Diablo 3 will end at season 30

Sad that D4 doesn’t sound deep enough as an end game to play every season…

I’d be pretty okay if they want to recycle season 28 a few more times, ha


I hope they bring back ethereals before it ends. Ethereal Windforce has to be my favorite item in all diablo games.

Its not the end, that is very misleading. Servers aren’t shutting down. There will still be seasons. Maybe not brand new themes every time but they will still address game balance & ruin / buff different builds and sets.


Meh that’s fine it’s not like much is going to change anyway.

Diablo 3 was an interesting run with the endless dungeon mechanics. Made things at least far more interesting then what they were prior to RoS.

Endless dungeons? You mean Trials?

Rifts and Greater Rifts

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D3 seasonal content may indeed end at some point.

However, after some years it will be remastered, reforged, updated, whatever… lol…

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Unlike D2R, I hope when this happens, we can transfer our non-season characters to the remastered game.


Hopefully we get more stash space. Currently have only 22 slots free in season stash (328/350). That’s two complete bounty runs + 1 act. So, tomorrow morning I will run out of stash space.

Yes of course it is all over the end of the D3 era…
Until they release Diablo 3 Immortal!!!

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I suspect they won’t do that one because it was so hated and so many people (On the forums at least) had problems with the flashy lights and stuff.

This will be my last season. D3 had had an amazing run and this season has been best yet imo. Will miss this game but been 10 years of good free content and some amazing seasons, can’t complain. I’m hoping this season drags out 6 months like 27 did


ah well time will tell was planning to play both games, i am a diehard fan of the WD wat i can’t play in D4.

then may s30 be rank 150 legacy of dreams.

and ethereals return.

It is not misleading, they will do the same as they did to starcraft 2 and hots, game will enter maintenance mode, with just some hotfixes/ minor changes and recycled seasons. U can still play but without new content. Diablo 3 is old and Blizz want to make money on new games. They will move the few d3 developers to d2r or d4. What will end is new content.


I sort of expect more like an expansion with exciting new stuff. Don’t think the engine itself would need updating.

D3, unlike D2, is on the current, modern battle net. Sort of expecting we get to keep all our ns stuff.

So… this was what the Maya calendar was all about?! :open_mouth:

How many season themes are there worth keeping in rotation?

Altar if it’s not made standard nonseason.

4 cubeslots.


Soul shards.

Angelic crucibles.

Any more good ones?


Probably the one where the cube could be 3 weapons. Season 16 (with royal grandeur) and season 17 with LoD, could be merged potentially into one. Just an idea.