[D4] Toggle on/off option for displaying itemisation stats changes when equipping gear

Good point. :+1:

As a result of seeing oneself as a victim denied, there can occur a powerful drive toward disaffection and complaining. As is almost inevitably the case, there is a great need on the part of a hater to validate their oppositional stance, and the victim-victimizer scenario greatly assists a person in justifying their course of action. Blame shifting (D2 is the best, D3 and D4 suck) may therefore temporarily relieve a person, but it will only succeed in sanctioning a person’s actions so long as their position as a complainer is given greater exposure over that of others.

Thus, the importance placed upon maintaining a heightened level of awareness toward the haters unique view (“if it is not D2, it is trash”) works to reinforce the reasons for their departure (I will never play D3 again) by maintaining the consequences of blame and continuing to scrutinize it in the object of hostility. It is not difficult to see then why the hater so adamantly rejects information that contradicts the typecast that they have worked so hard to establish.

P.S. Or it might just be a form of dysfunctional codependency. They do not like D3 or D4 (now), but they love the D3 forum and will most likely post the same comments on the D4 forum.

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Take this back to psychology class. Don’t put D3 dissenters in a group and categorize us as x and y. Despite what Synamin says, I’m not Swarrior :laughing:

You know, it would be quite easy to reverse your schpiel and say that about D3 players on this forum. Plenty of crying when people want things to be different from what D3 did.

This sounds like it came from a textbook or a lecture, I guess you’ve been studying victims.

I wouldn’t care if they had an option to turn it off. Hell Diablo 3 could currently have that for all I know. I don’t play that game and I can’t be bothered to download it just to check.

Personally I’d like to see it improved in Diablo 4 to give me the information I’m actually after. I like what WoW does where rather than attempt to give you a rough estimate, it just tells you the difference in stats between the two items.

Not that I “can’t do it myself”, but having the quick overview is nice.


Nah, i mean im about to give up with this franchise man.
Its clear that this community wants to keep the friendly-casual-behaviour like its the new trend of games and D4 will most likely listen to them.

Everytime there is a discussion its “all about D2”, "D2 this, “D2 that” when in fact i have to say that there are many features other ARPGs do better than D2.
I have played Torchlight 1,2 , Grim Dawn, Path of Exile and will for sure play Titan Quest when i get the time for that (wolcen i did not due the huge bug/bomb review) and neither lost ark, cos yeah no interest in a game without a proper EU/USA server.
Last Epochs skill system looks promising but their GFX not so.
I guess ill just have to stick to path of exile with the current direction this community and developers want to follow from this once great company that delivered D1 the most iconic ARPG of all times, which is now slaughtering their classic games like WC3 and D2 servers.

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Sorry, but I don’t go around nicknaming people.

And yes, that complaint is indeed ridiculous.

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Yeah, thanks for lying and trolling, much appreciated :partying_face:

This. So annoying. It’s like D3 did it so now everything else is wrong and outdated? Pretty sure there is a large contingent that hates D3 systems.

@Synamin - that’s why the evidence suggests more people play D2 on pc than D3.

This as well.

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This all started with the WoW influence in the diablo series, which funny enough it was influenced backwards from D3 to WoW from what i heard.

Just move on to PoE 2, so far this game hasnt disappointed in the slightest, just the Diablo demons vs angels vs humanity lore isnt there anymore and wish leagues would last longer.

I guess ill never open up ever again a topic in this D3 forum regarding D4 just to get offended by D3 elites defenders.

Yep, at some point you have to ignore the snide comments and do your thing. It’s probably pointless but I’m hoping D4 isn’t D3 2.0. The combat looks like a replica which probably won’t be changed and with all the crying on this forum I can’t imagine D4 being any different than D3. The Diablo franchise has been seized and destroyed.

Sure feels like a WoW arcade brawler in D3.

As somebody who has played a lot of WoW since 2004, there isn’t a ton of influence seen in Diablo 3. It’s mostly the other way around.

Graphics is probably the main thing. You can argue that Blizzard in general has shifted towards a more cartoonish look ever since Warcraft 3.

The overkill drop rates on loot, itemization being massively cut down, characters having little variance between them.

That’s all Diablo 3’s fault, not World of Warcraft. It didn’t used to be like that in WoW.

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QoL such as minor displays of base gear performance, auto-gold pickup and radius pick-up, etc. are across the board improvements to the game and decent number of these QoL improvements you see in the D2 mods that look to expand out the game

Personally if the D4 devs want to look at any game from a design mechanics standpoint I’d point them outside the Blizzard Universe to Grim Dawn. That game, imho, hits the right balance between depth of character design but still easily approachable.

I’d again point above to Grim Dawn. PoE has a good core game but the game attempted to make a game more complicated than it needed to be for the sake of being more complicated. So much of the web design of the skill system is meaningless stat stick nodes >.>

Outside of some CD issues with the 2 minute super CDs combat is about the only thing I feel D3 got right. It is fluid and; honestly if I look at my D2 characters and D3 characters I’d probably like an 8-button layout instead of 6-button but that is honestly a minor complaint. Of the major ARPGs on the market I have played (which I think is all?) the pure combat response/smootheness is what D3 has over the others… and about all imho.


Don’t forget lvl 60-70 and shoulder pads. Yes, of course the scale and heros. Also, all the lights look like a WoW raid. The skill bar rotations feel like WoW.

Dude, the fighting cycles in D3 is WoW´s model

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Ya Grim Dawn’s multiplayer isn’t what I’d like to see. Also, it’s not really my favorite style either. From what I’ve played of both I prefer PoE.

In fairness I always play ARPGs more or less solo so I can’t comment on Grim Dawn’s multiplayer =)

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Level caps weren’t even new to the Diablo series considering Diablo 1 is capped at level 50.

You also have to keep in mind I’m talking about past WoW not being like Diablo. Battle for Azeroth very much so is, but that’s because WoW became like Diablo.

and spell effects are something they really ramped up in recent expansions.

Diablo 3 doesn’t use rotations and I’m convinced half this forum doesn’t even know what they are.

Can you imagine PoE2 with some upgrades? Blizzard should be majorly worried about it. If D4 is like D3 and PoE improves I’m likely going to be a PoE player.

WoW doesn’t involve screen wiping with 1-2 clicks of the mouse. Even modern WoW doesn’t do that.

Though apparently according to people around here DIablo 3 both uses rotation based combat and screen wipes with 1 ability so I’m not really sure how people think DIablo 3’s combat plays out.

i really hope that PoE 2 can be that thing
the open world alone totally moves me in D4 direction

Yeah, most likely i will do as well. I remember having trying out PoE in 2015 and its amazing how much they have grown since then.

Most likely from this alone will probably make me forget about D4 if this becomes a thing in PoE.