D4 Now that all 5 classes have been revealed

So, I am curious what everyone’s reactions are with the 5 launch classes. I am happy, however feel like we are missing some, but with that said, I’d like to see if we can have a discussion on future classes now.

Blizz has assured us this is a Live Service game through and through, unlike the previous games. Live Service tends to have a bad taste to it, but in this instance, if they want it to go on for the next 10 plus years, I feel adding more than 1 or 2 classes would be viable. Maybe 5 new classes over the next several years.

If so, which classes do you think they will bring in the future, which ones do you want, and do you want all classics remade or any new classes yet to be seen?

I am looking forward to this game and hoping it will hit the right spots.

My hopes are a Warrior/Pally class, I say it like that because if they can have the rogue play as, well a Rogue, a Demon Hunter, and Assassin etc., as a multiclass depending on which tree and skills you choose, I think a Warrior Damage Tree or a Light Magic (Paly) tree would be able to scratch both itches.

I would also like to see a new class, but not sure what yet, so many choices out there.



Personally don’t really care what the classes are.
If they underlying game is good I am interested in all classes and if not, then it doesn’t really matter what the classes are either.

Understand, as someone who plays all classes as well, i get ya. But you don’t have ANY idea of something you loved in the past you’d like to see remade into the modern? Or anything you’ve seen in books or played in other fantasy games you’d like to see get the D4 treatment? Wanting to start a discussion is all. Appreciate ya.

Well i wanted a Pala but it was always a battle between that or Necro for launch


Definitely. I always skew toward spellcasters as the first character to play, so that is probably sorc here.

Another aspect is, I really want classes to be very open ended. So a sorceress should also be able to be a battle mage fighting with a sword, or an arcane archer, using a bow, etc. A barb should also be able to be a bow barb, or a summoner barb calling fort ancient spirits.
So I wouldn’t want to see a 100 different classes with their own little niches. Those niches very much should be here, but that is what the builds should offer, not the classes.

So, I want all kinds of RPG classes in D4, arcane archer could be an example.
Just shouldn’t be a class. Both sorc and rogue should be able to build toward different takes on the arcane archer archetype (that was a lot of arcs…).

I was kinda hoping the 5th class would be a death knight, that way you could have necro and paladin in one, and build those classes within that or a hybrid.

As for new classes, how about something like Pillars of Eternity Cipher, a class based on affecting the mind of others.
A bard could also be interesting, playing songs for buffing some pets or themselves, debuffing enemies etc. However I really don’t want to see support classes in a Diablo game, so it should only be self-buffs.


Well it seems despite all the freedom blizzard is really still focusing on “strong class identity” aka this is how you play this class


That is a lot of Arcs lol

But yea, im with you, if we can use our classes to do about anything, then if gives us more choice and diversity in those classes. I still dont’ see why a Barb can’t use a Sheild, or a Sorc using a sword like in previous, thats how I ran her. I get that.

That is awesome, a Mind build like a telepathy or something, to mind control enemies and such. And yes, i feel a Bard could fit, be an interesting class for sure in this world. But like a barb or warrior shout having the ability to buff themselves and their Party, i can see a Bard doing something similar in the trees. With a Bard also, could be kind of the Mind control class as well, like playing a tune they turns enemies against each other or scares them away. Interesting.

Yea, i wish they were more open ended, but it does allow them to have specific skills for each. The rogue is really the only Multiclass for now, that I know of, maybe i am wrong. But you can go ranged like the Amazon or Demon Hunter (DH), in close like an assassin, or lay traps like a DH. I hoped they would have offered those choices with the others, but i get it.

Maybe with a Pally/Warrior tree, we can get 2 with 1 stone. Or like mentioned before, if the Necro had a Death Kight tree, that would have been cool too.

For a new class i guess this is my favorite take but idk how much the existence of the Necro diminished that probably
Maybe it should be less focused on summoning and more on direct magic

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I’m pretty hyped for the Rogue class. I tend to play a Rogue-type character in most RPG’s, but in D2, D3, and Immortal I’ve played a Paladin/Crusader mostly.

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I was hoping for something totally new, not a rehash of toons we have already played to death. I still want to know what the special class mechanic is for the Druid. The Rouge might be the only class I never touch.

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I prefer when character are less powerful. I prefer a simple warrior or a struggled wizard at low level for exemple : diablo 1’s class rooted. So, I’ll play barb or rogue and I hope a a kind of adventurer class or a fighter for the future.
(I know this opinion is in the minority among the community)


I stand behind you brother


I really like this idea of the Heretic, sounds fun!

I am the same, i like to feel like a normal person who is gradually gaining skills to fight back the evil. I tend to replay opening areas with new characters to start with nothing again and then i tend to run around naked until i absolutely need too for a challenge.

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You both have my dull, half-broken axe!

I mean, classes should be ‘cool’ in the sense they can do all kinds of stuff (= open-ended), but they should not be overpowered, and it is fine if each thing they can do is fairly simple. No screen-wide explosions that triggers even more explosions of various colors (why does a barbs WW need to trigger typhoons for example). Swinging your axe, shooting your bow, with various benefits is fine, and might very well offer more interesting choices than the over-the-top skills where you are just picking a way to dominate.

Much of the feel of classes not being OP comes as much from the encounter/enemy design as the classes themselves though. Dont have us slaughtering screens of enemies, make every single enemy a challenge to beat. Not in a Dark Souls sense or anything, of course we should be able to fight and handle multiple enemies at once, but it should feel like each of those monsters matters and is a threat, during that fight.


Disappointed no holy sword and board class yet. But excited to tey them all out except the Rogue. Will still test it, maybe it will feel better than it looks, keep in mind I’m not a fan or martial ranged classes or sneaky stabby ones.

The rogue was actually vital for me because if the Barb doesn’t fit my main character then my archer is the only one i have left to really have fun with in melee with the paladin also not being here

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Rogue and Necro look like I would love them the most.

Lore wise I would like the Amazon to come back, there’s something left in the dust about this class/lore.
As the Askari of Skovos Island are based on an Old Greek thematic, the male version could be called Myrmidon or something in this order.
Also, the class identity could stick with Javelin, Spears, Shields and/or nets.
(it’s just an idea, not a suggestion)

A Holy class would be a nice add in the future, a Holy-Warrior wearing a shinny armor or a Holy-Priest. I know there’s already a Priest warming up on the camp fire but the game is basically based on various religious belief and mysticism.
i.e.: a Skatsim priest would be a nice add.

I thought about a Barb, like many did over the years, but how can we adjust/tune this class to the Diablo franchise? Buff and De-Buff mechanic through his music/poetry? Could be nice to ear guitar chords from D1 played on a harp during a fight (aslong as there’s 1 different chord per buff and the duration doesn’t last too long)
One thing is for sure, a Diablo Barb would be much darker than everything I saw from books and/or other games.

There’s room for many archetype, everything can be designed to fit, it’s just a matter of perspective.

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I want all of the classes. Add each one in an 18 month cadence.

I’d also like all of the locations from each of the games (including D:($) added as explorable zones in the world. Also on an 18 month cadence, either in conjunction with a class release or halfway between class releases.

Needless to say, I have no interest in PvP or leaderboards.


Btw, speaking of adding classes in DLC. Another approach, better in many ways imo; add to existing classes. Like add 3 extra skills/“skill tree” to sorc and so on, in a DLC for example. That should both be way less development effort, but offer much more build diversity and broadness for each class.

Of course it shouldnt be either/or. New classes sometimes is fine too. But dont forget growing the existing ones.