[D4] Toggle on/off option for displaying itemisation stats changes when equipping gear

This is such a ridiculous complaint. I suppose once you get a BiS item you don’t want the game to drop more items for that slot too.


Because you are supposed to collect all the legendary gems regardless of whether you want to upgrade it or not. The gems stop dropping once you collected all of it.

How is this an issue again? You just love to find something to complain, I guess.


Trolling again? Shall i flag you again or you didnt learn your lesson? :partying_face:

It is AGAIN an automitisized feature where you have little to no choice on your own on saving points for your gems and just waste points on whatever random gem you will find on the fly.
At least i like to judge and give conscructive critiques and not cry without reason.

Everyone that disagrees with you is a troll and you’re always right.

Again, there is no wasted gem because you can use them for Caldesann Despair. Also, Bane of Powerful is a good starter gem for new character since its Rank 25 is very good.

I have levelling more than 13 Lv100 legendary gems in this season and I don’t feel I was robbed.


No man, they support each other like glue as i said, or well many of them at least.
There are some good D3 posters with proper arguments, but hell… i cannot say that these are the majority.
Ill be glad once D4 forums open up, ill never visit this D3 forum ever again.

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  • Signed SWarrior aka Strollin.

Maybe we should write a ‘How to Upgrade Legendary Gems’ guide?

Could go like this:

The 1st legendary gem drop will be Bane of the Powerful. Upgrade it.

The 2nd legendary gem to drop will most likely be Legacy of Dreams. Upgrade your BotP. Throw LoD in stash.

The 3rd legendary gem might be Efficacious Toxin. Upgrade your BotP. Throw ET gem in stash.

Wash, rinse, repeat…


What are you even talking about?


Yeah, lets forget about calling nicknames for personal reasons because we have never been once in agreement and getting both silenced for that reason.

Straight calling a comment ridiculous, nice start again man!

Troll feeding is pointless.
Just use the forum ignore function.


Thats nice of you, while im the OP being trolled at.

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This seems like a case of if you don’t like it, don’t use it. A lot of people even in Diablo 3 don’t use it because as was pointed out, it’s more of a rough estimate for casual players than it is a super accurate “do the math for you” tool.

The kinds of people who use those numbers to determine all their gear options are the kinds of people who wouldn’t do the math in Diablo 2 anyway.

Even as a D2 fan, this whole thread feels like “This isn’t exactly like Diablo 2 so I hate it”.


Why ever have it in in the first place if its not 100% accurate then?

I do agree sometimes with you but this time i am not.

i would say that half of ARPGs dont use these indicators and i do have tried many already so claiming “because it isnt in D2” doesnt fit in here.
I like Grim Dawn but even Grim dawn shows me this indicator again.

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D2 did a lot of things right. Just cause D2 did it doesn’t mean that that’s the reason for a call to action. It’s about improving the game by removing unnecessary, unhelpful, misleading, bloatware.

It’s quite obvious that it’s meant to assist with people who are less into min/maxing as a quick look indicator for possible upgrades or downgrades.

It really should be obvious.

For pro gamers such as yourself, you can just disregard the colors/indicators and continue using your superior calculations.

It’s a win/win.

Cheers mate!


Because it’s a rough estimate for casual players who aren’t going to do the math anyway, or new players who haven’t learned the system enough to do all the math yet.

You can say this but there’s a few people around here who it seems will hate on anything that isn’t 99% identical to Diablo 2.

It doesn’t matter what the system is. Runes, charms, potions, skills ,whatever.

They’ll always find some excuse as to why it’s terrible if it’s not Diablo 2.


Well new players should figure out exactly what the stats do. If players can’t do simple math then maybe Diablo isn’t the game for them. If +6 dex as a noob vs +6 vitality is too tough for someone to think about and make an opinion then I would question are they really even a human?

Why doesn’t Blizz just make a system that plays the game for me?

New players will eventually figure it out, but nobody is going to know that stuff right out of the gate.

I also never said they can’t do the math, I said they wont bother to do it. You can get through the basic game in even Diablo 2 through hell without really understanding the more advanced stuff of how the stats work.

Diablo just isn’t and never was a game that demands players do theorycrafting to optimize their characters. It’s an option.

and even as somebody who enjoys doing it, nobody is taking that option away from you.

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The thing is, id prefer to look and analyze rather affixes for a build instead of a fast calculator which might in the end just confuse you because there is green and red in every one of them.
You should be able to judge the item by yourself, not by an automatized system.


Why are you puting now a boarder and just welcoming new players and not experienced players?
How about an option to turn these indicators off or on?
Seems like rather a win-win situation.

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