Devs confirm personal loot ladder and classic ladder or this game is DOA

I have - legitimately - found every unique except Tyrael’s Might, Death’s Web and Astreon’s Iron Ward and every rune except Zod.

If you are dedicated and know how to farm effectively, you will find a lot of good stuff
But if you really played as much D2 as you claim, you will know that as well.

I don’t even know what this has to do with with the discussion.
There won’t be any 1.08 items in D2:R - it will start with patch 1.14

There is no need to “replace” botted or duped items by artificially increased drop rates.
Stuff will be as rare as it originally intended to be and that is perfectly fine.

Just put the stuff you want to exchange in the shared stash.
It’s already much more comfortable than in OG D2.

Also I don’t really get why you would even want to do that.
It’s much more effective to tailor your Merc around the build you are running.

I would be very happy about most of the QoL changes and if it would take a separate mode to get them, then I would play it.

But shared loot isn’t a QoL change and a lot of people who want QoL changes don’t want personal loot.

People who want personal loot can simply play in loot sharing parties in the same mode.

Everyone gets what they want while Blizzard doesn’t even have to do extra work and the player base doesn’t get more split than necessary.

While I would love a 3 month ladder all we know so far is, that it will be shorter than 6 month. None of the devs ever said that it will be 3 month and I think that it is much more likely, that they will settle for 4-5 month.


If it were an option that could be toggled on or off? It would at least try to make
both camps happy. I am not sure how much work would be involved to make that feasible though if even possible.

It’s just I think if they implement personal loot its largely going to affect multi because people who play solo don’t need personal loot regardless. So your then putting personal loot into multiplayer which imo does reduce the need for cooperation. Naturally as you said you will have jerks who hoard loot. There are always bad apples. It’s why WoW ended up with personal loot and as someone that plays WoW? While accessibility options can be great? They also can serve as a double edged sword. In WoW people use group or raid finder for a PUG and you never see them again. The difficulty is usually so easy communication isn’t even necessary on top of that. Vanilla WoW on the other hand encouraged mutual cooperation in that you couldn’t just queue for a dungeon. Even with the launch of Classic people got that experience they longed for. People were standing in lines in a queue to turn in quests. People were helping others in chat.

I think there are pros and cons to both. But a big part of Diablo 2’s multiplayer was trading for gear you needed with others. Personal loot would imo be detrimental to that. If all loot is personal then there is less need or impetus to communicate and less need to try and work with others which is the entire point of multiplayer.

I am not about to tell someone “Just play solo.” That doesn’t really accomplish anything either and just makes a person sound like an elitist tool. The better solution is one that I feel has long been in the hands of the players for years. Don’t like a loot hoarder? Don’t play with them, their name will get around. Join a guild, play with your friends that you know/trust.

tl dr version of this topic :

:disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:


If they adding 2 Loot Systems in 1 Game they need to setup 2 different clients in 2 different Realms .

How would that work though?
If I toggle it off and you toggle it on, then who is getting the priority?

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Blizzard could choose to set it up at either character creation or game creation. There are reasons that I prefer game creation, but others disagree.

If at character creation, FFA-only looters will only play with FFA-only looters (think hardcore/softcore and seasons/non-seasons). If at game creation, the game creator chooses, the game indicates what it is, and all additional players use that loot system. For example, I create a game where I select personal loot as the option. It will list personal loot in the game title (or have it be a selectable option) when looking for public games (e.g. think of D3 where yo can select key warden, bounties, regular rifts or greater rifts).

Who are you competing with that you need to pay others to play the game for you?

I have never purchased an item for D2. For that matter, although I am aware of these third party websites, I have never visited one.

The only thing I am guilty of is joining baal runs that are being hosted by bots. This is only because Baal runs used to be done by high level legit players, but bots have straight up replaced them.

I guess if your only goal in this game is to “have everything”, I could see just throwing in the towel and paying someone else to achieve that for you.

Personally, I am okay with a hell Meph run for loot taking my sorc 20 minutes with a few deaths. I slowly get stronger, and slowly push my boundaries of what I can survive. The alternative is paying these hackers for loot, then sit there, staring at my perfect character for awhile, and saying " I wonder what’s on Netflix…’.


No, they cant implement 2 Loot System in 1 Game which carries 1 Economy together. We all know the Personal Loot System will drop faster and everything easier cause its made for dummies and brainless people, i dont care how inappropriate my terms are but this is the bitter pile we need to swallow. And last but not least the economy will be complete out of controll by that, so i want this defeatly in 2 different realms and not 2 loot system which u can even toggle it off and on which has really a big impact for the core of this game.

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This is not true. If you look at what is being requested, the idea is to keep total drops between personal loot and global loot the same. This is one of the major complaints against personal loot by the FFA-only advocated. Normally Baal drops 5 items in an 8 player FFA-only game (3 players are guaranteed to get nothing). In a personal loot game, only 5 total items drop. 3 still get nothing. For the ones who get drops it is most likely only 1 drop. Total drops do not change.

For FFA-only, some players claim it is psychologically beneficial to see more drops even if you can not get them, irrespective of the total drops being constant.

That’s what I am saying. I don’t know it would even work if it were feasible. That’s why I ultimately feel Personal loot is something best left out when the player themselves can already choose to seek out a guild and friends they trust if they are concerned with loot hoarding.

I understand them wanting to bring it to a wider audience via console. But I feel personal loot has the unfortunate reality that it de-emphasizes cooperative play. And I’ve already seen that happen to WoW which has become a game that practically plays itself with it’s countless systems.

I like to think that people are intelligent enough they will figure out the systems of D2 as it is.

Possibly though you could then argue your diminishing the total pool of overall players and while I think D2 will probably have a player base large enough to sustain it? Your kind of splitting the base by segmenting it into different kinds of loot types which could mean longer queues. (Again not that I think D2 will have any kind of shortage of players).

But then it makes me wonder what impact it would have on the loot tables and would it then make it easier to get gear, etc. I feel like something like that is inevitably going to have an impact on something else within the game.

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RNA, really you cant take pre-existing formulas and add it exactly for this another Loot-System and a personal loot-system is made for the porpuses to have a faster gameplay. These 1 by 1 Comparison are complete dumb. Sorry a lot of your comments are completely are false statements man, it does not make any sense together. Its like we compare apples is the same like a banana…like i said jokes after jokes.

Ok, play a different game.


Bye bye


Really this does not make any sense, they want 2 Systems which carrys 1 economy i mean its really laughable but ok lets continue, now they want aswell we should carry this as community this kind of gameplays. I mean wtf are u serious right now? For me it sounds even our rights are taken. My advice : 2 realms 2 different loot system and they are 2 different economys aswell. And the system with the free shared loot system will be longer alive…mark my words. This another realm will be outplayed, no on will trade there you will see.

Why do you think the total pool would decrease by adding an extra option? Burger King introducing the impossible burger increased presumably the customer base or at least did not cause its customers to shrink. You can still order the whopper, but now vegetarians have an additional choice.

If you are arguing that it will split the playerbase (either of the same size or slightly larger by offering a second option) that is a valid concern. Let’s consider 3 scenarios where we only consider public multiplayer games (In solo, the loot system is irrelevant):

Scenario 1. Most players want public FFA-only multiplayer games. This means that FFA-only/purist crowd is largely unchanged and that the personal loot crowd is a niche community.

Scenario 2. The community is fairly evenly split. This demonstrates that many players exist on both sides and Blizzard made a smart decision to have 2 options.

Scenario 3. Most of the community plays personal loot public multiplayer games while the D2 purist/FFA-only still have their niche community. In this case, it clearly demonstrates why Blizzard should offer personal loot option as that is what most wanted.

I would really prefer it, if the player base isn’t split in 2 for every change people are asking for.

Imagine you are playing with private loot, then realize that a friend of you is playing D2:R as well, but he is playing with FFA loot. Now one of you will have to start from zero if you want to play together.

The only player base split that I could see coming would be one between the purist faction and the QoL/balance changes fraction. But personal loot doesn’t seem to fit in either of them.

You can already achieve this by running in an organized drop sharing party.
It even has the advantage that you can make up your own rules and tailor them around what your team is preferring.

I played in a selffound community with loot sharing for quite some time and we always had the rule that anything below the worth of ~Pul is FFA while everything else would get rolled for by everyone who wanted it.

That has proven to be the best compromise between runspeed and fairness.

But you could also go with something like one guy is getting all loot of one run and then nothing for the next 7.

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We still doing this Burger King analogy? It still does not apply, unless the vegetarians and the meat eaters are split into two separate dining areas.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that you can beat this game solo, normal-hell, in less than a day - in one sitting for some players.

There is no reason to play past that except to collect better loot, to kill things faster, to find better loot. If you increase the drop rates, then you reduce the incentive to keep playing.

In a ladder season, it takes about 2-3 weeks of serious play to farm up “end game” gear. Hopefully this time-span will be increased 2-3 fold with the removal of most of the bots, but we all know that won’t last long.


You can state your opinion. But after you told us that the only way to get loot is trough bots… well we just dont care your opinion.

Thats why we have auto gold pick up, shared stash. Personal loot not going to come. Devs also stated they try to stick to the main game so closly as possible.

“Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”

Imagine if a boters opinion would matter… Pff sure


I’m sure that’s what some people act like, however I assure you… D2R will receive changes. It isn’t tailored to meet my sensibilities, but then again my sensibilities generally revolve around “FUN.” So, I’ll likely be pleased.

The salt will be enjoyable to eat.


These posts are so dramatic. This isn’t meant to be the next big, mainline game, that would be Diablo 4. Settle down. As others have said, just don’t play it, sounds like it’s not for some of you.

And there’s not going to be personal loot. Literally 0% chance. Let that sink in. You can talk about it until your blue in the face though. I’m not against some changes, but it’s pointless to talk about that specifically. Most people don’t want personal loot, either.