D3 Character list and connection issues 7/27

blizzard lost all our heroes. sad!

Add another to the list.

Was doing a T16 pub bounties game when it gets terminated and I got DC’d from server, followed up by an Error 395003 message. I exited and now when I try to load up the game, it doesn’t load up the character list. I now get Error 395002 every time I try.

Same thing here, can’t even see my heroes. It is working if i change region to europe though

Come on and fix this

+1 for the list.
Tried all the fixes on the error page (Error 395002 - Blizzard Support), which was no help.

russian hackers i guess

I didn’t crash I just cannot log in, getting same error 395002 after the game sits on retrieving hero lists

Still getting the same error… Cannot load heros!!
What is going on Diablo!!

Wonder if it has anything to do with the lawsuit, internal employees screwing with stuff in protest… lol

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Grrr i go to play Fallout 76 instead and its down for maint.

Same error, Error 395002.

Me twenty two… sigh… Back to work I guess…

I doubt that. Why would they hurt us because of the CEO/Company decisions

Getting the same 395002 error as everyone.

yea it just kicked me too with code 395002

same here, just kicked me with code 395002

Yep I got kicked right in the middle of the cow level. Not happy Jan!!!

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Well then, This really sucks, Any idea of a time? not keen on going to sleep right now

but its only american server every other server works

Same issue here. Error Code 395002