D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

false… bosses dont drop 8 items. so if you want all to get a reward, then they also need to up drop rate.

Or…accept the fact that sometimes you don’t get loot?

You’re playing an endless slot machine. Have you ever used a slot machine?

You don’t always hit the jackpot :wink:


Well, nobody really want the grind. But they want the gameplay experience that comes with the grind; as in seeing your character slowly grow in power. Having to fight enemies at less than max power and with mediocre gear.
If not, the game could simply give players all the best gear instantly when we logged into the game. Which I bet at least a majority of players would consider to make the game worse.
Grind is needed for growth to be a thing. And needed to make it enjoyable to see a rare item drop.
In D3, the crazy droprates ruin all that.

Excessive grind on the other hand is bad. Whatever excessive means in context.

iam not for ploot. so you talk to the wrong person here. and up the drop rate , wil just ruin the game

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I consider the D2 grind an excessive one.

That is the unresolvable dilemma of the genre.

I’ll take a arcade mode that enables me to customize builds and go duke it out with other players doing the same. I’d find it fun. Provided there was you know, variety in builds.

We’re in agreement there. Don’t touch the drop rates.

Duping destroyed the game why is that? Because it ups the drop rates.

Ugh… What you prefer at last?

So do I. It is not terrible, but it is a bit too much, especially for runes.
D2 is closer to having a good droprate than D3 though. Much much closer.

Clearly I prefer action games or rpg games but not necessarily aRPG games, as it seems.

Hoping blizzard can lead the way to coming up with something other than a reason to purchase stock in mouse switches. :stuck_out_tongue:

And this guys a Dinosaur and hasnt had a hit game since LoD so pretty glad any of his suggestions are listened to. He was a Blizzard Employee nothing more

Give in and trade for those 1 in a million runes.

You might just find that, people don’t want to trade them to you, as you don’t have a relevant trade !

shots fired

Better yet, remove trading and increase the droprates to compensate.

Trading is exactly that instant gratification which hurts the gameplay. Like D3 droprates.

D2 with trading post wrecked economy from duping without rollbacks = the equivalent to D3 droprates.

We’re getting somewhere here…

Certainly, you can say that you disagree with his opinion; however, David Brevik was a smidgen more than a “Blizzard employee”. Quoting from Wikipedia:

Blizzard North was founded in 1993 under the name Condor by David Brevik, Erich Schaefer and Max Schaefer at the request of Brevik.[1] David Brevik served as the president of the company between 1993 and 2003, while the Schaefer brothers held the Vice President positions in the company. The company was purchased and renamed as Blizzard North by Blizzard Entertainment’s former owner Davidson & Associates about nine months before the release of their hit PC game Diablo in 1997.[2][3] However, Blizzard North had complete autonomy from Blizzard Entertainment while David Brevik and the Schaefer brothers continued to manage the company respectively as the President and Vice Presidents.[4] Diablo was highly successful, and its 2000 sequel Diablo II even more so. An expansion pack, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction , followed the year after.


A good drop rate and itemization for me is one that motivates you to play on single player a lot.

I’d prefer to see P2W servers in Diablo 4 than their current trading philosophy. Let the whales buy everything on day 1 from Blizzard if they want, and completely cut trading on the non-P2W servers.

Time being relative - that seems to be the difficult to reach middle ground. Impossible to reach middle ground?

And NONE of this Matters. Diablo 2 is not HIS game he had ZERO rights to it. It is OWNED by Blizzard. Hasnt really had anything MASSIVE successfull since LoD yet a bunch of people view him as some kind of gaming legend which he is not.
If he was such a drop the mic name . Then he would have up and running a AAA super successfull title wouldnt he and not mooching of the success of a 20 year old title that only fanboys really care about

Yes, time for playing is pretty big factor, especially in games with a lot of updates (like what we expect D4 to be).

A good droprate should be motivating for sure. Slow enough to make you feel the character grow over time, fast enough to make you feel that the next upgrade might be right around the corner.

I dont see why it should specifically motivate singleplayer. It should be equally good for singleplayer and multiplayer.

Making the gear hunt feel better in multiplayer is coincidentally the goal of personal loot.
