Diablo 3 will end at season 30

Recycle content? Does that mean we’re going to stack twister in the corner again?

It definetly would, pretty much all of the ongoing issues with D3 is due to the engine.


I should have been more specific.
I meant the graphics engine.
There are more “engines” than one.

I’d like and still would pay for them making updates so we can get more stash space.
For the rest, I’d like additional content, way by playing to make your items better such as rerolling more stats, staying at least at the normal, ancient or primalness when reforging and other qol.

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it seems to me there is nothing bad with the developers repeating seasonal themes again :slightly_smiling_face:, but if they do not release patches with fixed items at the same time, then it will be just terrible! :scream:

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Ahh, yeah it looks pretty enough, sure.

Oh god… misleading thread title. It’s not ending! It’s just going into maintenance mode for good come S30 with recycled seasonal themes likely on rotation.

My guesses for S29:

  • primarily a class set balancing patch where they try to bring all class sets on the same power level
  • probably introduce one or two of the ideas as a seasonal theme from Rax’s manuscript for improvements

As some have suggested, if they combine some of the past seasonal themes, it would allow for some real juicy things to do in seasons (anyone want 4 cube slots and be able to pick any power in each slot?). I’d be happy with just 4 really good combinations of past seasonal themes and just cycle through them every 3-4 months each year.


with great pleasure I take this one! :smiley:

If u read all text u know that i said that they will recycle content. No one enter other people threads just to read title… You just repeat what i said LoL

Going back many, many, many years, there was going to be an entire new region in D3 allocated to the druid. They changed that even though all the drawings and ideas were made fairly available. These got merged into the existing game and no druid. This said, I will still wait for their official announcement on their website and other media before I take any closing date a as gospel. :slight_smile:


I don’t believe this will happen anymore. They’ve had countless opportunities to balance sets with just some number tweaks, but never did. dmkt and Rage have already done most of the work for them but were completely ignored.
My guess for S29 is that they’ll just nerf Tal Rasha to the ground during the PTR and MAYBE rebuff it a little in the final patch notes.

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I would argue most people just read the headline and nothing else.

True dat.
So many times ppl just reply to the first line of an OP’s thread.
and miss what OP said in the lines below the first or Title.

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Wasn’t that season 19 pewpew from the sky kill streak thing quite good? I didn’t play much of it so not sure.

Free cube slots like season 20, RoRG, Triune, LoD could all be combined or together with other themes. Or do one of the smaller themes but for that season there is some stronger Altar buff (assuming it stays). So one season has Altar with QoL, smaller theme and a node with CDR or something so it feels different.

Or other RoRG/LoD type things, shouldn’t be hard to make something like Captain Crimson’s or Aughild’s to apply without being equipped?

my only wish is to make Ulianna’s EP build great again


Didn’t understood this. What is mean recycle? No new season themes? Repeating the past themes? Seasons without themes at all but rewards will be periodically repeated? Maintenance mode? Disabling the servers? What is it?

This is what it means. I would much rather they recycle popular themes than make garbage ones because they run out of ideas, but that’s just me. I’ve not played every single season but I have played some that were a little lackluster compared to others.

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When they started reworking class sets, rebalancing all sets would be the silliest thing they could do… I mean why bother when 20-40% of those sets would be reworked and the balance would be affected with every rework?

Better to just do the reworking first… and when that’s done and dusted, balance everything then.

Anyway, we’re just debating opinions and ideas… we’ll just wait for S29 to see what they really do.