Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

i plan to do one too , since it’s a very fun build to play in my opinion.
You can kill about everything , and everything stay frozen near you (unless immune to cold) thanks to your hurricane making every monsters easy prey for your physical tornado.
It’s also easy to add MF to the build.
It’s usually nice to simply go as a wolf/bear druid first and then respec into a hurricane druid as soon as you hit level 30 if you do it in hardcore

It’s also a build that you only need the minimum of strengh to hold your gear , then a bit in dex to have max block% and then everything else to vitality , making it quiet a good tank especially since the oak skill increase multiple time your vitality as well (he also can have a bear summon in which you can put one point in to serve as bait)

I might do lightning sorceress first though, in order to build it quicker (some items are nice to have early afterall) since i won’t be doing hardcore for the first few months.

But if you do happen to try , wind druid is very fun (to me atleast)

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I will probably also give a few points in the ravens so that I can cast 5 pieces with 15 “shots” each.
The blindness effect is very useful. then the enemies stand around and do nothing more. Safety first! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well , i didn’t mention it because you HAVE to put atleast a point in it to get the bear, but yes i put 1 point on it as well , then shako and every other items usually make it high enough to allow it to blind others monsters / boss quiet smoothly and i often re-summon them especially when going to fight something huge.
So indeed , you are right , crows are nice to have :stuck_out_tongue:

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I played D2 way more then most of you could ever dream and its clear if you do not bot you will never ever find anything! This was clear as day when i was trading with people back in the day you had two camps.

Come back to me when you play diablo 2 so long the cd literally explodes from overheating inside the cd rom when spinning up for yet another mephisto run.

V.08 Archon valor

you mean Arkaine’s Valor? lol

we don’t need blizzard to change any loot systems for Diablo2… open loot is good the way it is… what i am hearing you say is actually u want this —> Mod support for Diablo2 resurrected… that way the mod creator can decide about personal loot for his MOD… don’t change the original game, its a remaster not a remake… plz blizzard let the modding community have freedom for people who want changes

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You do know that Blizzard has forbidden mods that inject directly into D2R (like what happens in the most popular D2 mods) and they also announced that TCP/IP will not be supported in D2R due to security risks.

Modding will be far, far more difficult in D2R if not impossible for multiplayer.

Wow, you are so out of touch. Blizz never claimed this would be some bottom up redesign of Diablo 2. You don’t like D2 mechanics… well go find another game. Why are you even in these forums? :joy:

If shared loot is a problem when you are only playing with friends… you should find new friends. What friend would horde multiple good drops in a row without offering it out to their buddies… not the guys I play with.

I’ve played the game off and on since day 1. Bots are only a problem if you let them be. “They screw up the economy”, well then just trade with your friends. Cannot find good loot without a bot… that’s why I love D2. It’s one of the only RPGs with actual rare loot. Still have items I’ve never seen, hoping D2R will shine RNG on me. That’s a positive, not a negative. If people want to bot, fine. They are just ruining the game, or shortening the longevity, for themselves.

They also did not say it was a 1:1 copy except for audio/video updates. They clearly said that they would listen to player feedback and would make additional changes such as balance changes if the players wanted them.

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Leave diablo 2 R as it is, diablo 2 loot system was PERFECT!!!

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You want personal loot go play D3 or wait for D4. This is a remaster, not a remake.

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most people asking for personal loot don’t want bound loot we just want everyone to be able to enjoy the game and get rewarded for working as a team rather then be relegated to solo play online if we want to get loot like we have been for 21 years.

If you still Want loot even with Ploot, you arent going to want to be with a group.

Group baal 5 drops - 3 players in ploot get nothing. How long are you going to bother trying to get loot in ploot, when you dont even get to see drops over and over and over. You will Still go back to private lobbies to get loot.

The idea, you wil Finally get loot in Ploot is frankly a complete lie.

Odds are you get crap. Pray you get 1 of the 5 items and pray that its not the blue item he dropped. Because that blue might aswell just be a nothing again.

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totally agree.

imo, loot allocation should mainly be discussed in the team playing.
If it’s a pub game with unknown people, anything can happen.

In team or friend play, rule of dont be a dick generally apply.


I am with ya, just mentioning that you will come across weird people in pub games.

when interacting with the public, expect people to act in a range of how you see people act in a retail setting. Aka Like Monsters at one end, and courteous kind people on the other.