[D4] Toggle on/off option for displaying itemisation stats changes when equipping gear

PoE is a great game (in some ways, the best), but it has some major “flaws” for me that hold it back. Other than Diablo 2, it has the best itemization and sense of customization/progression. It obviously has many nice QoL features and modern upgrades. However, I find that I get bored of it much quicker than Diablo II, and it is not because it is not fun or doesn’t have good end game content, it is because it all feels a bit messy and bloated. There are too many off shoots with completely different mechanics and feel (inquisition, bestiary, etc.), but most of all the visuals are chaotic. Something about the graphics engine and the skills/spells make focusing in battle very difficult in the end game. It becomes one big mess. This all adds to be something that unfortunately wears on me a bit and makes me long for a complex yet somewhat simpler game like Diablo II. By no means am I saying I don’t want customization and complexity. I think Diablo II striked a very nice balance (though shows it’s age in ways, of course), but could use some further QoL improvements and potentially a tad more depth/customization, but in a way that feels coherent and fun.

This may sound like I am trashing PoE, but on the contrary, I have put hundreds of hours into PoE and really enjoy the game. I just find that it grew off of me and I am a bit dissapointed that they are retaining all of the old content in PoE 2. I think it is a bit bloated and could use a fresh start. I will definitely give it a shot, but I have more hope for D4 to be the D2 successor (but also it’s own thing) that borrows from D1, D2, and D3 where they each succeed).

Cause Battle for Azeroth was so amazing? Sure it’s cool to pick which zone you go to but I don’t think it makes a game great necessarily.

Personally the biggest problem I have with PoE is that there can be quite a bit of work between finding a cool new item and actually being able to equip it.

Getting into end game you reach a point where you can’t even look at a chest piece until it’s got 6 linked sockets all of the correct colours.

Thankfully the socket thing is being changed in PoE 2.

Indeed. Absolutely nothing wrong with showing you stat screens and calculated averages etc. such as DPS, eHP etc.
However, it is important that the game has enough depth where an increase in DPS or eHP might actually make your character weaker overall.

Which is true even in the extremely simple Diablo 3.
Should of course be much more true in Diablo 4. But there is no reason to take away stuff that helps people with basic math.

Yes, that should be the case.
And the math help does not mean it is no longer the case. You still need to figure out things yourself, even with a tiny bit of help.
I love math, but there is literally no reason to ask people to multiply a few numbers themselves. That is just pointless and easy to do. And even if you cant do it, someone will have made a website which does it for you. Might as well have it in-game.

They can help people early on. While everyone else learn to know that it is not actual indication of how useful an item is. The numbers only tell what they are supposed to tell; your base DPS, your toughness/eHP and some averaged healing. Nothing more, nothing less.
Should be possible to turn the green/red indications off in the UI though.

Which is where I would still disagree though. Both of these items should be “best”, for different builds. And a DPS stat would not really be able to show you that (at least not unless you have a DPS stat per skill - which to be fair, would also be completely fine to have).

Speaking of showing stats and numbers to help people. Diablo should have a personal dmg meter build in. So you could see how much dmg you do total, and with different abilities etc. More data is always a good thing. It is still up to you to analyze it.

You can leave without lvling up the gem. There is no problem here however, it is always worth it to lvl up a gem.

Random drops is the basis of A-RPGs. Not a waste of time. Are you also complaining the first rune you get in D2 isnt a Zod rune?

Sure, make it an option to turn them off.

Heck, plenty (most?) WoW builds dont really use rotations either.

Indeed, one of the best changes PoE could make (right behind; Delete trading :D)

I think this is probably a common criticism for that game. I too feel like they could tone down the barriers to entry a bit and make the complexity a bit simpler (not like D3 though, somewhere between D3 and PoE or just slightly less complex than PoE - or a few “free respecs and earnable respecs”). There are a few other things that I’d want to see like a death recap so I can understand how I died cause it’s not always obvious in PoE.

I would imagine PoE knows this criticism and things will be better in the next entry.

sacred has always been my number 1 arpg
im just a person for world and atmosphere
i dont like running through tunnels

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The problem in design i see there mate is that its just wasted, when it could be implemented differently if you could save your GR rank points just like when you level up somewhere to spend them more wisely.

Yeah, but you will most likely get for EVERY run every gem in the end, so whats the point then? Design legendary gems to be harder to get instead of giving them as presents.
Nah, i do enjoy the time i finally get a Zod, Lo, Jah or Ber rune, but there is years of difference of having the luck RNG of finding a HR compared to a legendary gem.

Thanks with being the only poster from this community with Cyonan considerate enough to support enabling such an option :+1:

Yep, it’s like Diablo 3. Click on your skill bar and the move is then instantly used.

OP you have a point, so does the mega-hate party on you.

They dont understand that not having a green number is an old school thing, it’s cool, its cool to play a game with the least amt of hand holding things, like “hey, this weapon is better, something that old-rpg games want you to think about on your own, but in new-age gaming we’ll do this for you”.

However, lets be real.
What do you look for when thinking if a weapon is good or not?
Damage, since just about any ability outside of spells that don’t multiply off your weap damage, do care about weap damage. IF they dont, they care about plus skills.

So, you’d be like “does it have higher damage? Does it have plus skills?”
Then, you look at attack speed.

Then, other mods like CBF and such.

I mean youtube negates the DPS thing from mattering, its like “hey guys sup youtube here wear this with that holla” and people are like “ok i need that, and that, and that, ok im good at diablo”.

So, while it would be cool to not have the DPS number and to have everyone on their own think about breakpoints and their builds, youtube ruins that right away, and will, always, forever, always forever, so, just be like “im playing my way, and if they’d give us the option to disable this, then im happy”

So, the answer, since im right politley, let us disable it so it’s not annoying to see and/or insulting. Let everyone else who drools over it, even tho youtube negates their ‘leveling build choices’ anyway, think it’s helpful or cool.

It’s a win win.
Let us disable it, simple.

But like D3 devs were, they dont want us being like “you dont like one of our ideas? We dont want you to disable it we want to push our diablo-dev political agenda on you”.

Let us diable the political-push, that would be ideal.
It’s a win win, hurts nobody.

Yea, i mean i should add if the game isn’t like Diablo 3, which we have no reason to believe at this point, then possibly a lot more choices can go into ‘is this weapon or armor best’ or not, which would be amazing.

Obvoiusly, in D3 it was “is it a set? Does it support a set? Get out of my game if it isnt, and move over i need in that greater rift for max time” And this sort of puke.

If D4 is like properly made.
You’d have things like “this armor slows your char down” and “this poleaxe has bigger range” like Warrior below brings up.

Obviously if it were really well made, “this armor looks different on char then that, and transmog ISNT in teh game, so im going for this armor even tho it’s slightly weaker bc it looks stylish and thats valueable to be different in a mass-played arpg even if it’s only cosemetic, cosmetics matter, when u sacrifice build strength to be-cool, not when you click transmog and like have items be easy to find so no transmog is rare”

Anyway, weights, ranges, looks, i mean obviously mods in the item text, but like playstyle things too “this thowing axe is eth so it can’t run out of quantity” or w/e. Like these things affect playstyle, which affects “how fun a build is” besides just dps.

Should the “green number” account for “well this is a throw barb, which is weak ATM, so were going to give this weapon a -2 for the next patch bc it’s not enjoyable bc it’s so weak, so our buy/sell on this eth tomahawk is sell, it’s too weak till we get around to caring about buffing it” and so on.

Like do we want like Research Analyst style “i say buy” on each and every item piece? I dont think so, as who values someone else’s opinion when theirs probably is better?

That’s why this is hand holding, but for some people, googling a breakpoint isn’t as fun as youtubing the build, and that’s what they want to target bc it’s the maj or new age gamers. It’s not their fault, they’ve been born into youtube? Then game, keep youtube up while gaming too.

I mean all this DPS thing is a psuedo-youtube for leveling, and if leveling is quick and over with, it doesnt matter.

there were some criterias though like weapons that had bigger range and better breakpoints with IAS which varied in some classes in D2, which played a huge role on which grey/eth items to look up to to create as a base for a runeword.
Also, for example choose a DS 4os for CoH or a 4os AP, with the difference of DS being extremely expensive to repair in comparison to AP.

Although thanks for supporting the option of disabling it :+1:

I have hundreds of design issues with D3. But I dont really see it as a problem that you can’t save up your gem rank points.
Remember that the chance to lvl up a gem is based on the GRift lvl you are in. Not all gem rank points are equal.


WoW loves cast timers actually.

Yeah, even more the reason if the chance of rank upgrades is not guaranteed.
How about you can save up GRift rank points everytime you finish such a GR level boss?
This way you can decide to use your points later on the same GR level and its not complicated at all to design something like this :metal:

classic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yo you here just for spamming or trolling? if its either please stay out of my topic if you arent constructive, thank you :fist_left:

Even this isn’t really true.

On top of many cast time abilities a lot of abilities are also targeted, as in you click the ability then you click where you want it to go off and then it casts(possibly with a cast timer).

Stupid D3 itemization, stupid red-green arrows and nothing in between. Hope D4 will avoid this.


There is a lot in between the green/red arrows when trying to maximize stuff at the end o.O

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Totally agreed :+1:, but seems like the majority of the D3 community wants it.
Id be glad if they enable the turn off/on option in D4.

Maybe Diablo will just be a console game from now on. I could maybe get behind that. At least I won’t be disappointed when the PC version is nothing, the console version doesn’t need to be as deep and will likely be fine to sit on a couch with a controller and play.

Diablo will just transition to a console game I guess. It’s lame and doesn’t build on D2 but I guess this outlook isn’t as offensive. Diablo is a console game.

But both do involve this “kill off your enemies or you are screwed” schematic.
You just cannot run away from foes, making the combat most likely forced and engages/disengages not tactical.
D3 bosses are the best example of either kill the boss or get killed.