D4 Devs, please don't listen to the community

It’s fine to probe for some minor details or a specific feature from us to help spark development. It’s even fine to ask for our feedback on a few non critical concepts, but you guys should be well beyond that stage at this point.

The community is a vocal minority and doesn’t represent what most players want anyway. If you set out trying to appease everyone, you will end up making nobody happy.

What people do want is a kick butt ARPG loot farming game. The details are your job. I’d even be fine if it wasn’t actually called DIABLO 4 but some other ARPG in a different world with a different story and maybe even a different fantasy style.

What you shouldn’t be doing is trying to build a game that is all about pandering to the glory days of a great title released 20 years ago (like all of your major properties do).

What you should do is create a game you want to play that you are proud of and hope it does well. That’s how games should be made. It’s how they used to be made. You have to take big chances and have the confidence that in the end your ideas will be awesome because you love the way they work and how it plays. It should feel good to you.

This creating to the community stuff is what kills great game potential IMO. It’s why Diablo 3 sucked at launch and has taken so long to come into its own with countless iterations of major game play, now 7 years later. Anyone who played D3 since beta knows what I’m talking about. This is an entirely different game from launch in almost every way except the butchered story line, that nobody cared about in the first place.

Making the D2 Sequel attempt #2 is probably going to fall flat again. What makes legendary games legendary is not some formula you can just plug in and make everyone happy. It’s not making a game that the loud people who make youtube videos want. (People almost never know what they really want, they only think they do until they get it.)

Diablo 2 was totally different than Diablo 1 and TBH both were great because of the differences. Diablo 3 couldn’t decide if it wanted to be Diablo 2 or a playstation controller game. Now we can’t even open a freaking door without using a spell. :roll_eyes:

I even like what D3 has eventually become. It’s finally found its own identity almost a decade later. But then with every patch you keep second guessing yourselves because of community feedback and making major changes that tick everyone off.

TLDR: Quit asking the community to make your game for you. You are a Billion dollar game company, hire some real talent, make it yourselves and blow us away. :wink:

Flame on.


Aha, good luck with that. Especially I like this “Blowing” part.


I wouldn’t be too too worried if I were you. Blizzard aren’t stupid. They have more reliable points of feedback than forum posts - player engagement numbers and stats. They have a lot of data from across many projects and outside sources to tell what players do and don’t like.

They also fully understand that the loudest feedback doesn’t often reflect the views of the majority. That people who are content with everything tend to play the game silently instead of writing on forums. Also, they know that people often don’t know what they’re asking for and don’t think things through when they make those posts.

They do listen to feedback, but that doesn’t mean they actually follow it very often. More often then not they will ignore ideas and feedback, because making a new game with fresh unaffected vision often gives better results than just playing safe and following the trodden path. Which is often exactly what the community wants from them.

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I saw a lot of “baaaad ancients” -> they are gone
“aTTacK aNd DeFenSE” now they removed it from jewelery and put it on weapons and armors solely

Seems like they DO listen to the loudest voices :slight_smile:


This toxic forum is just a very small part of the larger Diablo community. Most of the people I know never even come to this forum. So, please Blizzard get feedback from the larger community, not just from the handful of the Know-it-all’s on this limited forum. Make D4 the best it can be.


How about a beast of a D4 forum :v

They tried that with D3. They tried to make something new, ignoring what was great before. Jay Wilson wanted to do it his way, and even scorned D2. Look how that worked out.

Sorry, but this is the sort of post some people made while D3 was in development. It won’t fly now that we’ve seen how it turned out.


Askig for help from the community will get you “Boaty McBoatface”

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This… They didn’t try to remake D2 they tried to make something “new” and imo failed miserably. They seem to not understand the core meaning of what makes a good RPG anymore which has caused wow and D3 to suffer greatly from it.


Nope. They copied most of the D2 essences into D3 Classic where rare is better than legendary, crappy drop rate, trading is essential, legendary is glorified stat stick, the monster power is D2 player X mode, monster resistance, you need to complete the game 3 times to reach the endgame and the endgame is consisting running Act 3 Inferno over and over.

Glad that they woke up in the middle, and made the real D3 game that people like at the present.


lol what? They didnt copy it they “tried” to copy it and failed miserably. They just turned D3 into PoE lets be honest. The game wont stand the test of time like D2 has.

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D2 never had a real money auction house. D3 did.

D2 never had a gold auction house. D3 did.

D2 was gothic medieval horror. D3 was high fantasy - unicorns and ponies.

D2 had pvp. D3 didn’t.

D2 had a great itemisation system. D3 didn’t.

D2 had a great skill customisation system. D3 didn’t.

I’m sure there’s plenty more examples, too.

“They copied most of the D2 essences into D3 Classic where rare is better than legendary” What? They copied nothing of the D2 item system. They invented an entirely new one, and it was crap.

I remember when D3 launched, people were begging Blizzard to hold it back.

Jay Wilson acted like D2 should be ignored. He wanted to remake the game in his own way. He tried to re-invent the wheel, and it was a disaster.


You are a Billion dollar game company, hire some real talent, make it yourselves and blow us away.

I agree with you, but I question their dedication to spend money on top notch design. Think about it man. With these big corporations profit is #1. Making a quality game is like priority #5.


Funny for you to say that because “most of the D2 essences” were removed from the D3 for a good reason later.

D3 haters said the same thing since 2013, yet in 2019, D3 is still alive. You guys are not a very good prophet.


D3 has nothing unique about it. Its a PoE clone in most aspects so once D4 comes out and PoE2 comes out its going to be mostly dead. It might live for a while but it wont live for over 20 years. Plus D3 is still being updated and changed heavily once that stops its over. Sorry to tell ya.


Why do you lie? I know all the details. I played D3 from launch. I just listed the truth fact by fact above and you ignore it.

The things they removed from D3, such as the auction houses - never existed in D2.

D3 is a poorly designed game. Removing all forms of trading was part of their attempt at fixing the issues D3 has. But all it had done is introduce a new set of issues, where people max out way too fast and get bored easily. Doing nothing but grinding monsters is boring.

D3 is boring and if D4 is anything like D3 it’s going to be a disaster for Blizzard.


Cant agree more with this man. I keep saying this to people and they don’t seem to understand. People are arguing for the new stat system they are coming up with and I’m saying to be very skeptical of it. Any time you try to solve a problem by creating a new system as some fix all, it almost always creates the same problems and more unforeseen ones.


This is the first time I see a poster think D3 is PoE Clone. Usually people who will think that PoE is D2 HD. Again, you guys are not a very good prophets because I have been hearing the same line since 2013.

Oh, I didn’t lie.

They removed D2 trading, D2 crappy drop rate, D2 difficulty systems, D2 glorified stat stick system, and D2 boring PvE endgame. It is more like you are the one who chose to ignore those things.

D3 classic is indeed a poorly designated game because it took the rubbish idea from D2. I am glad that they are able to sort out in the end, and actually create a good game like current D3.

Hey, just like D2 endgame but D3 is just better.


D2 & D3 are pretty different.
But some things we can agree upon:

  1. We don’t want another D2.
  2. We don’t want another D3.
  3. Some ideas the community suggests are good.

The third is true because contradicting ideas are thrown, and at least part of them are good.
But you should note that the ideas are not always “Do like d2!” or “Do like d3”, but some alteration to the current idea the devs have (Take this for example: “Effect & Focus” - Runes, Power Imbues & Sockets: Mechanic suggestion)

So I don’t think telling the devs: “Don’t listen to the community” is the right thing, but rather: Filter the ideas with consideration!
So we, the players, get the best end result. :heart:


I’d like d2 remastered in all honesty and it was a little heartbreaking to hear they scrapped it for D4 but I honestly hope that w.e they do works. It just doesn’t give me faith that none of the original people involved with D2 are still around and the company is the way that it is now.