So what should it be based on then?
I don’t see any other alternative.
So what should it be based on then?
I don’t see any other alternative.
There is lots of alternatives. The problem is D3 can’t do any of those as it’ll take a years worth of programming to change, something at this point is not worth doing.
You can go look at the 50 other hack n slash, ARPGs for ideas. I’m not spending 20min typing them all out fo ryou, if you don’t know any other ways then try playing some other games to broaden your knowledge of this genre.
No need to be such a prick, Faux.
You didn’t have to list them all, but you could have just mentioned ONE alternative that would be better than paragon.
Do not “bump” posts.
The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping old threads for no reason (also called “necroing”).
If you have jobs, you are doing it wrong . Passive incomes bruh .
Don’t be a modern day slave.
you’re not the boss of me
D3 is too heavily based on paragon level
So is every AARPG.
Don’t like it?
Go play some other type of game.
Being carried is an exploit. I was carried recently on a season Monk character and gained lots of levle/para/gold and was given many high yield items in a very VERY short time frame. I don’t think carried belong in this game. It was my first time being carried and I wanted to know what it was like.
I won’t be advancing that character. In fact I am inclined on deleting it. It just isn’t fun advancing on someone else’s back.
meta builds, read from sites
this thread cannot be cleared with debates.
They should do raw mode with leader board. Where they cut all green sets/lod/lon and pylons from gr in this way. So paragons would not be such decisive on this new leaderboard. (since each 1 point main stat was multiplied by all set damage buff).
A lot of people here are whining about paragon and how it gives a advantage over other players who barely even play the game.
Well, yeah, duh. Of course it should give a advantage for the time you spent progressing your character and grinding. Character progression is the entire point of rpgs and paragon is a fundamental part of it. I probably have over a thousand hours over several years played on this game to achieve 4k paragon. Its completey fair that i am stronger than someone that barely plays the game and yet expects to be on the same level.
Yeah sure go ahead and ban all of the 10k+ botters. Thats fine. BUT other than that, people dont realize how much exponentially harder it is to get paragon after each level. Someone paragon 3000 probably can level to paragon 1000 a dozen times over and spent much more time to get those paragon levels.
You funny too, aw :3
instead of being a rude bully without on-topic content, better try to counter his remarks, that i agree with btw.
I think you miss the mark. The paragon levels aren’t a cause of the problem, they’re a symptom. The cause is power inflation in the builds allowing stupid rifts levels. Any build capable of 100+ rifts is going generate a lot of paragon. The trick is, of course, you have to build the character how it is forced by the seasonal mechanics.
I completely agree with Alecta. You start out needing gear but by the end you mostly just need Paragons. Everything you have becomes so good that you can play all day for weeks and not find an upgrade. I’ve been playing Season 20 on PS4 and after just 1 week, I couldn’t find an upgrade for another week and a half.
I think Paragons are great. If they didn’t exist, I probably wouldn’t keep playing once I reached the almost capped gear power level. With Paragons, I know my character will still grow in power even if it takes me a while to find another upgrade.
It’s probably too late to fix for D3 but the main changes I’d like to see regarding Paragon would be heavy crackdown on cheaters and no exp multiplier in groups (groups would still be more efficient due to damage and monster HP ratios).
People that play more should naturally have an advantage. But botting should be curtailed and group play should not be as efficient as it is.
There has to be an incentive for those who play more. More playtime = more power. I don’t have a problem with that.
Btw my NS paragon level is 1200. Also playing on and off since vanilla.
A bit old thread but one can still remind people of something.
Yes, paragon increases one’s power output but does it far less than some people think. Let’s assume a situation where a player has 2k paragon and his character has 20k main stat in total. That should be a fair estimate for that paragon. Now he suddenly gains 4k paragon level, meaning 6k paragon in total. He invests all that extra paragon to main stat which doubles from 20k to 40k. What happens to overall power output? It doubles! And only doubles, that’s it. That’s effectively 5 GR levels of extra power. Further increasing paragon to 10k means the main stat increases from 40k to 60k, only 50% efffective power increase.
So overall from 2k to 10k paragon is effectively less than 10 GR levels worth of extra power. In the end it’s not that big difference.
You are trolling o_0
I’m gonna say to you what you said. I don’t know what game you are playing mate.
Ain’t it like… 6 years late to call such thing out? It was obvious from the start.
As for “D3 is too heavy on plvl” argument; it’s a nice bonus, no one could deny that; but you can not go further than what designers dictated you to perform. All paragon levels ever did was diminishing the bad RNG factor for you, because you’re already limited by the spec you play and there’s nothing you can do to get past that.
Obviously, more off than on.