D4 Needs To Be Like D2


Great Statement as long as its Bind on Pickup and I dont see a trade market flooded with Mythics for $x amount.

I agree something like that would be viable but at the same time sorta promotes botting to get to max level you need to find a balance

Absolutely Terrible Idea . PVP Zones for people who want to opt in to PVP is a much better idea. i dont want to be running around doing PVE to just have some idiot go hostile and kill me.

Both Games were a success and Blizzard is going to make a Great game with qualities of both probably more from D3 then D2 by the looks of things .
Nostalgia fuels alot of these arguements , where it ideally shouldnt.

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I do not want D2 that is taking a step backwards not forwards. D4 should be its own game that blows D2 and D3 away


Your issue with this is it opens up the cash shop boost from WoW coming here which is what would likely be a thing. D2 is gone as much as i miss it. i still play it but, try to remember the system you want on here is what would give blizzard a $$$$ sign above your head and they will sell boost and make the leveling so hard people would rather go back to PoE or D3.

donā€™t jump so blindly into wanting something without looking at blizzards track record.

Oh well not my money wasted iā€™ll just sit back and laugh when yall realize 6 expansion=6 times to rebuy the game and offer level boost inside the game for $ and that will be a pretty big laugh we are the only game without a cash shop now but D4 gives them that chance.

you do know even blizzard themselves acknowledge it was a failure as what they were trying to envision with its new mechanics and gameplay.

But anthem sold well financially did it not? Over 100 million dollarsā€¦ Sounds like a success.

D3ā€™s player base came back due to a few seasons with them opening it up instead of just pounding more set damageā€¦

sorry if i hurt your d3 feelings.

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Source on that? Because every Blizzard post I remember says they consider Diablo 3 part of the franchiseā€™s legacy.

1 - D3 has issues but it was an absolute commercial success. And it improved a lot from launch to now.

2 - want D2? Go play it. D4 should improve on D2 AND D3. Anything else will be a failure.

3 - your personal tastes are yours. Buy the company and you can make the decisions. Donā€™t bother the whole comminity with your crying while claiming others are kids for disagreeing with you.

4 - go play some D2. It is amazing but not even close to this glorified picture in your mind. D3 improved on multiple aspects of D2, even though it also tried things that didnā€™t work out at all. Both games have a lot to teach and a lot to contribute to D4.

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After all the game-play footage Iā€™ve seen from D4, it looks exactly like D3 to me.

I love the feedback great post!!! I hope blizzard hears your message.

1:MTX for banners/portraits/wings only
2:Magic find requires power sacrifice
3:Hostilty button usable anywhere
4:PVP HC death perm/drop gold SC drop carried gold non-pvp add death 10% xp loss
5:Make gold valuable
6:Potions not on cooldown but cost gold
7:Unique items not legendary
8:Rare items end game potential
9:Random character class loot
10:Group loot
11:Etheral items better versions of uniques but RARE AF
12:Skill tree deeper and remove talents
13:Replace talents with items to buff skills
14:Remove trading limitations
15:Runes should be rare and powerful
16:Runewords more than 2 runes
17:Socketed items upto 6 sockets
18:Jewels and charms need to return
19:Public chat and game names/search remove open world
20:Darker gritty world add light radius


Based on OP description of his demands, it sounds exactly like d2. I said it before ill say it again, i loved d2 but it had its flaws. Played median xl for the improved qol. D3 has no replayability for me. I really miss loot hunting. Time to move on. That said, i canā€™t wait to play something different not an EXACT copy of a game i already played. My personal opinion of course.

Blizzard should of just remastered d2 and d3 and made more money. They will still buy d4 anyway despite all their complaining.

See you all on day 1 launch of d4. You know youā€™re all going to be there.

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Diablo 3 is a failure from the perspective whether it is a good Diablo game and of whether it is a good game. It is neither.

D3 is a fantastic game

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Yelp im in that boat with you.