D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

You must not have clicked through and/or carefully inspected screenshots 6-8. Pay close attention to #6.

Itā€™s not really a big if when itā€™s possible to design it as an option that doesnā€™t have to change how loot actually drops.

I know enough about software engineering to know that anybody claiming how easy/hard a feature would be without actually having inside knowledge of the source code themselves know nothing about software engineering.

I know that youā€™re just making stuff up right now because you have no real arguments against it, so youā€™re fearmongering and claiming itā€™s going to be ā€œtoo hardā€ to do.

If itā€™s something that canā€™t be done or would take too much time and Blizzard wants to tell us about that, I promise I will take them at their word.

but Iā€™m not buying it from some rando on the internet talking out of their backside.

Iā€™ve made many many arguments against it over the course of a month. You should check your ego at the door son.

but we should buy you story? i hope you can hear thats sounds stupid :slight_smile:

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OK but you keep telling me because you have credibility all of a sudden? Sit down and quit trolling.

If your fallback argument is going to be ā€œBut up to half the time what I said might not happenā€, then your argument wasnā€™t as ironclad as you think it was.

Iā€™m not selling a story about how hard or easy it would be to implement this.

Again, if Blizzard wants to come here and tell us Iā€™ll listen to them. The people who actually know what the code is like.

Any other comments about how easy or hard it would be to add this feature is just talking out of your backside.

Thereā€™s only one argument against personal loot and itā€™s that itā€™s hidden. Itā€™s a big argument though.

Hidden personal loot would always be the worse case than ffa loot in D2 v1.14 and below. Personal loot that is shown to everyone however is fine - thatā€™s the way to go.

I bet rhat almost all personal loot fans would be ok with a timed loot option as in PoE.

Um, because I still want the chance to get loot in multiplayer if Iā€™m playing a ranged class and/or donā€™t feel like spam clicking the ground when stuff dies?

Because otherwise grouping becomes a competition instead of a cooperative venture. Further, people would contribute less to actually killing things because theyā€™re busy trying to be the first to grab drops.

Then we kick you.

You must be against trading as well, right? I mean, I donā€™t even have to be in the same game for a buddy to get items and then come give them to me.

Thatā€™s mostly because D3 isnā€™t balanced in terms of what classes are capable of. If you didnā€™t know better, youā€™d think every single Wizard was a leecher. They arenā€™t, itā€™s just that Wizards lack the tools to keep up with the other classes in farm mode.

Wizards Sorceresses are the best MFerā€™s in the gameā€¦ :roll_eyes:

ther is alot of loot you can get. ther just a fight to who is getting the best loot.

you cant kick players in d2. and trading i love it. and its no wher the same.

i got 15-20k hours in d2. not d3.

and all classes in d3 can farm. easy up to 100s-110s in a fast pace . so i dont know what u talking about

He doesnā€™t even know what game heā€™s playing :rofl:

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Timed or personal, it should never be hidden.

i totally agree with original Post. Personal Loot is a MUST


Being honest, I prefer a system where equal skill and paying attention is needed to what drops and position yourself better than a system telling me: ā€œnope you dont get this, even if you did 95-99% of the damage bad luck mate, this guy gets itā€.
No leecher will place itself at danger near mobs anyways because they will most likely die because of bad gear anyways (and even lesser in Hardcore, you must be a total moron to do that).
Welcome to the wild west Diablo2 has always been, where PVP and loot competition exists.
This isnt family friendly Diablo 3.

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There is no MF in D3.

And since the best loot is rare, I donā€™t want a competition for it.

As long as weā€™re debating about what is or isnā€™t going to be in D2R, thereā€™s no reason you shouldnā€™t be able to kick players.

Thatā€™s obvious.

D3 is about speed running and Wizards canā€™t keep up, basically.

I know perfectly well which game Iā€™m playing. Itā€™s you and Bugles who canā€™t keep it straight. If I mention the Wizard class, Iā€™m obviously talking about D3 since there isnā€™t a Wizard in D2. Duh.

D2 is full of 3rd party selling sadly. Something D3 at least doesnā€™t have.

Having an option just seems like the best solution.

Both sides on this can cherry pick the worst case scenarios and talk about how they hate it when that happens.

I could talk about how back in the day on Diablo 2 I saw my share of people who would basically stop dealing damage and just stand right next to the boss waiting for it to die when it got low on HP.

Other people can talk about the idea of somebody just sitting in the corner taking up loot without dealing much or any damage.

Having the option means both sides can simply pick the loot style they prefer, and the mere existence of the option for personal loot doesnā€™t alter your gameplay when you opt not to use it.

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Wont argue that, if someone is at fault its blizzard for not taking responsibility for that and maybe even profiting with botters for buying new licenses after each ban wave.

Well, I am not the one supporting Blizzard on D2R.

You are those giving them credit for not taking measures against the cheaters.