Diablo 4 musts, and must nots

-Level Cap at 100 (TBD)
-Meaningful quests (TBD)
-Skill tree or a very similar skill/progression system (CONFIRMED)
-Mephisto (TBD)
-Followers/Mercenaries (TBD, but most likely confirmed)
-Runes/Charms (RUNE CONFIRMED!)
-Trading or a Barter/Market economy (CONFIRMED)
-Top notch music! (TBD)
-Combat smoothness (CONFIRMED)
-Dark atmosphere (CONFIRMED)
-Harder bosses

Must NOTs:
-20 different difficulty settings
-Adventure Mode
-Soulbound items

Help me name some more stuff so the Developers can see what we want/dont-want/love/hate/etc. If we dont speak up now, we will never be herd… (herd like cattle) :slight_smile:


This is solely your need, not necessary what everyone want.
Just saying…


I admire your passion but Blizzard has shown us time and time again that they don’t actually listen to the community.

Sorry man, we’re getting whatever game the higher ups decide is fun, for better or worse.


You just described D2, OP. If that’s what you want so bad, all you need do is buy a code and have at it.


I feel like most people like this would be happy with a D2 remaster


Dude… Go play Diablo 2.


Level 100 not required.

Trading not required.
Soulbound items required.

Mephisto not wanted.
Need new big bads not repeats

Pvp yes please.

Combat smoothness required.

DPS numbers that are not in the thousands of trillions.


Y’all need to relax with these Diablo 4 ultimatums. Diablo 3 was announced in 2008. It came out in 2012. Even if we see a Diablo 4 announcement, the only thing that they’ve completed is the game engine.

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-Level Cap at 100 Meh - OK fine doesn’t matter

-Meaningful quests Sounds good

-Skill tree or a very similar skill/progression system Agreed - love skill trees

-Mephisto LOL

-Followers/Mercenaries Cool, OK

-Runes/Charms Absolutely not unless they have their own inventory slot

-Trading or a Barter/Market economy Hard pass - not needed with a good loot system in place

-PVP (Brawler Mode isnt gonna cut it!) If and only if it has no bearing on PvE balance


thx Don :slight_smile: I had to throw in the ‘Mephisto’ in the musts, hes a memorable one!

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I agree with all these musts and must nots.


I only have one must - it must be a good game.
I have a lot of wants but only one must…


I like all of your “must haves”, and hate all of your “must not haves.”

Bottom line, D2 was a great game, but the endless pressure of timed Greater Rifts is arguably the single best thing in any ARPG game, and must be preserved. I think Paragon as a cross-account accumulation is awesome.

D3 is a great game, and so is D2. Just mush them together!


Why not?
Adventure mode is basically a QoL content for farm/grind, which is a huge part of ARPGs.
If you don’t like 1-2 things about it (let’s say rifts/GRs), then I can agree with you, but I don’t want to have to remember every chapter of every act and know what will spawn there, like we had before Adventure mode was implemented.


He may be implying they integrate endgame into the whole story. I hate to compare to other games but POE integrates mapping after the Kitava fight and the other activities (that I know of), it is somewhat seamless (somewhat).

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music. music. music. diablo 1 and 2 have iconic music and nothing in d3 is memorable at all besides the EPPPIIICCC orchestra diablo fight that doesn’t fit in diablo’s universe at all. we need that d1/d2 foreboding gothic atmosphere.


added to ‘musts’! :slight_smile:

If you want D2 …Doors that way mate


Thats exactly what I had meant, I didnt mean like get rid of everything that Adventure Mode had. It just really takes away from the story/experience when you can just start running rifts or GRs at level 1. There should be at least some story paired with progression… :slight_smile:


Which is sometimes a good thing. Like in this case.
Still hoping they can resist all the D2/Poe/Pvp/Trading whining and come up with a good game.