D4 Needs To Be Like D2

Ahhh, but that’s the beauty of it. Actually after the first scalp is tuned for the bounty you would come off the board.

But I do believe PVP should be consensual.

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I would have no peoblem with a hostle button like D2 but I think there should a warning timer so the person could have time leave the area this would help stop the potential use of PK type of bots and give people who do not want to “play” as it were time to step up to the plate or go home if they so chose.

Me, no I don’t think I have the right to make another player leave the area due to that. It could become a major exploit. There is also HC players to consider.

I wonder if those town hubs will have some form of protection mechanism for those who go AFK in town, especially the HC players. There was a lot of exploiting act 1 in D3 until it got fixed.

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Or not nessasarly leave the area that was just an example I think more of a time frame to chose if you want to hit the hostel button back so you can Get it on so to speak .

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We’ll see how it fleshes out in future updates.

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Ya,A whole lot of complaining about a game that is still a year + out going on in the forums that basically had a very simple playable demo . I think we will see a lot of continuing changes over the next year (My prediction is next Blizzcon a release date in 2nd Q 2021 announced ) Because they HAVE to get this one as close to right as they can or IMHO the franchise is done.

I do know they have been working on it a lot longer than they let on . It was reported from several sources before last years blizzcon that they had been showing the game to other teams at other offices around the world for a while. it also was only playable for 15 minuets at Blizzcon but they said they had up to 2 hours of content playable aready .

I am getting really tired of people saying D4 should be exactly like D2.

D4 should be a game that takes the best elements of D1, D2, and D3 that also introduces new elements to the franchise to establish it’s own identity.


Oh don’t worry, if D4 was exactly like D2 they would complain too. They’re not honest actors…


It’s just human nature though. When the threads are a rant I just stop there and don’t monitor the activity any further.

Me personally I liked all 3 games and I agree D4 should be its own game. But at the same token I want it to be the best game possible, so I’m still going to give feedback. I’m sure they will ignore all of it, but I’ll fell better that I tried.

Time will tell, there is a long way to go!

Open PvP can’t be a thing with the open world function, I’m someone who will be playing a lot on hardcore there is no way those things can combine.

If someone asks, yes I did play hardcore D2 too, but only with friends.

Why not be different and also good? Now I did not play D2 so I wont mind, but others did. Would you settle for D2 + very good gfx?

Also I hear this D2 expert going on about magic find items. I really really hated that stat in the beginning of D3. Please let it die.

The game sold well financially for the company made them a ton of money, But on the caviate it ruined the franchise with its Day 1 error 37 and Real Money Auction house etc etc… The game failed because it didn’t capture the essence of what Diablo fans remember in the nostalgia days with d1 and d2.

I kind of hinted at what I would to in order to get it where one day I would be able to play through the entire game to max level and be at endgame getting really great gear from the endgame activities without worrying about PvP if it was made everywhere. I would find a way of ducking the Pk’ers or join a clan that would provide protection for a long enough while to get a few max level characters. Then keep them where they are with great gear. Then when one of my alts get into trouble I would unless one of the specially made characters the get the revenge. Something that they wouldn’t expect if they are the type that camp at the doorstep sort of speak.

While I would also start acting crazy in chat like you can get to max level in a flash by PvP. Like there is nothing better than PvP. Until I ram it down their throats that I want to be left alone. Where even if I did ask them they wouldn’t want to PvP me. That is the extent that I would go if I have to in order to play D4 if I still wanted to play it with non consensual PvP everywhere.

And every once in a while I would have to do the same thing due to new players or stubborn bone headed individuals that would never learn.

I am wanting PvP to be kept in the zones that they have made for it. I don’t want to have to PvP unless I want to try it out. It could be a deal breaker for me if I know that I would have to love PvP in order to play D4 if PvP was non consensual and everywhere. More so if they are able to steal all of the things that I have earned.


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I agree 100% ,I do not want a PK fest while just trying to play the game . Even if they have designated zones I still think that is they are in the open world and you happen to wander into one you still have to hostel back or have some sort of timer that allows you to leave the area before some jackbutt tried to PK you . PvP will never be a deal breaker for me I played D2 for 10+ years and can litterally count on two hands the number of times I did PvP and half of them were just with friends for yucks.

Yes it’s over I give up d4 is going to be another d3… You guys win

Or i dont know maybe you could just play an already released D2 if you want something the exact same ? Glad Blizzard isnt listening to you

Did it have issues? Yes, it had. A lot.

But calling D3 a failure is offensive to actual failures like Fallout 76 and Anthem. D3 became a game with a solid playerbase (and no, it is by no means a dead game) that enjoys it, in every platform it released on. Sounds like a success to me.

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Giving up , great news . D4 will be great and it will be an improvement on D3 and not something that resembles a 20 year old game . D2 was great then , as you said new age younger generations dont want that style game and thats the majority market your selling you and is playing your game at the moment.

I also agree with this statement by OSHogun
Calling D3 a failure is offensive to actual failures like Fallout 76 and Anthem. D3 became a game with a solid playerbase (and no, it is by no means a dead game) that enjoys it, in every platform it released on. Sounds like a success to me.

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I don’t want the same exact game, D2 is old and graphics are so outdated. The game is not regulated/moderated anymore and full of hacks. I don’t know why you stupid kids keep telling me that. I want D4 to be more like D2 instead of more like D3.

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This Gatekeeping, snobbery & elitism from some D2 fans is really tiresome, I get it, you love diablo 2, for you it’s the best thing since sliced bread, that’s great, we all have our favourites.

But the way you look down upon and act toxic to anyone who didn’t play d2 or someone who dares to like ANY element of d3 is just so damn tiresome.

Just stop, you’re only driving more people away from the franchise, and putting off new people from trying it with this toxicity, and in some cases, outright abuse.