Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

Personal loot fundamentally changes the game/culture/social interactions. If you want personal loot, you probably don’t like D2 in the first place, and probably came from D3.

Game is NOT dead on arrival if personal loot isn’t added in, your attempt at effortless loot is.

Also, at some point, bots will make their way in as they always have, and run full 8 player bot games with 8x the loot thus destroying the economy and making the game crap.

Even without bots in mind, personal loot means the {number of players in the game x all games x pieces of loot}. It’s a ton more and thats how economies get wrecked. Everything rare will be that many times less rare. It has far greater consequence for the game than you think. This isn’t Diablo 3.

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The way that it is being proposed, the total drops do not vary dependent on personal loot versus FFA loot games. If Baal drops 5 items in an 8 player game, then Baal still drops 5 items in a personal loot game (not 40 as some have falsely claimed).

There will not be 8X total drops.


Thank you for at least clarifying that. That would lessen the blow.

I still think it would change the dynamic of the game and greatly benefit those who may not actually be contributing. Should a level 20 getting rushed get a grandfather for free despite contributing nothing to a Baal kill? lol

No loot system is perfect. Should a bot/pickit cheaters get the majority of drops in multiplayer and not human players who are following the rules? In your example, that level 20 could swoop in and ninja loot the grandfather and immediately exit game in an FFA game.

Again, I propose separate realms: strict remaster with FFA only and a modern realm with more optional changes.


Survived with tons of bots. I think they’re the only ones playing it.

Good luck trying to grab an item when someone is running a program to do it for them.


Yeah, this is what really ruined D2. I’m not sure why anyone plays it in that climate anymore.

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I had a ton of fun, clicking around and competing with others for the loot, with both a melee paladin and a sorc.

I had to play on the American servers, sitting in Germany, so my chances of getting items was quite low. But that’s how D2 works. If you want to farm items, farm with friends or alone.

Yes it’s not cool to die, but being able to die (like actually, not as in D3) makes surviving hard fights more fun.
Yes it’s not fun, to not get the cool item, which just dropped, but it makes getting the cool items even more fun.

Also giving away items, like a peasants crown is way more fun and rewarding for both players, because it feels more meaningful. Items do feel harder to acquire and hence more valuable imo.

You used the two best classes for picking up loot. The paladin can charge fast to grab the loot and the sorcerer can teleport. Try it on range classes with no mobility and then see how much fun you have lol.

dont worry, there will be a lot of dupes and bots

cuz this has so much to do with D4.

p.s. Nobody believes you won’t play it

  1. I played all classes multiple times on ladder back then and it was never a problem for me, because it is an authentic part of the dark d2 world for me, also if I miss out on items

  2. sorc is not the best class, because teleport and picking up is obviously slower than just picking up. No chance against melees. And that’s fine, you can occasionally get items, because you see, when >90% of them drop, namely when unique monsters die.

Sorc is the best class because they can teleport around the map and move through things to kill adds faster than anyone else can catch up, also some sorcerers in my multiplayer groups, I noticed when they use their aoe’s they can also stay close to the adds since they are frozen.

why does everyone say that the sorc is the best char ?
I think every char is great :slight_smile: especially because they play so differently. Unlike those in D3…there every char plays the same from the mechanics.

Everyone can… I played at least 8 sorcs in my life and according to my experience, no matter the builds, melees always have better chances.

I have to admit though, you might be absolutely right in the beta, since people are overleveled and mobs are just not as dangerous.

In hell though, you have to be way more careful with a sorc.

well , usually the most all-rounder character is paladin.
It can be a farming demon with hammer or an uber killer with smite while being near unkillable

but to answer your question, people often says the sorceress is the best character in the game because it’s the easiest to MF with.
Making it one if not the most efficient character to start with in order to farm uniques items in hell and nightmare quickly.
(especially with lightning or cold build)

Elemental wise , the cold tornado druid is neat as well , but a bit harder to build mf wise than the sorceress , because the sorceress get a tons of MF through tal rasha partial set + shako both of which aren’t that hard to come by as long as you dedicate yourself to specific area

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yes i understand
well… i prefer to play hardcore and always kill myself with the sorc and her teleportation :wink:
I prefer to play slowly

instead of sorceress , the tornado druid is kinda nice in my opinion for MF in hardcore if you want something that is efficient in range kill yet sturdy.
It’s very hard to kill (not as much as paladin but still) while also being very viable as a cold elemental + physical farmer which allow you to kill most of the monsters in the game (since it’s rare for a monster to be immune to both cold and physical)

but it does require a bit of precaution and grind to build, especially before you hit lv 30.

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you do not believe how much I’m looking forward to try that in “beautiful” :wink:

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