D4 Now that all 5 classes have been revealed

Bring back the Warrior from D1? Might need a name change though. Knight or Templar


I would just like to see necro with permanent skellies and not the D3 arcadey busy work version.

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An Everquest style Bard could work.

  • Songs that play like auras.
  • Daggers & rapiers.
  • A Book of Music like the Book of the Dead where you can customize your beatz.

Walk around Sanctuary all day with an accordion – it sounds phenomenal. (that’s my pun of the day, see we’re having pun now!)

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This is becoming… punishing.


I think it is the case


It could work as a generic fighter type that you decide what specialty they move towards.

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But that’s already too much barb
We really need the knight type to stand out

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Barb for the win after all mana runs out but beatdowns are the gift that keeps on giving

after all The Hulk has a 98% win ratio

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Thats a cool idea, i’d be very interested to see them make this work in D4 style. I think it could.

I was sad that we dont get paladin on launch and get necromancer.
But necro is good for the lore and gameplay at launch.

If they stay true to a diablo 2 style paladin we will probably see Auras return,
This would probably make the game easier at launch if you grouped up with a paladin, idk just my thoughts :smiley:

Although, we know Dark Paladins exist, even though they favor Hell.

Maybe in the first Expansion we will go somewhere that has paladins, help them and unlock the class.

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it tells me they are pretty lazy, or shorthanded, or just bad at programming, because why is there just 5 classes? If you’re going to include the druid, why not also the paladin? What kind of trade is that? why even trade? Why not both, and also add the Assassin? Okay i guess the Rogue is the Assassin, but then where is the Amazonian with her spears and javelin? Guess that’s just gone, instead of cool diversity they just give us plain jane Rogue as dull and boring as it gets. I saw the rogue rain of arrows, it looks stupid and unrealistic af. Really dumb, probably has a huge cooldown too. What is it with these lazy devs and long cooldowns. so bad. Anyway, where the hell is the Paladin, and why no Deathknight? The more i think about D4 the more i feel like the devs are the worst people for the job and dont play games. How can you, blizzard of all people, not even dangle a Deathknight out in your new D4? Dark paladin. Literally would be a mega ultra big hit. Dark auras, leeching themes, “Sacrifice? not me, i Sacrifice your blood demon”. Conversion? Nope attack casts Attract. Charge? nope, Get over here scorpion style Kunai through the throat. All these cool options and ideas, and for the big huge D4 release we get vanilla ice cream 5 basic classes…

I was always going to start as Druid

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I was hoping for Crusader/Paladin but looks like they are gonna make me wait and pay extra for it.

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Hard choice this is. If I approach it like D2, then Sorc or Druid. But Necro is as always interesting. I need to try Sorc, Druid and Necro in the beta (if I get in) to explore further. Death Knight Necro is on my mind tho

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This. Please.

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Probably comeing in Expacks and DLCs in the future.

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It shows you have no background in this field of work do you?


This is what I am going to base my Barb after, I saw some of the gear and thought of a Gladiator.

I’m with ya there, I will (If I get in Beta) try all classes I can to determine my starter, otherwise I always start with Barb, then will go through each one. They honestly all look fun.


i think this is what the barb should be about
being able to use ANY physical weapon
not just what the developers consider “cool looking for a chad alpha berserker”


LOL right! they are a Barbarian, trained and not trained in using anything they can get their hands on in the wild. Even shields lol!