D4 Now that all 5 classes have been revealed

Oh man, this would be awesome, i’d totally play that. One of my fav FF Characters was Zell in FF8, like Tifa, was a melee fist fighter. I’d totally have my Barb run with weapons but put on some gloves and beat things down.

This was the only class in 3 or all of Diablo i couldn’t get into. I wanted too, but pulling endless jars from my rear made no sense. Every other class, even over exagerated, had some realism in their attacks. DH might have had endless arrows, but they shoot stuff, made some sense. But throwing jars forever took me out of it, where are we keeping them, why? maybe call forth little spiders like a necro instead of throwing a jar. My opinion only.

EDIT: Oh yea, the Monk too, even though i enjoyed it, i hated equipping cool weapons for them to NEVER USE THEM lol, always hung on their back. Would be cool if we get another Martial Art style class if we can use the weapons, not only the stats.

This is what i’d love, a classic warrior, and i feel if you have a light magic tree, defense tree, and damage tree, you might be able to fulfil the Paly and warrior, depending which you go down.

This would be awesome and in fact could tie it into the Warrior archetype as well, allow them to use a spear and have some special sweeping or lunging attacks too. Or like you mentioned, it can be combined with others as well. But would be very cool.

They are called “Hoplites”. I tried to put in a link, but wouldn’t let me.

That’s essentially a close assault marine from Warhammer 40K.

D1: Warrior, Rogue, Sorcerer
D1:HF: Monk (Go Sierra Games Go)
D2: Barbarian, Paladin, Sorceress, Necromancer, Amazon
D2:LOD: Druid, Assassin
D3: Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, Monk, Wizard
D3:RoS: Crusader
D3:DLC: Necromancer
D4: Barbarian, Druid, Sorceress, Rogue, Necromancer
D4:X-Pack: ??
D4:DLC: ??

D4 is missing that Holy Warrior class atm.
The first D4 x-pack or DLC, another Holy Warrior class?
I think the Templar would be great in D4.
We got Paladin in D2 and Crusader in D3.

Of course, they could do something different for D4. Just Holy.
Get a Cleric. Even WoW didn’t have one. Just a Priest and a Shaman.

Amazon missed its role in D3 and the starting line up in D4.
The second D4 x-pack or DLC?
Give the Amazon some love?

An Arcane Warrior is another idea, but that has been done to death already.
Maybe in the far far far D4 future?

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I hope they add the other classes from D2 and D3 eventually, but I’m still happy about the current roster.

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maybe a variation of these because that would rock

[Cyber-Knight | Rifts | Obsidian Portal](https://rifts-16.obsidianportal.com/wikis/cyber-knight)

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I’m absolutely for it, because I’m also just an RPG player and don’t want to be put into a sports game scenario.

If you really want a good, the horror ambience appropriate, interesting gaming experience, you will not get around throttling the whole combat system anyway. Above all, the speed must be strongly limited. It should vary a bit depending on the class or skill, but it remains within a manageable framework.
Effects also vary. A barbarian simply doesn’t have any spell effects and it remains limited to melee combat there, where a druid with forces of nature will naturally have to be a somewhat more effective experience.
Important in such a fight that also wants to be exciting, is of course the more tactical gameplay and that the enemies are not simple wooden posts.
In D1, you had to advance carefully the whole time and attract enemies in order to remain victorious. So you then carefully cleaned up the maps. In D2 it was a bit stormier and faster and in D3 you gave up every measure and it was boring.

I think a mixture of D1 and D2 is good, but the tendency is more towards D1. That should be a good speed and scope, with the tactical variant and claim at the enemies.

The rest of the game as an RPG should then be an adventure and mysterious in many things, have some riddles and convey the stories well, and in addition to the main story that runs along as a red thread for a long time something offside and the direction of travel generally gives, but then also necessarily interesting side quests that animate the game world and give depth, but also the class quests related to the selected skill, so a lot of effort in the area of class backgrounds is necessary, but that is always particularly worthwhile for an RPG.


Pure light weapons would be awesome. The whole thing, not just the blade. I am talking hilt, guard, and pommel as well. Imagine a light tree with a different color representing a different damage type. That picture in the link with the white-blue sword would be a good start, or something similar to it. Keep the blue outline too for each damage type. I am thinking along the lines of an Eldritch Knight, called something different of course.

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