[D4] Toggle on/off option for displaying itemisation stats changes when equipping gear


New pic of my character uploaded from Europe Account.

Simply put, i would like to suggest to be able to have an option to toggle on/off these itemisation stats when equipping gear,
I am very sorry for my CoC behaviour towards some users and the D3 community, i promise i will play next season til paragon 1000 since people claim i dont have played enough endgame to offer my opinion and til then i will not open another new thread regarding anything that has to do with D3, since it seems i am not allowed to comment.

Lets all hold our hands together :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:



Where’s the downvote button?

It’s hardly handholding since those only take some affixes into account. They’re only rough estimations of the changes. One still needs to do actual testing whether the item in question is an upgrade or a downgrade.


It’s there to help and those red and green are telling what the changes do. For new players it helpful. Let’s no punish players cause you want Something different


I’d also like to remind that D4 should be a step forward, not backwards. Removing those indicators is a step backwards.

Removing QoL features is generally a dumb idea.


Are you freakin’ kidding me? This has got to be one of the most…short-sighted complain I’ve ever seen. It’s a QoL feature. No, not just for newbie. And you want it removed? :roll_eyes:

Btw, you will never notice such small difference in your gameplay when you’re ‘testing’ your build. When you’re testing ‘your build’, it’s gonna be different items with different effects testing, not those QoL stuff that shows small number difference.

If you don’t know anything about D3, refrain from acting like you know stuff.


True enough.

Legendary Amulet with Main Stat, Vit, CC, and CD with no legendary power will be weaker than legendary amulet with Main Stat, Vit, CC, socket and a legendary power despite that in-game arrow indicated the first amulet is “stronger” due to the stat increment.

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Its not a QoL. Its the system actually thinking for you.

Yeah, what to expect to post in D3 forums.
If it isnt 100% D3 there is obviously bias in here.

There should actually be a tutorial in-game to explain you how the game works and not follow the modern trend of games to explain everything to the player while you are playing the game.

I have played enough D3 to know how the systems actually work, thank you.


This coming from the guy who said:


Yeah, coming from someone actually having played the end-game content, unlike someone who just shows how he kills Diablo in D2 thinking its the end-game content


That was rather weak comeback. The image was simply showing that I played D2 before. :slight_smile:

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It’s doing a minor math calculation for you. Yes, that is a QoL feature, and no, it’s not doing the thinking for you.

Sorry, obviously not.

It was somewhat mentioned by other people, but that number doesn’t even show you the full pictute anyway. People who can think on their own knows this.

For example, amulet, IAS, elemental damage boost, CHC, CHD, you won’t know which is better unless you know how to do the math yourself. Majority of the time elemental damage boost > CHC roll. But you won’t know it by just looking at those traffic lights numbers. IAS, moreso. IAS will increase your sheet damage, which is why it will show +green text on some items. But as most skills have attack speed breakpoints, IAS on gear might not increase your dps at all, or it could increase it more than CHC or CHD on gear. All of that you won’t know by just looking at those traffic lights number.


Its not a weak comeback.
You judge me because i dont reach GR 150 in D3, which in the end its the same content but with bigger numbers.
I judge you because you are comparing killing a boss in D2 like its when you are about to reach level 60-70 in D3.

Minor maths calculation with trillons of numbers in damage and HP? i dont think so.

I never claimed that this shows you the whole picture, its obvious that stronger affixes like CDR and elemental % damage do not show, still some affixes like CHC and CHD DO influence my decision if i prefer those instead of IAS since both are bound to damage.
But, hey at least i like trying to actually think on how to improve my character instead of the system being programmed by doing automatisized big number maths on these main stats for me.


Yeah, it was weak comeback because you made a claim that you knew about how Diablo 3 works when you don’t even know how the legendary gems drop works. I am simply copy paste and link your own post to this thread.

Also, since when I judged you because you don’t reach GR150? Link to the post of me saying that?


So you guys seem to be a big proponent of telling others to say, not use the AH, or don’t engage in PvP if you don’t like it, and more options are better. So, just ignore the arrows, open up the details page and do some math.


You serious? :rofl: Check your link again and see what those color means. It’s comparing two items, one you’re wearing with the one you’re hovering. It shows in %, which you would know if you play current D3. It shows the item you’re hovering is +0.3% increase in damage while -0.5% toughness (arbitrary numbers). Doing trillions of numbers in damage or hundreds of damage, doesn’t matter at all.

I really doubt you know what you’re talking about. As I said, those are minor QoL stuff. Maybe you relied on it because you don’t choose to think about it. That’s the only reason I can think of why you would even complain about this.

Oh yeah, IAS is more complicated than that. So, again, you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about.


What if an item when doing comparisons is showing an upgrade to damage, toughness and recovery is in fact a downgrade due to other affixes not being taken into account or skills not benefitting from certain affixes? I’ve seen cases like that countless times. Many, many times I’ve used normal legendaries instead of ancients since the ancients weren’t upgrades despite indicating of being such.

It’s not holding any hands. It’s not doing anything on behalf of the player.

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So far for every GR run i did i got a new gem, even got LoD. Do you really believe the balance in legendary gem drop rate is right?

Im not saying you need to do some maths, i would gladly welcome smaller numbers and the total removal of CHD unless they balance their numbers with rather single digits or starting with 0 and digits after commas for balance reasons.

I do know that these stats in this picture are outdated, you got now damage, toughness and recovery in % instead of whats shown in my post pic.
Just pointing out that this system was implemented since the start of D3, whatever season or new form in season its shown now you are still getting HELP from the game automatically by just playing normally.

Yeah, those % actually do make the difference for big numbers when you equip items with CHD and CHC, you are still getting help from the system because these “small % numbers” already can translate into huge damage numbers with the already huge inflation of CHD %.

i am complaining because its not a QoL. A QoL is extra stash space or instant pick up gold, which are totally IRRELEVANT to combat, but whatever the game helps in telling you which is better to pick then i dont call it a QoL, and even if its not 100% accurate as you claim because its not 100% all your stats (but many of the few affixes in itemisation that do really matter in the game), its a feature that should not be in the game.
You take away experimentation because you are discarding already choices of the not-so-big choices you already got in itemisation in D3.
If you had a way more ground-breaking affixes list to choose from then this would not matter as much, but D3 already being THIS simplified by affixes and granting even this extra help of red/green colors, then yeah, i dont know what else to tell you then.
Legendary affixes/powers already do a big help to the game, but lets be honest.
Even here you are limited to choose only a few of those
Might as well be able to give an auto-pilot mode for the game to be played by itself then, oh wait botters already do that :smiley:

Yeah, already counted this in, the current situation with D3 tho with the big inflation of numbers still do make a huge difference compared to the strenght in a legendary power.
Still, the implementation of legendary powers was a good idea to “fix” the decision making of the player, but still feels like a bandaid instead of a proper balance to the game.
However, you do not make any big decisions regarding legendary powers when you are in the early leveling stages of character progression, and you mostly “guide yourself” with this help for better item stats compared to the endgame where CDR (even total removal of CD), Spell/elemental damage in %, legendary powers and legendary gems rather come in hand and make the bigger difference.


I understand where you coming from, but I don’t think removing indicators altogether is the right way to handle this. General indicators showing DPS shifts or overall defense shifts are good, and do the basic math for you that can be somewhat complicated.

With that said, this should not prevent the inclusion of more complex and difficult (or impossible) stats, which result in thoughtful decisions. For instance, Diablo II should have shown a general damage increase or decrease if you do the math of the weapon speed, damage, and added damage VS the current weapons speed and damage. Though there should still be complicated stats such as open wounds, crushing blow, weapon reach, chance to cast amplify damage on hit, etc. Those things should not (and probably cannot) be added into that calculation, but can be game changing and affect your build and playstyle immensely. These should remain in the game, as well as choices such as, “yes that weapon is considerably stronger, however the other one is 50% faster and has chance to cast spells or stun the enemy, so more hits means more procs”.

In short, there is nothing wrong with having these indicators and helpful QoL features in the game, as long as they don’t hinder the overall complexity and depth of the game. In the end, this satisfies everyone, making casual players happy enough to just get “better” gear and beat the core content, while more dedicated players dig in and play the harder content and explore new builds to make the most fun and effective characters they can.

This has nothing to do with smaller numbers. You feel offended with a QoL quick statistical visual indicator being present. For new players and most of the player base, casuals, they will see a green arrow and go upgrade and equip.

Those interested in min/maxing and fine tuning their character, as you claimed you like to do, would go, hmm, this may be useful. Let me check out how the stats compare, and will delve further to see if said item is worth equipping.

Nothing about the green arrow prevents you from doing that. If you reall think the arrow will stop you from investigating and determining if the item is better then that says more about you than the thing you are complaining about.

And again, this has nothing to do with big numbers.

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You seem to have a weird conception of what those numbers are. You seem to think those numbers are the game telling you, ‘this is better. use this’, those kind of instruction. But those numbers are just an indication of how much your sheet damage, toughness increase or decrease if you change it to another item. Even without those traffic lights numbers, you can simply equip and de-equip to check which items give you higher damage or toughness (it shows up on your sheet damage!). And if you plug in the number on a calculator, voila, you get your traffic lights number.

Understand? It’s not some high end instruction you seem to think it is. It’s just couple steps removed for players to do when comparing two items, hence QoL feature.

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