D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

As opposed to you sitting next to the mob waiting for the drop so you can insta-click it? That’s so much more fair?

Besides if you were just sitting in a corner I’d stop playing with you.

Only griefers are going to do that. For everybody else, actually contributing to killing things means faster loot drops which means more loot.

It’d be dumb to not contribute.


Loot you don’t get to choose because the game decided what item you should get instead of grabbing the thing you want/need.

Look at each change individually. Does it keep the feel of D2. Does it improve the game. Can it be implemented without removing the ability to play the game as it was.

If there are a 100 changes where we can answer yes here, then sure, maybe those 100 changes could be added.

The great thing is that I said it should be an option, and it being an option doesn’t impact your gameplay if you decide to not use it.

So if you don’t like how it works, guess what you can not use?

Apparently ONLY your opinion matters? :thinking:

i have played this game 15-20k hours i know what most of the people doo in public games. they leach for gear, and thats the problem imo.

and yes its fair, ther is the same rules for all. first one to grab it gets it. that ther is people who uses pickit is a whole other problem.

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and you can get personal loot in solo games. easy fix.

Let me add to this too. Many times people grab what they want and it’s often different than what someone else wants unless it’s some super crazy item. In this new personal loot crap method, you don’t get to choose what you want to reach for, the game has decided for you. That doesn’t seem like fun to me.

I never said anything about opinions.

I said other people using this option wouldn’t impact your gameplay.

Complaining this shouldn’t be in the game because it doesn’t seem like fun to you makes as much sense as me saying Druids should be removed because I don’t find the class fun.

If you can not use the optional thing and it doesn’t impact your gameplay, the default answer should be “Don’t use the thing you don’t think is fun”.

Not “I don’t like it so other people can’t have it”.

Personal loot is also the same rules for everybody in the game.

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not fun at all… people just want it to be easy like d3

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ffa. the person whit the damage is often closest to the kill, therfor bigger chance to grab the loot… p loot you can do northing and get everything. not the same at all

Sure it would. It fundamentally changes the game. It also has the likely effect of having less multiplayer games to choose from because now we have segregated things by loot method. It’s a waste of development time and it might not even be possible without some major rework, because of how this version of the game already interacts with the original engine.

This seems so easy to understand.

Analogy time:
Popeyes introduced their chicken sandwich in 2019. You currently have the option to order fried chicken and/or a chicken sandwich. Adding an additional option does not remove an option. It appears that some erroneously might think that offering a chicken sandwich means that they took fried chicken off the menu.

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Bad analogy. That’s not even remotely the same thing.

Unlikely to be an issue. It doesn’t drastically change someone’s gameplay experience, if you have 4000 games or 8000 games to choose from.

In general, people always seem to fear the whole “separating the playerbase” thing too much.

It doesn’t though? It slightly changes how items are distributed. Sure, you have less ability to try to grab the item you wanted. But that ability was already very limited, and affected by the other players also trying to grab the same items. Going from a situation of very little control, to a situation of no control. If you chooses to do so.

Sure, if it takes 500 workhours to add this to D2R, maybe it should not be done. Seems unlikely though.

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For somebody with 15-20k hours in the game, I really hope I don’t have to explain the concept of ranged damage and builds that kite things around to you(which are disadvantaged on loot even if everybody is contributing).

Let’s not insult everybody’s intelligence by having me do that.

You’ll still be able to form groups with the loot rules that you want. If there is basically no games using it then it sounds like personal loot was something 99.999% of the playerbase wanted anyway.

Beyond that it doesn’t change the game if you opt to not use it.

If Blizzard wants to post that it’s too much of a technical hurdle to overcome I’ll listen to them, but I’m not going to reject an idea on it might be too hard to do.

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3 points:

  1. Blizzard already explicitly asked if the players were interested in personal loot instead of FFA at D2R launch
  2. Blizzard likely can estimate about how much development time is needed to incorporate personal loot into D2R
  3. They may have already put in the personal loot code

I certianly wouldn’t be asking the players if it was impossible or impractical. If I were Blizzard, I would be asking if I knew it was feasible to be done by D2R launch or if it was already completed.

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That’s another big IF. IF they add this feature, making it optional may not be an option because it does have such a big impact on how things work. Like it or not. I’m sorry you guys don’t understand how these things work, but it will take a lot of work to add a solo loot system to a game that never had it before. It’s not as easy as just dropping something in. Some things are easier than others. This isn’t one of those things.

The only thing I’ve seen was a survey that didn’t seem like they were going to make actual changes based on the answers but more probing for marketing purposes.

try to read… OFTEN= not all the time but most of the time… it can be 50.000001% or 99% of the time- you get the picture or els. here… many times on different occasions

Often. Often is an adverb meaning ‘many times on different occasions’. Like many other short adverbs, we use it in front position, in mid position (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb) or in end position

Does often mean always?

often = frequently = many times = a lot 'They often go fishing. … Use “always” if you want to tell about something that happens every time with no exception. “The Sun always shines”. “Often” describes something happens many times for short period of time.

but plz tell me about range damage!!! this has northing to do with ffa or ploot at all… good try though