It’s fine to probe for some minor details or a specific feature from us to help spark development. It’s even fine to ask for our feedback on a few non critical concepts, but you guys should be well beyond that stage at this point.
The community is a vocal minority and doesn’t represent what most players want anyway. If you set out trying to appease everyone, you will end up making nobody happy.
What people do want is a kick butt ARPG loot farming game. The details are your job. I’d even be fine if it wasn’t actually called DIABLO 4 but some other ARPG in a different world with a different story and maybe even a different fantasy style.
What you shouldn’t be doing is trying to build a game that is all about pandering to the glory days of a great title released 20 years ago (like all of your major properties do).
What you should do is create a game you want to play that you are proud of and hope it does well. That’s how games should be made. It’s how they used to be made. You have to take big chances and have the confidence that in the end your ideas will be awesome because you love the way they work and how it plays. It should feel good to you.
This creating to the community stuff is what kills great game potential IMO. It’s why Diablo 3 sucked at launch and has taken so long to come into its own with countless iterations of major game play, now 7 years later. Anyone who played D3 since beta knows what I’m talking about. This is an entirely different game from launch in almost every way except the butchered story line, that nobody cared about in the first place.
Making the D2 Sequel attempt #2 is probably going to fall flat again. What makes legendary games legendary is not some formula you can just plug in and make everyone happy. It’s not making a game that the loud people who make youtube videos want. (People almost never know what they really want, they only think they do until they get it.)
Diablo 2 was totally different than Diablo 1 and TBH both were great because of the differences. Diablo 3 couldn’t decide if it wanted to be Diablo 2 or a playstation controller game. Now we can’t even open a freaking door without using a spell.
I even like what D3 has eventually become. It’s finally found its own identity almost a decade later. But then with every patch you keep second guessing yourselves because of community feedback and making major changes that tick everyone off.
TLDR: Quit asking the community to make your game for you. You are a Billion dollar game company, hire some real talent, make it yourselves and blow us away.
Flame on.