D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

After reading this entire post why the hell would you ever want to play diablo 2? Diablo 3 already has all of what you want. It’s kind of silly to want these features in a game that doesn’t have them when others already do


Thats your opinion, i play the game, I enjoy the game, trading is not on my list of fun things to waste time on.

If you enjoy it then power to you, to say the economy and trading is most important well thats not a thing to me at all.


It’s literally such a non issue I’ve maybe in that position in 1 out of every 100 games I play. Do they really think public mf games are a common thing in D2? The only time I join randoms is to level and Ubers

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Well unfortunately personal loot damages the economy so it doesn’t look like you are in luck I’m afraid. Maybe single player is more suited for you

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I updated my post to include better clarification :grinning:

Honestly it’s not even worth your time trying to articulate why these people have no clue. At this point I’m starting to wonder if they just enjoy killing the diablo/D2 franchise once every decade

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Yes I play solo in passworded games because the current multiplayer games are not rewarding.

Starting out at level 1 i play multiplayer have have met a lot of nice people but they rarely share loot. So after a while i just play solo as there’s no reward to continue because i need the loot to advance and fighting with 7 other people for loot has zero fun for me.

This doesn’t encourage group play which a game designed for 8 players should.

There is no economy for me, as I said i drop items i don’t need for others.

Playing with people who don’t do any work but follow along to get free loot (some of the loot from my kills) is not fun for me. That’s why personal loot in Diablo 2 would be disastrous.

Most of what I remember in Multiplayer Diablo 2 was people freeloading from the first moment they made a character. They get rushed to Baal. Then they sit in Baal and get free Xp while doing nothing. Then they beg for loot in free loot games or on trade channels. Personal loot would make this problem so much worse because the game would automatically give them loot they didn’t even earn. (Like they do in Diablo 3 actually)

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Have a “Kick player” option for those that arent contributing and just leeching is a possible solution.


There’s no way what you’re asking for is going to happen, lol, and thank goodness for that. It’s a horrid idea. Keep playing your single player and let everyone else enjoy the greatest ARPG ever made as it was intended.


Instance loot would be better, but I doubt they’ll bother doing it.

No doubt soon after D2:R is released, there’ll be some new version of PickIt for it in short order that will ensure those playing by the rules never see a single piece of good loot in MP.


Pickit was eradicated swiftly and easily. It’s possibly the easiest 3rd party program to eliminate.

And no doubt the battle will be on again, between “dark hat” modders willing to make a new version of it, and Blizzard having to recognise the latest version of it to try and ban users. Meanwhile, those of us not using it, miss out.

Edit: And I get it, instance loot allows for leechers to sit in a corner and get loot, I don’t like that either. But shared loot will guarantee some new version of PickIt gets made and gets used and Blizzard will never keep up with it.

They never did last time.


Not true at all. For one, it’s on modern bnet, but they can’t actually program a functional pickit because the reaction time is so far beyond a normal human’s. They got rid of it like 2 weeks after it was released 20 years ago. You really think they’re less capable of dealing with it now? lol

The private modded servers don’t even have that problem. It’s seriously the easiest 3rd pp to eliminate in existence.

I really doubt 99% of this forum talking about hypothetical problems with D2 ever even played it. You guys just blindly support D3 to compensate for the rest of the world trashing it at every given opportunity, by acting worried about D2 elements.

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People used PickIt, along with Bot programs like KoltonBot for years on end without issue.

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Nah. Didn’t happen, doesn’t happen now, not even on modded servers.

There are more bots on D3 than D2, by alot.

Sure D3 has bots too, and I’d have no idea which game has the greater percentage of bots versus real players (and nor do you by the way), but let’s agree both games suffered from bots like KoltBot and hacks like PickIt and MapHack for example.

Both will too, no matter what Blizzard does, and Blizzard never kept pace with the hacks, not even once, either in D2 or D3, nor will they in D2:R.

So, I fully expect D2:R will use Shared Loot - no argument there - but I think “you’re dreamin’” as us Aussies would say if you think D2:R won’t see a new version of PickIt literally weeks after release.

Jesus man, you clearly didn’t play D2.

Maphack was completely eliminated within a couple of patches. They started storing the map data differently so it literally couldn’t work, after they banned everyone they caught using it previously.

Pickit never saw any single version beyond the first. It was eradicated within a couple of weeks, and never saw the light of day again. Incredibly lazy individuals used 3rd pp’s for single player, and I wouldn’t doubt that some version that wasn’t faster than a human’s reaction existed, but that isn’t a problem since it isn’t offering an advantage.

I played D2 at release, and still play it on a modded server. You’re speaking absolute bologna.

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Best thing about D2R is that aaaall the D2 Fanboys can play a 20 years old game, with outdated mechanics and gamedesign so nobody is cry’n for those outdated systems in D4.

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