D3 is too heavily based on paragon level

is so funny how people defend the paragon system and they thought they are reliable players because they spend a lot of hours haha.

Bots say hello to all of them and destroy your experience, there’s no point to spend 8h every day, to reach as much near the 200 position in leaderboard.

Also saying… you don’t understand the game if you are not more than X paragon and push your build harder. I’m sorry but i did that in season 1 and 2, and after seeing how the game was broken (and still is) by bots and the paragon system, i refused to keep spending hours in this game to be competitive, I play for fun when i’m bored because I like RPG games.

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… lol I think most of us would take crap RNG and losing out on a few GR pushes than being 2+k paragon behind people and losing out like 12+ gr levels due to just straight paragon alone.

12 gr levels is 6.5 times more health on mobs. That means if you have 10k main stat (which is p800 with like 5 augments) the guy would need 65000 main stat or more than 10k paragon. If you have 20k main stat (1.5k para and good augs) the other guy would need 130k main stat. Yeah, that’s never happening.

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Higher min damage and increased crit rating can make a difference besides raw paragon level.

Of course this game is based on paragon levels.
3000 more paragon = 15,000 mainstat.
Thats why there are so many bots 24/7.

Your math off but my +12gr number is off. But my point still stands. Although paragon 800 nowadays means nothing due to damage creep but even still. If I am paragon 800 with no augments just basic gear for build and you are paragon 2k with exact same gear. And we round up and say you need 1k main stat to do 1 higher rift because the player bad. Well then with 1200 higher paragons (2k-800 = 1200) you get 1200 x 5 main stat = 6k main stat higher = automatically minimally 6 GR clears higher just due to paragons.

Now obviously that makes sense if you have main character verse main character due to having much more time played on the character 1 person should have better gear and higher augments so the straight paragon difference wouldn’t be much. But paragons are account wide and go to all characters. So you could have someone who spends a majority of their time on one character and gets crazy gear and paragons then makes a second character and plays much less time on it but benefits from paragons generated from their other character. So my example actually isn’t that far off in some scenarios.

All I know is the idea of “competing” in such a simplistic game was fun during my first couple seasons of really getting into it. But when you realize time played much greater than skill then you realize giving a crap about this game in any sort of “competitive” sense is dumb.

And I get it there’s no rewards but whatever you have leaderboards so people going to want to see how they stack up. But with paragons and botters running rampant no point in giving a damn.

So yes you can bet your butt when I play a season for 3-4 weeks and have the highest GR clear for my class and then I log back in and see someone beat me but did it 3 months later with hundreds of hours more played and at a much higher paragon you can bet I am going to make fun of them and not count their GR clear as legit because it isn’t. It two completely different characters at that point and anyone who doesn’t see that is dumb af.

just what’s the point behind it? after a few months everyone can clear with group lvl 150.
only for what? Nothing better drops there and, according to it, does not bring such blatant advantages. everywhere the same scrap drops and in public (wtf ???) almost only lvl 100 is still played.
in normal rifts, everything dies in just a few seconds and gold hardly goes out.

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i agree;

this aRPG got competition glued in to sell more…not good.
-for many, it’s about speedfarming and speedleveling and then the reward: a place on the LB.
-if that takes too long (lol), complaints start.

-as a casual, i like D3 as a nice polished mobblaster, avoiding challenges, competition and PvP. i guess i’m lucky with this preference. :statue_of_liberty:

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And this is why Ur small 1600 para will never compete. It’s day4 of season and people who group are in the 1400s. Ur not playing this game efficiently at all . Don’t complain about lboard or para when your not even remotely putting in the effort required

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Some players prefer to play for fun, regardless of how inefficient that may be.


And then complain on the forums there not on leaderboards or not doing as high content as others .lol

If you worry about that stuff sure. I’m pretty sure most don’t care. Just like most never reached level 99 or completed Hell in D2.

We know they way paragon was implemented was not the best idea. But it is what it is and nothing is going to change at this point.

“avoiding challenges”. Thanks for ruining the game for those of us who wanted some challenge. Catering to the casual is Blizzard’s biggest weakness as a company. Literally not even catering to casuals but catering to people who can’t be bothered to have a challenge.

And before people turn it around me complaining about paragons I literally only complain about them because they make the game easier for casuals. I want you to beat me on GR clears & speeds with your skill and your gear not your inflated stats via augments & paragons. That’s what most semi-hardcore playres have wanted for years but Blizzard has always turned their cheek. Instead of making the game a little bit of a challenge they continue to over buff anything & everything to make it impossible to fail at all. Hell this season theme literally kills stuff for players.

Anyways I’ve accepted this game is literally PG sim farmer at this point and just accept it as is. Only reason i’m having fun this season is I haven’t played in like 1.5 years but after a couple more weeks I will have to wait another 1.5 years to have playing this game again because of how simple it is. Unless they actually introduce a fun theme that drastically changes up builds although at this point that just = more damage creep so not like the game would be any harder. Can’t wait until all casuals are doing GR 150s so there’s no longer even leaders boards just a list of times lmfao. Granted at that point D4 should be out and no reason to load this game up or they introduced higher GR levels.

you cant be serious…

Just a heads up for you - I am barely playing this game in the last 3 years at all.
So yeah, I betcha I’m not playing efficiently.
But that does not diminish my point.

Can’t I?
Let me check…
No, it all matches up. I think I can.

The test is to take a character, reset its PL to 0, run 10 GRs and score the highest one.

Then, allocate all the PL, for the same character and same gear, and run 10 GRs and score that highest run.

Then check the difference.

In theory, that’s the measure of what PL offers.

this game allows competition and challenges on the side, not in it’s core.
-be glad your preferences are served in this aRPG.
-i’m glad this game still is an aRPG mobblaster for casual-solo-mp midlevel players. :statue_of_liberty:

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“challenges”. You mean infinite greater rifts? That aren’t even infinite anymore due to such insane power creep?

Or you talking about blind folding yourself and able to farm the highest torment difficulty first day or two of season? Yea I know that’s quite challenging.

Did you know season journey used to take some time to complete? And not every first time player could do it? Did you know it used to take more than a day to get where casuals are farming max torments in first 2 days of season?

The game wasn’t hard… it just wasn’t auto pilot brain dead easy. It took a little time (not a lot) to work you way up.

People were freaking out about GR 70 being unlocks for primals because it was slightly higher than max torment rank at the time and “gr 70 too hard”. Because apparently being brain dead and hitting 6 buttons was suuuuppppeerrr difficult. Well… years later GR 70 still primal unlocks but now even a child with a small amount of guidance could do it. Once again same thing with season journey & conquests. They haven’t been changed in forever yet damage has creeped 4 or 5 times since their release.

D3 RoS has to be the easiest Arpg of its kind. Not saying the game needs to go back to D3 vanilla difficulty but F… even a small amount of challenge would be welcome.

skip any form of boosting with you own willpower and all your problems are solved imo. :statue_of_liberty:

lol you really are clueless.