šŸ¹ DH Balance Proposal - Come Look

For Meta Trash Clearer ā€“ Itā€™s either you have the Bazooka/Mundunugu play style (herd and blow up) or do constant of damage in high APS. Most of our builds are the latter with the exception of FoK.

Buffing high frequency damagers to a point where they are competitively occupying a trash clearing role will immediately show in the solo leaderboards with 145+ clears at 5k paragon. Iā€™m more apt to recommend the following path, as I distinctly remember good solo balance between Pre-nerf Vyrs and LoD Bazooka:

The FoK Way
To get the balance right on FoK, weā€™d have to make it require A LOT of defensive trades in solo, trades that probably yield 50%+ damage loss. FoK doesnā€™t have these options and the proposal gives S2M2 a bit of damage and defense together so it can solo well in density. Because S2 has many open slots, and can include any item, itā€™s not the best candidate without big changes:

A recommendation for balancing FoK meta and FoK solo, assume the proposed buffs to LGF and the s2 bonus stay as is:

  1. We first make a new bonus in the Shadowā€™s Mantle 6pc set:

The Shadowā€™s Mantle
(6) Set:
Fan of Knives deals an additional 7500% weapon damage to the first 10 enemies it hits.

  1. Then we create another dagger that lifts the 10 enemy cap on S6.

New Dagger for Fan of Knives
Fan of Knives gains the Assassinā€™s Knives rune and hits all enemies within 30 yards.

Assume a synergy between this dagger and S6 enemy cap.

Using this dagger makes it harder to solo due to being vulnerable to CC effects from trading out Dawn ā€“ requiring the player to use Invigoration Gem for safe and consistent play. Players would essentially toss out Dawn+Bane of the Powerful for this new dagger. (though you can certainly vault into density at the right moment too before detonating)

Because itā€™s on the 6pc bonus and you are no longer leveraging Zoeyā€™s Secret+M2 and whatever other defensive items, you are now starved for defense and have partial Vengeance uptime.

Solo Play Modes

  1. Big Radius FoK: New Knife + LGF (Pinpoint Accuracy)
  2. Small Radius FoK: Dawn + LGF (Pinpoint Accuracy)
  3. FoK Spammer: New Knife + LGF + HPS (Knives Expert w/ Ricochet for Regen)
  4. Impale and FoK: New Knife + Karleiā€™s (Knives Expert w/ Chemical Burn)

#1 and #2 play exactly as youā€™d expect, herd for 15 seconds and blow stuff up. Thereā€™s still good synergy with #3 because LGF is 15 seconds so even if you donā€™t herd so much you still get the 7500% to the first 10 enemies which is fine.

#3 and #4 are unique. In #3 youā€™d alternate attacks between Impale and FoK, such that FoK gets 1600% every time. The difference in damage between Pinpoint Accuracy and Knives Experts becomes negligible both are roughly 12% apart in damage @ 7500% when the cap is lifted.

In scenario #4, it may work best to go mixed element, taking full advantage of CoEā€™s cycles. Hatred return might be an issue with the chemical burn rune so creative ways to restore hatred should be considered.

The new S6 bonus kills FoK for Nats and LoD ā€“ it is 5.68x damage gain when the new dagger is considered. S6 FoK would probably solo GR140 if it could survive making it a build thatā€™d be favored by higher paragon players.

The Other Paths to Meta

Do you remember how strong Saderā€™s Blessed Shield was at 100% per leniency stack? Chakram scaling could work well just as well.

The next closest weā€™d come as a high trash clearer is by making Wojhanni multiplicative, one could take a damage optimized N6 RF into 4-man push. Weā€™d get 2GR lift from 45% RF rolls, plus all of the other DIBS buffs from group, we could move hellcat to cube and squeeze in Captain Crimsons or just cube MoC, tune our passive abilities for damage and run without Stricken.

Youā€™d see 2Q+ hits regularly, but itā€™d be nothing like the devastating 300Q+ blasts weā€™re seeing from Mundunugu. While RF could clear GR150, I doubt weā€™d see 3-4 min clears with either of these skills.


The problem with FoK is that unlike Munudunugu, you need to be dead center to maximize the area of attack and hit as many targets as you can, and even then you would only hit the first inner circle of targets in a density, while SB phantasms can be placed to cover most of the density on spot and still do great dmg.

On top of that WD can do it safely from the outside and they have better defensive options than any DH.

Maybe if FoK would pierce in all directions w/o losing dmg and some insane DR buffs added?

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Hey Rage, iā€™m in reply debtā€¦

What more can I say? I try to be humble with the power, but not with the quantity of requests. :grinning: A good amount of players ask to target GR140. So iā€™ll revisit the list and figure out a way to safely bump these numbers by another 60-100%. I hope everyone can keep in mind the REALLY skilled players out there who will break through these ceilings if given the opportunity, and equally talented theorycrafters who can squeeze another GR or two just by optimizing the builds further than anticipated their final form.

YES, thatā€™s totally how it goes! I want to solve problems and make new builds, every skill having a path to be competitive with the next, each build able to take a fair amount of punishment in highers GR based on how they are played.

The goal was intra class balance, Rapid Fire was the benchmark. If we made Wojhanni multiplicative, what would the max clear be @ 5k paragon? It turned out to be GR135. but this might step up to 143-144 for a 10k paragon guy.
After saying that, i see this was flawed because RF gets a lift by adding CoE.

Regarding specific builds being better at trash vs single targets vs guardians. If i increase power through damage % mods iā€™m going to get a decrease in kill time or clear time. If i add APS to a build, it will impact clear time and also the rift guardian kill time.

People have always preferred S6 Impale, even back when it rivaled UE6 Grenades. Like Multishot, UE6 grenades had a higher clear ceiling. In that era someone did an incredible GR108 clear that would never be matched by Impale. Was this fair? IMHO ā€“ no it wasnā€™t. Weā€™re in a similar place now, but the difference is both builds are weaker than those clearing GR140+ ā€“ not many are really fixated on this detail ā€“ but personally i was glad to see similar clears across most of the paragon spectrum.

Provided neither offer terrible gameplay (where you always die from taking 1 hit or some wonky play style) the number of keys doesnā€™t matter, the clear potential is most important. So I have no issue with 200 keys vs 600 keys, a player who is dedicated to pushing their build wonā€™t mind this either. Thereā€™s a major luck component to getting double festerings, high density / right trash type, safe elites, no juggs, no spinners, conduit in the middle, power pylon at the end ā€“ the RNG for this Is bigger influence than the actual build because both MS and Impale can see their best possible clears with very similar maps.

I hope this gets across the thought process behind this whole thing ā€“ thanks again for all of your help.


True enough. If only there is someone does the same for Necromancer. :smiley:

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LordFluffy is the person, heā€™s been very active in Necro forums with various buffs / changes proposals (mega threads etc) as well as always trying new builds / combos each season and providing safe GR100 builds and speeds for all necro players.



PLUS from me

Well written Sir!

The DH community had so many good ideas and discussions.
We provided pretty much information and thoughts about everything.

Now it is Blizzards time to enhance current builds and provide new powers to old and weak builds.

Good luck for all of us!

Hungering Arrow great again? :crossed_fingers::roll_eyes::crossed_fingers:


One more exception could be spike trap if they choose to center new build around it.

At this point everything is speculation. What we can do now is wait for PTR and reactivate then and test what is available there.

I really hope this topic will be brought to the attention of the devs, love the creativity.

However, as a big fan of shooting flaming skulls with Elemental Arrow I hope that your suggestion for Kridershot will not be implemented :grinning:. I rather see only the damage increase as there is no way to CC with that rune.
On Augustineā€™s Panacea I would love to see also an increase of the explosion radius, for instance with PUR or just a flat increase in yards.


The reason for this is so therefore it makes players think of ways to get more damage out of the skill they are using instead of it just being a one button spam fest. Since it generates hatred, youā€™d want to have a spender (especially if youā€™re using F&R), so you have options like Polar Station, MS Wind Chill, CA Dazzling Arrow, follower itself, etc to proc Kridershots bonus. Pretty easy options.

Frost Arrow does get the luxury of being able to proc it on itā€™s own, however with the changes, itā€™s weaker than the other runes unless you can slot buriza, but that becomes a trade-off. Itā€™s balanced in terms of effort required.

Thatā€™s a pretty neat idea.

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Oh yeah pls! I have a perfect primal Traqā€™s wrist for it (in HC) and always wanted to try them out haha :slight_smile:

Sometime next season:

WD: Hey guys letā€™s go speed 120, yaā€™know go and blow stuff up!
Zbarb: Nah youā€™re too slow and squishā€¦
Zmonk: Yeah, weā€™re going with Spike Trapper DH their new set is AWESOME and OP, they insta kill density with 2-3 traps I donā€™t even have to push my buttons!
AoVSADdder: hey guys I can still come for BK rightā€¦ right?
Zbarb: Nah, youā€™re taking too long to stack stricken even with BH spam
Zmonk: Yeah this new Spike Trapper DH blows the RG in like 5s
RandomLoD/NewSetNecro: guys what about me my new set / LoD is still powerful! Donā€™t tell me you are TIRED of RAT runs?!?
Zbarb: Tbh I sort of amā€¦ and this new DH trapper looks much cooler and they have better transmog items too ^^
Zmonk: yeah I never got into Rats soā€¦ plus with trapper I have double chances to get a good ancient travelerā€™s for my TR solo push!

All is good yes? \o/


Right, well, itā€™s definitely good to keep in mind not only the clears at the ā€œParagon 5000 benchmarkā€ that Blizzard seems to have set, but at the utmost limit of gear, paragon, and player skill. The tippy-top clears with most builds already rely on a pretty small group of very determined and skilled individuals, who have probably pushed those builds near their limits already. So if those builds ā€œmathematicallyā€ get +8 GRs as a result of your proposed changes, those players will probably not discover another huge cache of potential beyond that. That said, youā€™re probably right, ā€œanother GR or twoā€ nearly always seems possible in this game, considering the amount of RNG involved.

Yep, itā€™s a tricky balance. Itā€™s probably fine, though, if some builds have that ā€œextra tierā€ of power at high paragonā€¦ just as long as not all of them are like that.

First: point taken about UE6 and S6 both being too weak, no argument there. But: Iā€™m a little confused about the earlier part of this paragraph. The 108 was done with UE6 Grenades, yes? What made that unfair? The fact that Impale couldnā€™t go as high?

On the one hand, I can certainly see what you mean, if youā€™re going to operate under the assumption that all these builds should be capable of clearing GR X at paragon Y. Like: their top clears should all be the same, right? Thatā€™s whatā€™s ā€œfairā€.

But, on the other hand, for those super-fishy builds, even if they do have the same top clear potential, thereā€™s a whole extra level of added labor that you need to put in, in order to actually get that clear. So: if you have to work 5x as hard with build A to achieve the same thing you can with build B, some people would regard this as ā€œunfairā€.

Iā€™m kind of playing devilā€™s advocate here. Personally, I donā€™t mind fishing at all, and think nothing of dropping 500+ keys in pursuit of a clear 1 GR higher. I think you and I are probably pretty similar in this regard. But, I also think that we are significantly in the minority in this respect. I see a lot of questions and comments from people about how much fishing might be required for this or that build. And often, if it turns out that more than 50 keys will be required to push much further, they pretty much just quit on the spot.

So from the perspective of an A (or even A+) player like yourself, who not only has a lot of skill with various builds, and also doesnā€™t mind putting in disproportionate amounts of time, just to see how high those builds can go, a group of builds may look quite even in power. But to those many ā€œgentlemanā€™s Cā€ players out there, those ā€œfishingā€ builds will appear to be 5 or more GRs behind.

This wonā€™t really be reflected on the leaderboard so much in terms of a lower average clear for those fishing builds. Instead, it shows up simply as their absence, as people overwrite their lower clears, done with these fishing builds, with higher clears, using less fishy builds. In terms of top clear, S6 is certainly weaker than Rapid Fire, and probably a hair weaker than UE MS as well. But when I looked at the DH leaderboard in August 2019, 91% of the top 100 clears and 96% of the bottom 100 clears were with S6 Impale.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re wondering what my point is. Make no mistake: I am definitely not saying that your approach is wrong. There really isnā€™t any perfect solution to this issue. If you give builds equal power by top clear, this is fair in one way and unfair in another. And youā€™re in the same boat if you give fishier builds a higher ceiling. This, too, seems both fair and unfair.

What Iā€™m saying is that you may want to take a step back and consider the issue from the perspective of some different people. After all, if the main folks youā€™re having internal discussions about this with are Iria and DiEoxidEā€¦ well, these are also A or A+ players! You might want to have a chat with some of those C players, and try to put yourself in their shoes. If after that you still feel the same way, then great! But I think you might be surprised how much of a bubble you can be in, simply by the fact of being very good at this game.

Anyhow, thanks for the thoughtful response, and keep on fighting the good fight!


Well thought out reply Rage. Great feedback.

There is truth in this. We do try and think about everyone in terms of the changes, in fact the FoK change i was in favor of, I was arguing in this thread to keep it because it made it more intuitive. Lessening the gate required with more engaging yet simple enough to get into mechanics is usually preferred and fun for more players. Thereā€™s little tidbits like this sprinkled in the proposal, but not put on the spot light.

Believe it or not, Iā€™m in the ā€œhate fishingā€ camp, despite playing the fishiest build out there. If i donā€™t get it in 15 or so keys, Iā€™ll put it off till another time, pretty much the exact opposite of dmktā€™s approach, which works well when we come together for insight.

With that said, I got quite a few viewers in that stream period (more than what I would normally get just starting up) and I was hoping more would chat and give feedback when we were discussing, but I can understand how people can by naturally shy or nervous around those more known in the community.


Iā€™m in two camps on this one.

In S4 I fished 700 keys trying to gain another 2 GRs on my Vyrā€™s wizard. (off-topic but I almost had it in one of the first 50 rifts, but made a bad decision and failed by 20 sec as a result, then never got it again). Didnā€™t end up getting that rift down, which was super frustrating.

Because that experience was so frustrating, ever since then I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever fished more than 50 keys. If the difference between 50 keys and 500 keys is 1-2 GR levelsā€¦ Iā€™m good with being 1-2 GRs below my potential with a heavier fish.

Partly a function of playtime too, I donā€™t have as much playtime as I used to, my life is busier now. This season is the most Iā€™ve played in years (mostly because Iā€™m working from home with the virus situation and have converted my commute time into game time).

On the other hand, while Iā€™m personally not willing to fish 500 keys anymoreā€¦ I also donā€™t mind that others are willing to and gain advantage from fishing hundreds of keys. I see Wudijoā€™s UE clear and my reaction isnā€™t ā€œitā€™s dumb he had to fish that much, Iā€™ll never be able to do that and something should changeā€, itā€™s ā€œoh man look at the potential when someone whoā€™s really dedicated and skilled pushes UE in a top-tier rift. But hey, itā€™s okay Iā€™m not able to do that tooā€.

This is absolutely true for me this season with DH, so I think itā€™s particularly relevant. Time factor to achieve somewhere close to my top clear potential changed how I decided to push DH this season.

Normally I only have time to focus on one class (wizard), but with a little extra time this season Iā€™m going to push DH too. Last time I seriously pushed DH was UE in season 6 and season 8.

Was thinking about pushing UE, because thatā€™s what I know and love and have pushed in the past any time Iā€™ve pushed DH, but the fishiness of it for a good clear really put me off. Decided to go with S6 Impale instead, for exactly the reasons you are discussing. I donā€™t have enough time to play this season to really push UE to my potential. Since I am time limited, Iā€™ll have better results with S6 Impale.

But Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s necessarily a bad thing? It would be bad if every viable build for a class was really fishy. But as long as thereā€™s choice, some people are free to choose to invest the time and push the fishy build to their max potential, and other players who donā€™t have as much time or donā€™t enjoy that aspect of the game can choose to play the less fishy build.

I think you see that a bit with hydra and Vyrā€™s this season on wizard too. I donā€™t think the top potential of hydra and Vyrā€™s is radically different, but IMO hydras are a more consistent build and Vyrā€™s is more fishy. Thereā€™s more hydra wizards than Vyrā€™s wizards (itā€™s been a week or so since I checked and Iā€™ve since fallen, but when I was rank 36 I was the 6th highest Vyrā€™s, the other 30 were all LoD Mammoth Hydra). Partly because itā€™s new, but I also think fishiness is a significant factor.

But Iā€™m okay with that. I like Vyrā€™s, Iā€™m okay with having to fish a bit, so thatā€™s fine. Others like hydras, like the consistency, so choose to play that.

I think we can apply the same thing to DH. UE is a really fishy build to get to max potential, and honestly, thatā€™s okay with me, as long as thereā€™s some choice around that. S6 Impale is a good balance for UE in that sense.

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You have LordFluffy for that.

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I just donā€™t have a Twitch account, so I was listening but couldnā€™t join chat. (And Iā€™m not really interested in creating yet another account for yet another thing with yet another login.)

Unfortunately I joined halfway through, too, so I missed if the discussion even picked up my quixotic push for a Vault build. (Yes, that really is the hill Iā€™m dying on.)

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Didnā€™t mean to imply you guys werenā€™t doing your best to be conscientious. As for ā€œhate fishingā€, well, you may not be a glutton for punishment like me or dmkt, but you are obviously a very skilled and knowledgeable player.

I guess Iā€™ll just go ahead and say that in bringing this stuff up I was thinking a great deal of Idolis, who has voiced a variety of concerns and opinions, and who, in his own words, has clawed his way up from being ā€œcomplete rubbishā€ to being ā€œnot the most skilledā€, and also ā€œknows little about the game, and even less about mathā€.

(An aside: Idolis, Iā€™m always super-impressed by how you pretty much own your weaknesses. You may be a C at math, but you are an A+ dude.)

So anyway, DiE, you guys donā€™t need to justify your particular approach to me. Like I said- personally, Iā€™m totally fine with the ā€œequalized top clear in spite of fishingā€ approach. But some other folks may have a different (but valid) opinion, either because they need a little help to understand the numbers and mechanics involved, or becauseā€¦ well, just because!

Oh, btw, you can tell Iria that when I said ā€œpitch to streamersā€, I didnā€™t mean you, lol! I think you are already in the bag, so to speak. But, getting some attention from other popular streamers and youtubers really can be very helpful.

I know some people think the Barb proposal Free and I wrote got traction because we bribed or blackmailed Nevalistis or something like that. But what actually happened, to the best of my knowledge anyway, is that we wrote the thing and then reached out to a bunch of those streamers and youtubers. One of them really liked what we had written, and forwarded it to a dev he was in touch with. And things proceeded from there. Iā€™ve never even spoken to Nev, not once.

Anyway, just something to think about.

IIRC - it came up but the consensus seemed to be that vault was best served as a utility/movement/evading skill since it doesnā€™t involve a weapon really. There was a bit of reminiscing about a time when Trail of Cinders was bugged (?) and you could just vault through stuff and it would blow upā€¦good times!

I was agreeing with you moreso than justifying lol. I appreciate your reponses more than you know. We see eye to eye in the importance of Idolisā€™ ā€œroleā€ when he made the first breakthrough GD DH thread on accident mind you lol. He was the perfect person for it.

And ya he understood what you meant about pitching to streamers lol. I was already planning on having the dicussion live, so we thought it would be a good idea to more people involved since some of us had a hand in working with the proposal. That wasnā€™t the pitch :slight_smile:

Without getting into all the reasons and math (linked in my first post in the thread), my point is this:

Buffing Danettaā€™s and creating 2 legendary affixes to augment Action Shot & Trail of Cinders doesnā€™t take that away from existing builds. It doesnā€™t make using AS & ToC overpowered among those builds because they need their slots for other items already. But it solves the weird issue that Danettaā€™s buffs damage, which makes it seem like you should be able to make a damaging Vault build, but the damage is so lackluster that build falls flat on its face if you try.

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This is accurate, if incomplete. A more comprehensive picture is this: We spent weeks gathering feedback in the forums, hashing out ideas, and filtering suggestions down to what we believed was realistic and/or necessary. There were a lot of cool, creative ideas that got left on the cutting room floor, but thatā€™s a natural part of any creative process where consensus must be reached.

Rage and I took the ideas and began writing the proposal. This process took about two months, if Iā€™m not mistaken, though I might be inflating the duration in my mind. Regardless, when we had a solid, mathematically sound document, I made a website. We then showed that website to the Barb community, and when they gave us some critical feedback, we made the necessary edits.

Side note: Iā€™m still extremely proud of that site and the work we (the Barb community) did. Yes, we ended up asking for everything and the kitchen sink, and some requests (such as passive skill fixes) were as likely as a talking cat, but the work is sound, and, in the end, it was very effective.

Anyway, once the site was edited, I contacted Diablofans, Icy Veins, and a few other web sites. Rage and I also contacted various streamers, big ones and those lesser known, and some of them covered the proposal in detail. Iā€™m still extremely fond of the coverage Filthy Casual gave us, and having spoken to him several times over email, I think heā€™s a groovy dude, and I love his content.

Of course, we also posted threads in the Barb and GD forums with links to the proposal site. We never actually posted the proposal here in its entirety. I emailed Nevalistis, and over the course of our discussion, she told me that our work had caught the devsā€™ eyes; the publicity on Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, these forums, and third-part D3 sites had done its job.

Eventually, I began to speak with Nev on a more frequent basis, and that allowed me to have more candid discussions about the concerns of the Barb community. By that point, however, work had already begun on our updates, and my feedback alone was not the deciding factor; nor was it when we fought against the Lamentation nerf. That was, again, an incredible community effort. In all respects, my communications with Nev, even when she forwarded requests directly to developers, was a very minor component of the endeavor.

Anyway, we were very successful. Over 3 patches, we received 7 updated items, a buffed class set, and a brand new set. Our intra-class balance isnā€™t the best, but thatā€™s par for course in D3 these days. Weā€™ll see what happens down the road.

I want to think that our success changed how the devs look at feedback of the sort given in this thread, but my gut tells me that bigger, louder, more widespread efforts are always going to be more successful, so I still urge yā€™all to narrow down your proposal to the essentials and get it out there to as many outlets as possible. I hope Iā€™m wrong, but I suspect that one Twitch stream with a DH community insider is not going to cut it.

Forgive this long-winded post. Iā€™m not trying to slap myself on the back. Iā€™m trying to emphasize the incredible amount of work that went into getting Barbs buffed. It ate up months of my life. I certainly couldnā€™t and wouldnā€™t do it again. But it worked, and if nothing else, I hope it has altered Blizzardā€™s approach to community feedback.

I see a lot of great stuff in this thread. Hereā€™s hoping DHs get major buffs next patch.

P.S. If any of yā€™all find my talking cat, give me a call. Heā€™s wearing a monocle and top hat, answers to ā€œPumpernickel.ā€