D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

That was my intention by saying personal. I like your idea. All items drop, the ones you won are highlighted to be picked up. The rest greyed out but everyone can see.

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1, you donā€™t speak for me.
2, I would.

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Shared loot keeps people away from multiplayer, you want to encourage it instead.
Itā€™s funny how they are mentioning above they want competition and shared loot at the same time, which is exactly the opposite. Thereā€™s no competition when your brother Chris gives you his cut at the end of the day for free.
If thereā€™s trade, then free items will be a thing, thatā€™s not competition


There is one kind of ppl here that have to step on anyone who disagrees with him/her, thats called a low life piece of trash, and no one should bother listening to that. Not devs nor anyone else.


I know that probably sounded good in your head before posting it but personal loot and the damage it will cause to the trade economy will push many many more d2 players away from the game entirely. You might as well just accept shared loot cause thatā€™s what we are getting

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Iā€™m gonna be honest with you, the fact that D3 and itā€™s followers already killed the future of D2 once last decade means that D2 players probably arenā€™t going to be very tolerant of you people trying to kill the future of D2 yet again

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Or I can play D2 Resurrected because it will not have personal loot either.


Thatā€™s funny because 20 years of Diablo 2 says otherwise.


I think you might want to consider how robust the Single Player Forum at Diabloii (dot) net has been over the years which would fully support the statement about shared loot and multiplayer. There are plenty of us who donā€™t want to RP in a game that belongs in the D&D family infused with a wild wild west mentality and a toxic player base. You are quite welcome to continue that fantasy in 1.14d. There is a very good reason that I only play off-line solo and LAN only with specific people. I donā€™t have to consider if someone will attempt to snatch all the loot for themselves like a greedy child.

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And opinion discarded

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Yes the single player community is pretty significant, as is the various MOD communities, as is the amount of people who play Diablo 2 on Battle net right now in multiplayer (last time I fired it up there was a que just to make a game).

That does not change anything. Nor does it mean the reason they donā€™t play Multiplayer is specifically because of the shared loot. It just means there are a lot of people who really like Diablo 2 in many forms including as it is.

We have all heard that you enjoy your off-line solo LAN play. Congratulations you want a cookie? :cookie:

Just because YOU donā€™t want something doesnā€™t mean the rest of the world does or does not.

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Now you are sounding like a politician making bad faith and/or disingenuous arguments. Of course there are multiple reasons but a big part of those reasons is they donā€™t want to deal with toxic clowns and their BS. Its better to leave b-net to the trolls and play off-line where the b-net clowning will not be tolerated. Its really that simple. Shared loot enables and promotes greedy clicking and hoarding of loot. There is no player economy or JSP to be concerned about with off-line.


You donā€™t have to play online dudeā€¦

And you donā€™t have to have shared loot dude.


You are asking for something to be changed that is a major system. And Iā€™m just asking that it stay the same. And since you hate playing with people anyway, then we can both be happy. You can play offline and not deal with stuff, and I can play online without that major loot system change.

D3 already has personal loot why not just play that. It doesnā€™t make much sense wanting to play a game with features you donā€™t like

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Absolutely bring in instance loot, it makes people hang out in group games more, and not just for the XP and maybe gain a level or 2 as is now the case for multplayer games.

To just say play solo for loot is baffling as any one who contributes in a game should be rewarded with more than just gaining XP.

Multiplayer games should be encouraged and not just for groups who have been pre-organised/ friends that are willing to share loot.

Every public game Iā€™ve ever been in no one shares loot, and it encourages bot and auto pickup cheats and solo play.

I donā€™t trade and I drop what i donā€™t want/need, so for me thereā€™s no such thing as an economy for game items and I have no idea why people think an economy is so important in D2 for me its the loot hunt.

Only items i have ever traded for is a torch because i cant be bothered doing uber tristram.


Well, Diablo 2 - Ressurected should be the same as the old Diablo 2 but with better graphics, so PLEASE do not change how drops works. It should of course not be personal loot since that was not the case in Diablo 2.

PLEASE don not change it.


Sounds like maybe you are the problem considering trade is the most social activity diablo 2 offers

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They are just so triggered by the prospect of not picking up that precious piece of free loot fast enough when they leech Baal runs. Itā€™s really all it is.

Iā€™ll expand on this to illustrate my point.

With Personal Loot, noobl33t165 joins game ā€œbaalzballz6736ā€. He/she gets the TP to the throne room. Sits in the corner and tryā€™s really hard not to get hit by any straggler monster attacks during the minion fights. Once open, they all portal into Baals chamber, hide behind the pillars and do nothing, while one or two players actually do all of the work killing Baal. Then during the drop they donā€™t even have to make an attempt to be close enough to take any damage because they will get the loot for free anyway. They then exit and join ā€œbaalzballz6737ā€ and repeat the process.

In the shared loot scenario, the player actually has to at least get close enough to some sort of danger so he/she has a chance to actually get some loot. That is the difference. Play the freaking game to get the loot.

Itā€™s too easy to leech games in Diablo 2 by just following behind enough to not do any actual work. With personal loot, it makes it so much easier to sit back and do nothing while the people actually fighting who are close to the action, do all the work with very little reward, since that reward is now being distributed across all of the leeches. That is a bad thing.