D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Yeah. Hence having an option on game creation makes sense. Pick the distribution system you prefer.


Seems like a bad idea to have so many separated game modes with a dwindling player base, especially when most of the people freaking out to massively change a game, that they have often criticized to death previous, probably won’t even be playing it a month after purchase. After that new car smell wears off most of the Die hard D:3/D:I players will bail.

Only if they click first. Often, you can not even see the drops since they are picked up so fast. Also, you discount the inherent bias between melee and ranged characters, ninja looters, and cheaters.

Again make it optional at game creation. You play with the ninja looters while I don’t.

Poor Amazon.

When I see the current PC playerbase is split between the original game and mods, I wonder if you think D2R is going to be such a failure that it will be worse than the current situation and everyone needs to play the same.

The voice of reason (not about respecs costs in D4) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

After which the people who wanted shared loot can keep creating games with that rule, completely unaffected.

If this was some huge change, that would take hundreds of development hours, then sure, might not be worth it. But it is hard to imagine adding an automatic item roll, and some rule on who can pick up an item or not (which might already exists in D2 for quest items etc.), will take a ton of time to implement.

Difference is, whether you can respec actually changes the game. This does not.

The Vice of reason seems more fun than the voice of reason.

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As is the nature of vices… :thinking:

ther is already personal loot in d2. its called solo play… you welcome…

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Even if they were to switch completely to personal loot, you can still play FFA in solo games.

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it goes both ways… so we agree on they dont need to fix anything about the loot right?

I agree that we do not need to fix anything with FFA loot.* Blizzard justs need to add a separate personal loot option. Problem solved. You play your way and I play mine.

  • I would try to eliminate duping, botting, and cheating but that is irrespective of the loot system.

but personal loot is in the solo play, so you already got it. why need more? then everyone just want more and more

i agree on thet 100%

because I want personal loot in multiplayer. Are we really going to talk in circles? If so, in personal loot system, you have FFA when you play solo. :face_with_monocle:

Give both options. It is not my way or the highway. I wish that others could have a similar sensibility.


It isnt really “more”. Just different.
But hey, they can take “personal loot” away from solo, and add it to multiplayer, if we need to preserve the balance of the universe :wink:

why you want is so bad in group? i guess most people plays group most for exp anyway, and go farm solo when they got som lvls.

i play solo my self.

imo if they change to much then its not D2R remaster, but a new diablo game
keep it simple and doo small qol . or els they can keep putting stuff in and we will have the game in 2034

Seems like a good reason to try and make the multiplayer experience better.

I strongly agree with that. This just seems like an incredibly small, but good, change.

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People want it in groups because playing public games in Diablo 2 favoured people who didn’t contribute to killing mobs as much as they were just trying to snipe drops.

That is until we all started using pickit and then it just became whoever had the best connection.

They’ve already changed some things, and this falls under small QoL imo.

You can do personal loot without changing how drops are actually calculated in Diablo 2. Just do what PoE does and assign drops to players in a cycle(only counting players who are nearby when it drops, of course).

You can also make it an option on making a game, so people who want FFA loot can still use that.


perhaps its a small change. but what about the 100 other changes people want? then it only would be fair if we give other stuff right? when does it stop?

exatly, thats why i think its a bad ide to have ploot in group. i stand in a corner, and you kill all the mobs. 1 ber drops for me. sound fair.

This isn’t a binary thing where either we make every change or no change.

They stop at changes that they think are too drastic of a change that fall outside of the scope of small QoL changes.

If the dev team is actually dumb enough to think “Well we added personal loot, so we have do 100 other big changes out of fairness” then we have bigger problems than if personal loot is in the game or not.