you want via killing monsters and forces you to rely on other players. And it stops decent systems from being put in.


Trade is a tool to alleviate RNG. Get what is needed via exchanging goods. Math equation of how much is made per hour up to how much is needed to acquire a given item/material.

RNG no, it is entirely luck based.

Wich one is placing the barrier? Depends upon the player. I’m not a gambler.

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