D4 Now that all 5 classes have been revealed

Yea extra skilltrees are always good especially because they can be useful for your main and you don’t necessarily have to start over again


Paladin/Crusader obviously.
Amazon/Demon Hunter (if that’s not something the Rogue does) Physical ranged class.
Witch Doctor

Wraith class. You don’t have an actual physical form yourself, instead you can possess any nearby hostile creature (not NPCs and not Boss or Unique mobs) and your stats are overlayed upon them. You gain the creature’s various combat abilities, strengths and weaknesses modified by your own base attributes. If killed, you don’t get the standard revive options but instead have a cooldown before you can possess another nearby creature.

Lacking a physical form, you cannot keep any normal gear directly, however you can strip effects from gear you acquire while possessing a host and apply them to yourself as powers. There would be a very rare (maybe 2 or 3 percent) chance of any dropped item having an ethereal affix which would allow you to wear it in wraith form, but would not apply while possessing a physical creature.

Certain enemies with an ethereal affix (ghosts, phantoms etc.) can be attacked directly while in wraith form.

While in wraith form your movement speed is increased and you can pass through walls and doors, but you cannot interact with any physical objects (chest, pylons, pools).

You are only able to interact with Quest, Town and Vendor NPCs while possessing humanoid type creatures which would be capable of interacting with them naturally.


That’s literally the rogue so don’t hold your breath there

I have not seen specifics on Rogue so was not sure it was just like an Assassin or what, if Rogue is DH then fine.

Rogue is half archer half dagger assassin

I’m not hiding my disappointment that a Paladin was not the 5th class.
Now there is no holy warrior, no shield user.

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I am guessing you meant Bard here. I agree, would be interesting.

Im Game! lol totally, except i’d do 6 month cadence.

Oh yea, with current classes, adding trees or skills would give us other classes without having fully new characters to create and animate.

That sounds awesome actually.

Well technically the Necro can wield a shield, if you care lol. So that’s our one shield class currently. But I hear ya, I wanted a traditional one as well.


I expect every class to be able to wear a shield
They definitely didn’t put shields in this game FOR the Necro lol
But it’s probably the closest we get right now to a “dark knight”
Sacrifice your guardian skeletons equip a shield and use some debuffs
Dark knight


I hope your right, with the Barb only able to carry the Arsenal of weapons, no shield, maybe the Sorc can with a wand and perhaps the druid. Not sure about rogue with Dagger maybe? But almost looking like only Necro, i hope i am wrong.

They definitely should. Blizzard has made me assume the worst though :smiley:
I mean, I think all classes should be able to wear all items, so it might be obvious that I include shields.
But it is much more important that shields can be used by everyone, than most items. It is one of the biggest offense vs. defense choices you can make in a RPG.


:musical_note: :notes: yes :slightly_smiling_face:

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Paladin in a future will be great (PALADIN not the fake paladin like a crusader)


Barbarian, warrior or knight are always my starting characters and I’m digging the way this barbarian is shaping up so far. Was really hoping for a knight or paladin but necro is cool, although the way the corpses spawn after the monster dies is a huge turn off. And that red little beam from the repetitive meat clumps? Come on, cheapness from D3 again. Give the necro corpses the D2R treatment at the very least.

I like the lineup

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We don’t need summoned horses anymore we have a real horse xD
Seriously one of the most cringe moves in any diablo game


Yes, I start as Bovie the Barbarian - I sure hope the design is tight. No 30% damage reduction because we messed up the melee game mechanics in the game.


I enjoyed it in the Witcher 3 open world. Combat on horseback was fun because of the timing. This does seem to be just a way to get around. Could you imagine if they allowed horse mounted combat with lances! PVP could be a thing.

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Sounds fun yea
I abused horse combat a lot in Elden ring xD


The Bard always gets the best lute.

Yes, it’s a lute / loot homophone-based pun for which I make no apologies.


Haha, you got me hah, i like it!

Except for the times when the bard has… performance issues…