Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

Why wouldn’t you be able to do this?

It is a simple concept to grasp. Let me try some simple true/false questions.

True or False

  1. Since total drops are constant between a multiplayer FFA and personal loot games, players in a FFA game will see 100% of the total drops while in a personal loot game, a player on average will see only 12.5% of total drops (with some variability due to binomial distribution) when in an 8 player game.
  2. Since players can pick and choose what items to pickup in an FFA game, a higher percent of good gear (either universally good or good in the eyes of a specific player) is collected.
  3. In personal loot game, a good drop for player A may be assigned to player B who considers that item useless. Therefore, player A never sees that drop, resulting in a more difficult time in gearing up.
  4. If a map is cleared when a player is not in that zone during that time in a multiplayer game, that absent player can not get any loot from monster kills in the cleared area in a personal loot game.
  5. If a map is cleared when a player is not in that zone during that time in a multiplayer game, that absent player can get any loot from monster kills in the cleared area in a FFA loot game.
  6. Player physical proximity is required to get an item drop from a monster kill in a personal loot game.
  7. Player physical proximity is not required to get an item drop from a monster kill in a FFA loot game.
  8. Ninja looting does not exist in personal loot games.
  9. Pickit users do not affect personal loot games.

The answers is True to all points.

True and I dont like that, I want to see all drops.

Not sure if I understant, you said ploot will not improve number of items dropping so there is no higher percentage of loot collected in ploot or in FFA. But individual player has more chance to get the loot yes. But it depends on player. Weak player will not have big chance to collect a lot of loot in FFA. Not only he will be risking death in close proximity of monsters where loot drops, but people who “carry” the game and will do most of the killing wont like to see weak player taking their loot so they might not give him party next time.

You are completely forgetting socia interactions which are crated by FFA loot. With ploot you dont need to intersact with anyone as your loot is guaranteed. You can just chill al pick up loot after everything is done without problems when others kill everything. You dont have to risk anyting, you just have to wait and loot will be basicly given to you by game mechanic.

I dont think it make loot distribution and game difficult. It make item distribution not effective and dumb as many usefull items will be lost because game has poorly designed loot. Its not about being harder or easier, its about items being distributed to all kind of players. Someone doesnt care about games, someone dowsnt care about socket or blue items, every player is different and even scavengers can clean what was left

I have seen some people talking negatively about people scavening what is left. How is that a bad thing? Look at the nature, how well it works there, everything is taken care of and what is left is eaten by scavengers :slight_smile:

I depends how it will be designed. It would be kind of dumb to not flag loot as visible for everyone after person which was loot for left the game.

Same as previous mode, if you are given loot by the game and you leave the game its logical that loot will be visible to rest of the game for taking.

Of course there is, if you are not in proximity, you will mostl likely not be able to take the loot. Unless is left out as not wroth taking loot by several other players.

It doesn, game ploot will be ninja looting instead of players.

First you have to prove that there is significant amount of pickit users in D2R to use this as argument. If blizzard will make new creative ways how to eliminate pickit without using ploot pickit users wont even affect FFA loot games as there will not be pickit users.

And based on what I read today there is big chance we maybe wont even have such a big trouble with bots with little bit of luck.

Its not , but what ever. This discusion is going nowhere. Ploot has too many flaws in my eyes to work well, and its not even needed by majority of players base. Time to move on.

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Really? We are already giving out ultimatums? Relax… If they don’t do it by release, don’t buy it. It’s not like pre-ordering gets you anywhere. Besides, we all know you’ll buy it on sale.


It’s cause, if we add personal loot and keep current drop rates, people demanding said loot(public baal runners, I guess?) would literally see 8x less loot drops => they start whining here about not seeing any loot => drop rates increase => people start to complain(rightfully so) about devastating effect on economy it has => they restrict trading by making items soulbound => we have another d3\wow\d4\whatever garbage.

This is textbook slippery slope fallacy right here.

It would’ve been if we didn’t have WoW and D3, done exactly that already.

I’m right there with you that drop rates shouldn’t be changed at all.

Truth is, some of the most vocal for drop changes in this forum have been from players that do not support personal loot.

I would probably play 95 percent of my games with FFA loot enabled even if they made it an option, but I do think it’s healthy for the game if pickit becomes rampant again, to be able to switch to p loot if you suspect a noob with pickit is in your runs, as there’s no kick player option in d2

Then there’s another side to it too, so we add ploot and keep the current drop rates, that means that playing in party killing baal you see 1\8 of loot, which means farming him solo nets you 8 times the loot. So we are adding ploot to encourage group play, by discouraging group play? Not much of a win from the perspective of pro-ploot arguments here, but major downgrade for ffa crowd.

This is already true on average.
Public baalruns aren’t great for loot as it is, but pickit and botting makes them viable for loot runs, because cheaters take much more than their fair share.

There are downsides to p loot, however, and the biggest of those is having a secondary (and tertiary, etc) account, without cheats, becomes a large step up vs FFA loot, where having a secondary account and no server side programs is of no value.

There is no easy and no “best” choice, but there is a reason why modern games are leaning towards personal loot and away from FFA. The benefits of personal loot often outweigh the downsides.

We will see what happens with server side programs in d2r, but I think the idea that advocates of p loot are all noobs that want free loot is silly. There are many rational reasons to be in favour of one or the other, or to implement both options.

This is incorrect. To get a personal loot drop from a monster you need to ne in physical proximity to the monster kill. Moreover, FFA games allow players not to be in the same game zone and still potentially get item drops by teleporting to the cleared zone and collecting all leftover gear. This can not happen in personal loot games.

Scaveniging can not happen in personal loot games. In FFA games, scavenging can occur. This is the ultimate in getting gear drops without risk as players just wait until a zone is cleared.

In personal loot games, when a player leaves any gear that the player has not collected disappears. In contrast, gear in FFA game remains. Functionally, this decreases the number of total drops that can be collected by the party.

Ninja looters can get a disproportionately high share of good loot, meaning that legitimate players get less. In personal loot games, the loot distribution is more equitable where 1 do not have 1 or 2 players in a multiplayer game getting the lion’s share of the loot where often they have done almost no killing whatsoever.

What OP was trying to say:
“If the devs don’t change this game to my needs, I consider the game dead.”

Not everything in life turns out the way YOU want it.
You do not get to dictate what makes or breaks a game. There are people working on this game who have so much more experience and knowledge about the subject than you do.


The problem with todays mentality everything has to be there way or no way…

Interesting thread about how you don’t like D2. You don’t speak for everyone, and you won’t be missed when you leave after it’s clear your little tantrum here won’t yield your desired result. You don’t like D2, MF, how the game is tuned, want to change the mechanics, and never learned to share. No one cares, bye!


If you change how the loot works in D2:R, the entire game is ruined.
FFA is a big part of Diablo 2.
Diablo 3 has personal loot and so will Diablo 4.

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No one wants d3 personal loot.
They want everything the same in d2 except that you see your own drops.

Doesn’t mean I can’t trade them or drop the item for others ext, it just means when it drops I see and you don’t


You are aware that the drop rates were adjusted based on bots and duping right? The whole selling Sojs for the clone Diablo was done precisely because of those reasons too. That’s what a lot of people don’t seem to understand and I’d bet dollars to donuts that most of the people who think drop rates are fine are the same people that used D2jsp and likely themselves used bots regardless of what they say. It’s not like cheaters don’t generally lie about their cheating. Especially when it’s someone who’s trying to gatekeep.


Sorry but this is not true.


As far as I am aware the only droprates that ever got adjusted were the ones for Runes.
And they got increased to make them easier achievable for legit and solo players, not decreased to fight inflation through bots/duping.

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Melee classes have an unfair advantage. If you play a range class, the melee classes take all the loot since you are too far away. It’s an unfair advantage. I had to stop playing range classes in multiplayer in order to get loot.