D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

people do this in the current diablo, get to hell mode, follow bots, pick up whatever they don’t loot, and now they have many characters in gg items b/c the bots ONLY pick up HRs and certain items: they sell everything else to the vendor so you just have to buy it. win. all this by doing nothing to help, just run around and leech exp and loot. this is what d2 2000 has devolved to, the majority of players who don’t buy off jsp do this for what, 20 years now. so yea, there will ALWAYS be leechers no matter the loot style so i don’t get why this is even an arguement.

are u nuts? 90% of the games are filled with pickit bots as of today. it’s been like this for a long time. i also have ran into quite a few real players who also use pickit. it’s really lame.

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It’s your fault if you only killed Diablo and skipped all those mobs before Diablo that resides at a lvl85 area.

also, why are the purists so dead set against PL since they consider it will change the game/wreck the economy. yet none of them are complaining about a shared stash which will also be a huge game changer. I mean, why would i bother trading/grinding to make more than one enigma when i can just toss it in the stash and share it with all my other characters. same with annis, maras, insert gg item here. in the current 2000 version. its a huge (and often risky) pita to swap items between characters so all my chars have their own gear: shared stash will change all that. one set of gear for all! so why arn’t people foaming at the mouth about this change too? i don’t get it.

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Ugh… The purists aren’t actually bothering them… If you get what I mean. And they make way more than “one” of pretty much everything, which is then converted to RL currency.

D2 is a joke game. My advice is to just avoid or play single player for fun.

should ther be a personal loot option in multiplayer?
words of MRLLAMA. NO GO PLAY D3 jeasus christ :slight_smile:

The “personal loot” D2 should have, should not be the personal loot D3 got.

One could make this intellectually bankrupt argument of every feature that D2R is currently adding.

  • Want shared stash with tabs? Go play Diablo 3.
  • Want automatic gold pickup? Go play Diablo 3.
  • Want improved graphical fidelity? Go pay Diablo 3.

Yes I’m aware that last one is the entire point of making D2R. It’s been included to highlight how idiotic this argument is.


No, DON’T change it.
Just make it an option to join rooms only with personal loot.
This way players can choose what they want.

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Why should the Personal Loot enthusiasts get special treatment? I don’t recall being given the option in D3 of creating shared loot games.

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Yeah, that would be a problem, but… why the heck would you think personal loot would work that way? For the games that have it, it usually works by “Each player gets X number of items,” not “X number of items drop, distributed amongst the players.”

so you will also up the drop rate. why does it have to be so easy?

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That’s what’s been asked for since the beginning is the same drops and random distribution to remove the cheating and disadvantages of a slow/laggy connection, slower reflexes, and melee vs ranged positioning. No one has asked for 8x the loot or guaranteed drops for everyone. Thise are strawmen presented by bad faith pro FFA posters.

We all know D2 doesn’t always drop enough for an entire party of 8, so nothing changes in this regard. You can just lose out to random chance instead of what I listed above.


Why are you being obtuse?

iam not? i say x amout of loot drop and thats how it work.

Why does what have to be so easy?

to get the loot obv.

Then you’re infringing on core gameplay mechanics, hence why they’re not going to touch the loot status quo in the remaster.

Drop rates, believe it or not, is an integral part of what made D2 itemization what it is.

The idea of a QoL change all of a sudden requiring tampering with the games initial code (drop rates increase/decrease) is a clear violation of what they’re intended with this remaster.

How’s the transition to the ‘modern’ b-net going to work? Will a person still be able to create unlimited characters for mule space?


You’re arguing that you should have a chance to get nothing for killing bosses? I guess that’s one way to extend the grind, but continually giving nothing for time invested is one of the quickest ways to turn people away from an RPG.

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iam not pro more loot. iam pro ffa fyi

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Sure, so am I. But I’d sooner play by myself than try to compete with cheaters.
