Diablo 2 Resurrected in Review and the Case for a Charms-only inventory: Will it fix a 20 year old Problem?

What the heck are you talking about? :joy:
YOU were the one starting to throw around random accusations in this post:

Also I don’t need to grab your loot, I already told you that I either play with friends in organized loot sharing runs or fill my solo runs with 7 toons, where the only loot I can “steal” is my own anyways :woman_shrugging:

That is exactly what I did.
I am simply using workarounds to be able to run a full charm inventory without any of the drawbacks.

The fact that you are still here in this thread posting indicates that you haven’t fixed the problem or come to terms with it.

Tell me, what is worse? Entirely removing the option of pub games for yourself, and getting 7 mule accounts so you can fill up your own solo games? Or running 6 skillers instead of 8. Like you honestly sound like a crazy person, for inflicting this upon yourself. You’d rather have +2 skills than allow yourself to play the game normally. Lose the elitist attitude and you’ll enjoy life more.

But, this is what’s great about D2. It’s raw systems that allow great player agency lets players create great experiences for themselves, or destroy it for themselves. The rawness of old games like this is lost in the “hand-holding” you see in modern games, and it should be preserved. The lesson here is that min-maxing can get to a point where it really negatively affects the player experience, but the game isn’t going to stop you from hurting yourself if that is what you really want to do.


Instead of buying the game 8 times I would prefer to see an official solution to replace the workaround - just like the one we got for muling with the shared stash.

Did you even play the game within the last decade?
Pub runs are infested with bots, pickit users and leechers.

I’d rather say that anyone who is still using pub runs is the “crazy person”.

Of course I prefer to play the game with other people.
That is why I usually run with friends and loot sharing.
No one is “stealing” anyones stuff, everyone just picks up whatever he can fit in his cube and on his mouse cursor and then drops it on the floor in the next game so whoever’s turn it was can pick it up and stash it.

If there aren’t enough people for a good run, I simply play solo without having to worry about someone snagging away the entire Diablo/Baal drop from me.

I just want to point this out to you because you may be unaware. The tone you use in this example (not to mention most of your above posts) is very assumptive and disparaging, and reeks of elitism - a major issue that I’ve found with much of the still active D2 community. You can still say this exact same thing, but in a respectful way. If you notice, most of your posts start with some disrespectful or assumptive statement, which only works to undermine everything you say after it. If you want people to read and listen to what you say, consider changing your tone. It will be to your benefit.

To answer you, yes, I’m playing game right now. I’ve been playing single player with plugy (yes, i am open to some QoL changes like the shard stash) on and off for the last few years, since retiring from battle net for the reasons you stated, and occasionally online with friends via TCP/IP.

I agree with you that you shouldn’t need to buy 8 accounts to play the game. And actually, you don’t need to even now. You have solved your problem in a way that was not intended by the original vision of the game and probably won’t really be an option for D2R. Since we’re talking about D2R and not D2, I am arguing that the better option will be to adjust your mentality on how you view charms and how they affect your inventory space, per some of the above posts. It’s a cost-benefit mechanic that is important to the game’s foundations, and an experience that shouldn’t be taken away from new players. Were it removed it would change the feel of the game, lead to increased balance issues, and most importantly, take away an element of player agency. Feel free to argue otherwise and try to convince me why I’m wrong. (Challenge: try to lead your post without a disrespectful, elitist statement.)


You might want to take your own advice here.

But yeah, I might have lost it a little after getting randomly accused of only wanting to steal other peoples stuff. Sorry about that.

I don’t really see how this fundamentally differs from getting a 2nd account for fast and save muling.
After all that was one of the reasons why we are getting a shared stash now.

The problem with the decision between more speed and power in exchange for less inventory space is, that it doesn’t fit into the ARPG genre in the slightest. The cost-benefit decisions should be made between the items you can equip, because they offer you very different benefits. Not between equipping or not equipping an item at all. The “goal” in an ARPG is always to get the next upgrade for your character. And the closer you come to the point where it gets nigh impossible to get another upgrade, the less natural does it feel to have to make a decision between a huge power upgrade and a tiny bit more of convenience.

Also I have to disagree that the cost-benefit decision with charms is important to the games foundations. I have played quite a bit of classic even after the LoD release and coming back to not having to make this decision didn’t hurt the “Diablo” experience at all.

The return to having a nearly completely empty inventory without having to gimp your efficiency in the slightest even came with the benefit of being able to play the “original” inventory tetris again.

First you simply pick up nearly anything that might be useful or sell for a lot of gold. As soon as your inventory begins to fill up you start to move items around to use the space more efficiently and when you are close to being full you start to ID stuff and maybe make the decision to throw out things to make more room for other stuff.

This feels much closer to being an important foundation of the Diablo experience than the boring “either lose power or lose convenience” decision that came with the charms in LoD.

Now one solution to this issue would be to ask to remove charms completely from the game, but I think that asking for a charm inventory instead is the by far more reasonable and realistic request.

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When you take it out of context it looks worse for sure. A very common forum trick.

The quote in context was:
Tell me, what is worse? Entirely removing the option of pub games for yourself, and getting 7 mule accounts so you can fill up your own solo games? Or running 6 skillers instead of 8. Like you honestly sound like a crazy person, for inflicting this upon yourself.

This refers to you purchasing 8 accounts because you’d rather do that to fill up your battle net games to /players 8, giving you a pub game experience, rather than consider the option of playing with 2 less skillers in your inventory. This work around is completely crazy and I’ve never heard of anyone going to those lengths. I’m standing by what I said, and I don’t think it’s unwarranted. The fact that public games are filled with bots is obviously another issue, and you’ve already stated that you play private games with friends as well, where again, you would all rather struggle with looting than just throw a couple of your GC’s in the stash while you play together.

Reading the rest of your post - it sounds like you hate charms and what they do to your inventory. That is fair. That’s a large reason why the Standard D2 community exists. That, and rune words being broken.

The thing is, even in LoD, you can still have the experience you describe, but you just have to make the choice to load yourself up with less charms. They don’t exist in the base game and are completely unnecessary to utterly destroy the game on /players 8 with a single character. So I still stand by that this is a player choice issue. There is an important struggle in finding the right balance in the power associated with how many charms occupy your inventory vs how much convenience and free space you have for free looting.

I don’t hate charms.
The ability to customize my character even more and having more items to hunt after is actually exciting.

What I do “hate” is the way they have been implemented in D2 - and a charm inventory would be an easy fix for this problem.

You speak as if you start the game with 8 +skills GC and anni and a torch. To have these items you would need to be pretty much near max gear.

At that point the great majority of loot you would see on the ground would be worthless to you. That’s kind of the whole point. You sacrifice the inventory space because you can.

You are so used to getting to this point of gear, and have operated with it for so long that you just think of it as normal and how everyone plays the game. I think enough people here have said they do not or that they purposely drop 1 or 2 to pick up items. On top of that, a lot of people simply wont be able to reach a gear point where they could afford worthwile charm inventory (im aware its not that hard).

There are just so few conditions where dropping two skill GCs are going to be make or break in PvM. If you defined QOL of things that make the game easier/accessible for people at this gear-level this helps out it would be ridiculous.

For instance I could argue I should be able to buy Full Rejuvs, I should have a system to break down runes, There should be a tooltip for cube recipes, rest button for my merc…

I know some of those go further than others, but if I was passionate enough I feel I could make similar arguments for them as you do for your charm inventory. These are minor inconveniences for me that just waste time that could be fixed for me since I dont like them.

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I think he is just trying to get clicks.

Why you need this “charm-inventory” then, if you do not even play with random people?

Do you really do not understand how much this free inventory will be trouble for everyone then? How many leechers will appear, and there will be no way to distingush leecher, and then EVERYONE will play private games. Forever. This will kill d2 online even without bots.

Dont you really understand it? Just look at this from my angle - 8 people with free inventories and standart baal drop. Someone will always grab more then he supposed to and only thing you will hear from him is “Oh, devs provided me with empty inventory even when I use charms! So it means they want me to grab everything I see, thats a new D2R balance, you dont understand, go kill another baal, all this loot is mine, my mouse clicking if faster”.

What experience? As it stands right now, your endgame inventory is your cube. The “experience” you’re talking about here is the moment the new comer comes to a realization of - either you run a sub-optimal build, and are inferior to 90+% of competent player base or you just accept that your inventory now is the cube.
Taking away that “experience” changes nothing for the bad side, but improves overall game experience and fluidity.

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?? That is the original design of d2. Charms were added in expansion. What are you talking about, even without charm inventory I would grab anything from you and put it my cube or Save and exit with the item on my cursor if my cube is full.

The experience I’m talking about is something most people don’t get in modern games. This is part of the charm in D2, and why I think a charm inventory isn’t necessary and doesn’t actually make the game better. Sure, it makes looting more convenient, but we don’t want to fly too close to the sun. Look at what happened with D3. Learning the inventory space game and the tradeoffs of charms is an important element of D2’s magic and a cool part of learning how to optimize your character. If you could just throw in every charm you got into your charm bag without thinking, for the first 15 levels, it would take something away.

I would also argue that 90% of the playerbase does not think this way. When D2R comes out, a great number of people will be playing, many of which don’t have the ultra endgame mindset. If you’re referring to the top 0.1% of players that reach endgame and then go the extra mile of grinding out a full inventory of skiller GC’s, then yes, this affects them, and primarily them. But at that point in the game, you aren’t really picking up much up except for HR’s and exceptional and elite uniques and sets that drop in your MF runs. And even at that point, you still have the option of putting any amount of charms you want in the stash to free up any amount of inventory space.

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I don’t “need” a charm inventory, just like I don’t “need” a shared stash or the ability to browse Normal and Nightmare games with a Hell character.
There are workarounds for those problems which I all use.
But it would greatly improve my QoL and that’s exactly how the devs explained why they decided to implement a shared stash:

Workarounds exist anyways, so it doesn’t really change the game while making the workaround unnecessary and therefore being a QoL improvement for the players.

No, I honestly don’t.
If I would want to leech I would simply stash all my skillers and let others do most of the work while I grab all the stuff :woman_shrugging:

A charm inventory actually puts people on even ground when it comes to standing a chance against this kind of behavior.


I said 90% of the competent player base, as it is the only relevant player base who will stick with the game and keep it alive, not average joes that never finishes normal.
And even at that this change will only improve the overall gaming experience of both categories, the only argument against it is some superstitional preservation of some “d2 magic”.
D2 had magic but having 4x3 inventory wasn’t it.
“d2 charm”.
What happened to d3 had nothing to do with this topic, you better off spending your “purist” rage on topic requesting personal loot\increased drop rates and such, than this harmless QoL change.


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No charm only inventory.

This is a terribly unapt example, since if there is a work-around for anything that gives a player advantage, they are going to exploit it. If I really wanted to steal all your drops, I have several options:

  1. I don’t need max power in a full baal run. I don’t even need half… I can sit around picking my nose most of the time while you do all the work, so if I was there for the drops, all I’d have to do is pre-stash all my charms and leave myself the empty inventory space to begin with.

  2. Bring the cube like most people do. I could stash a couple GCs prior and cube a few others right before the drop, easily allowing enough room for 2-3 drops. The sacrifice is basically negligible, especially for 90% of players that aren’t stacked with GC skillers anyway. “Ohhh nooos how will I ever idle by baal for drops without my faster run walk charm!”

  3. There is about 30 seconds inbetween the last minion slay and entering baals throne room. I could easily be at max power the entire time then just run to town and stash everything in my inventory right before the fight, allowing enough time to return before you even begin fighting baal.

Aditionally, what you fail to acknowledge is that if I have the extra space, SO DO YOU! Whether all the players are fighting over room for 1 drop, or several, you still all posses the same intrinsic opportunity to grab the items off the ground. How have I managed to pick up 4 items before you were able to click one?

Using cheating as reasoning is poor logic… Of course cheaters have a greater advantage over you… THEY ARE CHEATING. :roll_eyes: It’s poor design philosophy to tailor the game around cheaters as an intrinsic mechanic… they simply should not exist, and need to be addressed directly.

I would like any of you here who constantly re-iterate the “trade-off” component to inventory management then attempt to explain how increasing the inventory space by just 2 rows would even change that (keeping the size of active charm space the same). Realistically extra inventory space would just provide a QoL change that would allow you to pick up more commonly useful items throughout a run, such as gems, potions, low runes, basic equipment, gold sells, and would still be just as loaded by the end of a run - with or without the charms.


There is no purist rage here. I’ll reiterate.

The element of player agency is an important one when it comes to charms and inventory space. And it’s interesting to see that some players, apparently the most competent ones, are not able to see that this is in fact a decision, and not a requirement. I think it’s really unfortunate that the d2jsp community has deemed it a necessity to have a full inventory of skillers and life/all resist SC’s to be deemed a competent player. It must be a really awful existence to be part of.

Anyway, these types of choices are what contributes to the magic of D2. There are many others, but this is an important one. I am still not finding any good arguments as to why taking away player choice is bad, and how giving more space for charms creates a more interesting give and take dynamic.

All I hear is complaints about convenience, which can totally be solved by the player right now.

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It has come to my attention that Vicarious Visions is considering an alternative - one that i think is actually WORSE or more controversial than my proposed solution.

Apparently you will be able to access your stash/inventory/cube at any time by sticky keys or some sort. This has no informal support in the game. There is no way for you to access your stash in this way. Simply put - a charms only inventory is a halfway house between convenience and still maintaining some constraints on players in terms of inventory. Despite some of the comments here just baldly denying this it doesn’t do much to increase inventory space in a way that leads to people ‘finding too many items.’ You’re still going to be returning to town and you still will find excess charms. Vicarious Vision’s preferred alternative does away with constraints almost entirely and definitely will lead to an item hunt flood.

NEVER having to go to your stash does some things that affect core gameplay in subtle ways.

The first is that it deeply discentivizes returning to town at any time and this is deeply problematic for a game like Diablo 2. If i understand the basics of the proposed change correctly - i can literally load up my stash with potions - full juves and put them into my inventory at any time. I can cube them at any time.

But it gets worse. Town is a social hub. It facilitates social interaction in diablo 2 which is at its best when its a social game and all of its game systems drift towards this. Discentivizing town returns for stash purposes in this way is a subtle change that has similar effects to adding a random dungeon finder like in WoW to the game.

Town is where you are safe to type to each other. To trade. To drop free items for players. To duel. To gamble and to repair. I probably will never bother stashing garbage free items for players since the sticky keys thing seems somewhat tedious - its not worth it to commit something to stash space unless i need it or plan on selling it for myself. I’m probably correct in assuming that will be the case for most people.

The result is a game that will likely feel more lonely in a way in addition to a rather huge buff to finding items in general and the flow of the game - there are no breaks whatsoever to the item hunt - breaks which facilitate social interaction which makes the game what it is.

there is no decision here. Having full inventory of charms is a same “choice” as having your helm equipped. As charms are equipment and your inventory is equipment slots.
You see having a choice, an element of player agency you could say even, between having an ugly shako equipped or running without helm looking at your character’s gorgeous head, is what contributed to d2’s magic.