D4 Now that all 5 classes have been revealed

Looks like D3 but more polished.
Chronologically, Diablo games keep getting less core engaging content.
None of what was shown I’m hyped for. What about the gameplay, the discovery, the itemization, the wonder, the horror, the mystery ?
Feels bland.
I doubt they have a single good idea to implement in the game. I mean of course, outside of an inevitable evil business model that is going to make the game unplayable eventually.
Excessive grind to make up for lack of actual content. I’m just so done with this.

Why so many new classes indeed, well bard might be interesting and the ghostlike one as maybe a weird jack of all trades depending on whom (s)he possesses? It could even be added to Necro maybe.

I guess we do miss a warrior per se, but WD? Why not make that a paragon board change for Necro where she instead of the dark skellies and golem way goes more voodoo. In the end those two are thematically the same already, it is just what you raise is a bit different and she more relies on ranged combat. Just open a way to play Necro that way as a specialisation and she can be dark skinned. If have some problem with WD not being a priest of Rathma from lore, well that can be explained as that they do through the spirits touch upon her domain unknowingly.

Knight/crusader/paladin/dark knight, why different classes, just make it specialization of warrior. You could even include monk there or bring monk under rogue. Like others also said, do we really want to have very defined classes who can just do a few things or heroes we can build within reason to be what we want?

Remember specialisations is an old and proven concept in RPG’s to give variety to classes and change their way of play and should well be possible to combine or even include in a paragon board or in story choices.


It’s blizzard who want to promote “strong class identity” the opposite of poe

Yeah and I do fear that we get D3 like balancing and basically meaningless classes that in the end still will play all the same more or less with different shiny effects, just punch in your rotation and pray devs have been nice with assigning enough gear that synergises your class.

Basically fake RPG that misses the true heart of it in the name of balance and competition.


bring back demon hunters in D4 fight and destroy the forces of evil in style

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We have the rogue already


yeah but rogue is a melee class with a hint of ranged im talking about a purely ranged class that would go full auto on baddies from a distance then afterwards as the enemy corpses are still on fire from the incendiary arrows they calmly light their cigerette off of it before walking away

The rogue is a freaking archer with arrow rain, barrage and everything you need lol


yeah hence my point they shouldve took them back to the D2 version and made them a melee class while adding DH to their ranks or at the least some other kind of ranged class

Why? It’s a perfect ranged class
We don’t have space for everything and a class doesn’t have to be shoehorned into 1 single combat style so this can be an assassin or an archer or both at the same time
It’s up to your build



Yes please.
Not a single class should be melee or ranged. They should be melee AND ranged.
Of course, a barb should be like 90% melee and 10% ranged (like Throw, base attacks with a bow, and depending on your definition of ranged; summons).
A Sorc should be like 80% ranged (beside the true melee-based battle mage with a sword in hand, you can have short range “touch” spells and such).
But they all should have the capabilities for going in any direction, limited as it might be.


Warhammer online Witch Hunter was pretty sweet.

give barbs chain sword weapons or metalic boxing gloves turn them into a full scale brawler and/or a medium range attack hybrid class

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So for new classes lets start by look at previous classes archetypes to see whats missing.

The Holy Warrior/ Paladin, Crusader
The Martial Artist/ Monk, Assassin
The Witchdoctor, yes I know people think hes just a necromancer but he has way to many unique themes and abilities just to ignore.

Now we need to dig a bit deeper.

The Amazon- Now I know the Rogue fill in the role for the range class, being a mix of Demon Hunter and Amazon/Assassin, however I think their is still plenty that can be used with Amazon. Like the mastery of spears and javelins and the lightning theme to her attacks, might as well toss in some greek stuff as well.

The Warrior- Blizz like to shoehorn the Barbarian in this slot, but frankly it dose not have the same appeal. A person of martial mastery wearing heavy armor and not using special powers like the Paladin to cut thru the swarms of enemies.
Maybe its a bit bland and maybe it overlaps to much with other classes, who knows we will have to wait and see.

Now we get a bit more creative.

A demonic class, some halfbreed or warlock, a class that uses the power of hell against it, a bit of an anti-hero. More focus on its melee then spells.

That is all I got for now, I might update later.

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i feel like having the amazon-spear type and the knight type missing maybe it is managable to combine those 2 archetypes into 1 class that is shield based but can use swords as well as spears and other 1 handed weapons but maybe also polearms. like a soldier/gladiator/knight


That its not bad actually.
A melee class with good reach and large sweeping attacks.

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yea and also being able to throw.
maybe “The Legionary” is a fitting name. i don’t know how well this image fits into the diablo world.
i’m still thinking about a class system


love that movie and performance


Haha Yes good example!