Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

I still play this game Daily, working on the new ladder season atm.

Personal loot has nothing to do with being “modern”, Personal loot is just easy solution for lazy people or people who dont want additional diffuculty option.

I understand why some people want personal loot, but Diablo 2 should stay hard as it is now with every aspect of the game. Everything in D2 is there to make your life miserable and hard and thats why its so great game. Not like current game for people who like it easy.

Why? I dont get it. Console cant play together with PC so both can have different loot system. Also I dont even think they have to, console player will just be pressing idk “X” to pick up loot close to them.

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You want personal loot fine, You can have personal loot right now, play the game solo you have all the loot see PERSONAL.


If devs were concerned about players finding an advantage to playing legacy graphics as opposed to new graphics due to lighting, why do you think they would allow two different loot progression system options on cross progression? If it is easier to play multiplayer and get loot on consoles, then that gives an advantage to one platform over the other. Why play PC realms when you can play console realms for the instanced loot?

As for the last bit, there is already a discrepancy between playing ranged vs melee in loot acquisition that people complain about. Having to get close to an item and not target it from afar will increase that issue further.

i dont get the grip where people would think personal loot would make the drop chances HIGHER? the items SOULBOUND? like d3? the F. lol.

you would simply run around with 7 other people farming for the same drop rates and some of you will see loot and others dont. the items wont be anymore soulbound than currently.

i can see if you dont like the idea, but be real about it

Again, picking up loot can still be FFA even on console, when you are close to loot. It can work in the same way as in Diablo 3.

I dont understand your question. How is loot related to different graphics?

When I played on battle net, everyone walked close to boss. So i dont see a issue here.

Point 1) It worked great because Diablo 3 has cough cough Instanced Loot!
Point 2) Devs stated at Blizzcon that they were taking note of lighting effects and darkness range because they did NOT want players to feel that there was an advantage to playing legacy graphics (IE seeing something they couldn’t see in new graphics). Hence, same logic to loot. If console has advantage to gathering loot than PC, many would feel inclined to play console multiplayer as opposed to PC multiplayer.
Point 3) Which is freaking stupid to stop playing the game to participate in the “let’s click for loot faster” QTE.

Yeah sure, I will definitely waste 415 or more Euros/dollars to have small advantage on console… Come on man. People choose console or pc based on what is more comfortable for them, not because they would have small advantage. I dont understand about what advantage are you even talk about?

Hey, people spend real money on item selling sites. People that have disposable income will do crazy things. Besides, most people that game have both a PC (even if more budget gaming pc if lighter on pc gaming than console) and a modern console.

Ok, but what would be the advnatage for consoles then?

Considering they literally asked a portion of the player base very specifically about personal loot, your point here makes little sense.

You’re kidding yourself if you don’t understand they are absolutely going to be making decisions based, in part, on sales.

If they learned they could add an additional 15 percent to their sales by adding a personal loot option that wouldn’t wreck the economy for the other players, you’d be very naive to think they wouldn’t seriously consider it.

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How hard is it to understand? You already stated yourself that you believe people want instanced loot because they are lazy and want easy mode. If console implemented instanced loot and pc didn’t, then these “lazy, EZ mode peons” will play console multiplayer as opposed to pc.

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And not even 50% said any form of yes. They wont change something so important as how loot system works when only 50% would like to see some kind of change in it.

I didnt say a word about instanced loot. You did. I said that console players could have FFA loot and they would fight for it just like PC players.

Lol, imagine being this salty over a remaster.
If you want a new game, go play something else.

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I’m sorry, you didn’t say specifically “EZ Mode.”

He was referring to the Blizzard survey, NOT the Reddit one.


1370 posts


I agree with you that they should give more access to the OGs, but the advertisement is extremely important for this game. This is a very ambitious project as far as remasters go, I’m sure it wasn’t a cheap game to make. They really need to expose the game to new audiences. There’s a lot of prejudice against D2 (or at least the D2 community) by newer generations because it’s considered a “boomer game” that has it’s community gatekeeped by the game’s veterans. I think their goal is to break that stigma by exposing the game to a younger generation through the streamers they like.

and this sums up the state of things perfectly. Current og hardcore wants to game to remain just for them, and new players have to accept that or bugger off.

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Zax- I was actually referencing the internal Blizzard survey, not the reddit one. We don’t and won’t likely know those results, ever.

Even if their internal survey shows them there’s an extra 20 percent of players that would purchase the game if a personal loot option were available, they’d be crazy not to consider it.

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I really didn’t even want to get drawn back into the circle of hell with ploot discussion, but seeing how much love they were giving to controller support, I strongly feel instanced loot would need to be implemented to keep it a viable method of play.

Theyd have to weigh getting the short-term interest of many of those people vs fallout from compromising the original spirit of the game, for which theyre currently receiving so many kudos in the media for preserving.

Maybe console only! Still, the complaints of no drops → increased drop rates, shudder

Doesnt matter, reddit survey had 4000 participants, Thats most likely enough to get ± same results as offcial one from blizzard. Not to mention that people who want ploot are using reddit suvery as argument all the time. We dont have results from Blizzard survey if I am not mistaken. Just when you look at this forum, there is definitely more people against ploot then for it. They wont admit it, but thats what I am seeing :slight_smile:

I would guess that its pretty cheap comapred to making completely new games as core of the game already exist and they are building on top of it. And game would sell for 40 Euro so I dont think its bad trade them at all :slight_smile:

I am fine with that, but they should also include majority loyal players who play it for 20 years. I think almost everyone who already preordered is OG d2 player so why not give alpha access to us all here?

I am OG hardcore player and I want to see new players.

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I don’t think there would be any fallout, especially if the player bases were separated. Who cares.

Agree on the drop rate complaints. Definitely don’t want drop rates to change, but some of the most vocal people on these forums for drop rate changes, have actually been FFA supporters, just so you know.

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